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Some physical quantities are given in the List I and the related units are given in the List II. Match the correct pairs in the lists:

List IList II
(a) Magnetic field intensity(e) $A-m$
(b) Magnetic flux(f) $Wb\,{m}^{-2}$
(c) Magnetic pole strength(g) $Wb$
(d) Magnetic induction(h) $Am^{-1}$
(i) $Am^2$

The correct match is:
A. (a)-(h),(b)-(g),(c)-(e) and (d)-(f)
B. (a)-(e),(b)-(f),(c)-(g) and (d)-(i)
C. (a)-(h),(b)-(e),(c)-(i) and (d)-(f)
D. (a)-(f),(b)-(g),(c)-(e) and (d)-(h)

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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Hint:Looking at the definition for each of the quantities in List I, the formula can be derived for the same. With the formula, the units of each element can be used to finally determine the unit of the respective quantity from List II.

Complete answer:
(a) Magnetic field intensity, also called magnetic intensity or magnetic field strength, at any point is defined as the force experienced by the north pole at that point. It is a measure of how strong or weak any magnetic field is. It is denoted by H and it’s SI unit is Tesla (T). It is measured in amperes per meter. Thus, the match for (a) is (h).

(b) Magnetic flux is defined as the number of magnetic field lines passing through a given closed surface. It is calculated by dividing the sum of all magnetic fields by the area. It’s SI unit is Weber. Thus, the match for (b) is (g).

(c) Magnetic pole strength is defined as the strength of a magnetic pole to attract magnetic materials towards itself. It is measured in Ampere-meter. Thus, the match for (c) is (e).

(d) Magnetic induction is defined as the production of an electromotive force across an electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field. It is also called electromagnetic induction. It refers to the productive of voltage (or EMF) across an electrical conductor which is placed inside a varying magnetic field. It Is denoted by B and it’s SI unit of magnetic induction is Tesla (T). The derived unit is Weber per meter square. Thus, the match for (d) is (f).

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

Note:To answer such questions, you need knowledge of the definition of the terms mentioned and their formulas. With the formulas, you can derive the units that the quantity is measured in.