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Smallest particle of an element or a compound which is capable of independent existence is called:

Last updated date: 09th Sep 2024
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Hint: Over the last 200 years, scientists all over the world have spent years of research and experimentation to understand the basic unit of all matter. There were various hypotheses made and various other experimental data that was able to identify matter in the smallest possible configuration.

Complete Step-by-Step Answer:
But before we answer the question, let us briefly discuss what each of the options actually mean.
1.Element: an element can be identified as chemicals that cannot be further broken down into simpler chemicals. Each element is unique and has certain unique characteristics. The number of elementary particles of an element remain constant no matter where the pure sample of the element is sourced from.
2.Compounds: compounds are chemicals that can be broken down into other simpler chemicals. The structures of compound are unique and the number of constituent chemicals used in making a compound, always remain in a constant ration, irrespective of where the pure sample of the compound is sourced from.
3.Molecule: molecules can be understood as the building blocks of compounds. These are the smallest physical structures that can truly exhibit all the properties of the compound that they are a part of. But as discussed before, compounds can be broken down into simpler substances, and hence molecules can also be broken down into simpler particles.
4.Atoms: atoms can be understood as the building blocks of molecules. Atoms are the simplest form of matter that can exhibit all the properties of the elements. There are no particles smaller than atoms that can showcase these properties.
Hence, Option A is the correct option

Note: Atoms can be further divided into smaller elementary particles known as protons, neutrons and electrons. But these particles by themselves cannot exhibit the properties of an element or a compound. So, they can be understood as the base material that all matter is made of.