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Presently, how many Indian States have a bicameral State legislature?
A. 12
B. 7
C. 18
D. 3

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
Total views: 411.6k
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Most states have one state Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) that is called the unicameral legislature. But some states have 2 houses - the Legislative assembly and the Legislative council that is called bicameral legislature.

Complete answer:
Only 7 Indian states have a bicameral state legislature. These are Karnataka, Bihar, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. They have both the legislative assembly and the legislative council.

Therefore the correct answer is B

In the legislative council, One third of its members are elected every two years. The state legislative council is as same as the rajya sabha in the parliament. To be an MLC ( member of legislative council) , one must be 30 years old or more than that. . The tenure of the MLCs is 6 years. One sixth members who have knowledge of literature, science, arts etc. are nominated by the Governor in legislative council.
The indian constitution has given very limited power to the Legislative Council. It has no role in the formation of government. It has no role in the passing of money bills.