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Why is tank irrigation more popular in Peninsular India?

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Hint: An irrigation tank is referred to as an artificial form of reservoir where water is stored. It is an old tradition to store rainwater, water from lakes, streams were stored in tanks for later use of irrigation or drinking. They are mainly found in India.

Complete answer: A tank is built by constructing a small bund of earth or stones across the stream.Tank irrigation is found more popularly in rocky plateau areas of the country especially in the plateau region of Southern India. The states in which they are practised mainly are Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh has the largest number of tank irrigation. The reasons why tank irrigation is more popular in Peninsular India are:
1. It is difficult to dig canals on the undulating surface of the Peninsular India.
2.Groundwater does not percolate easily due to the hard rock structure.
3. The agricultural fields are scattered.
4.The rivers in Peninsular India are seasonal therefore water needs to be stored during the rainy season to be used when needed.
5. Since the Peninsular India is rocky, tanks are not required to be constructed. They are found naturally which saves the cost.
6.They have a longer life span.
7. These tanks can be used for fishing too.

Note: However tanks have their demerits too. The tanks may dry up during the dry season, lifting water from these tanks to the fields is a strenuous process. Silting of the tank beds also occurs.