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The hyphae of Rhizopus are
A)Unbranched, aseptate and uninucleate
B)Branched, septate and uninucleate
C)Unbranched, aseptate and multinucleate
D)Unbranched, septate and coenocytic

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
Total views: 410.1k
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Hint: Rhizopus is defined as a genus of multicellular fungi that are saprophytic in nature. They usually show growth on dead decaying organic matter and are found to parasitize animals too. They have a characteristic filamentous body that is made up of a long stolon, pigmented rhizoids, and unbranched sporangiophores (single or in clusters). Rhizopus stolonifer is a perfect and common bread mold.

Complete answer:
Ainsworth G. C. is famous for his classification of fungi. In 1973, he provided a natural system of classification based on morphology and reproductive biology of fungi. He constituted fungi and slime molds together in the kingdom Mycota. with common classification, he placed Rhizopus in the Class Zygomycetes. Zygomycetes is a class which includes molds and belongs to Eumycota or true fungi. The branching filament that is used to make the mycelium of the fungi is termed as hyphae

Now let us find solution from given options:
Unbranched, aseptate and uninucleate: Uninucleate kind of condition is only find in basidiomycetes rest all have branched
Branched, septate and uninucleate: In penicillium the mycelium is branched and septate and have simple septal pore the cell is uninucleated .
Unbranched, aseptate and multinucleate: The hyphae of zygomycetes and oomycetes have coenocytic fungi that is multinucleate and aseptate. Rhizopus belongs to zygomycetes.
Unbranched, septate and coenocytic: This type of mycelium is found within deuteromycetes. This is also called as Fungi imperfect.

Hence, the correct answer is option (C)

Note: Zygomycetes are a kind of terrestrial fungi which is almost saprophytic in nature. The hyphae of this class consist of the chitin and fungal cellulose. The mycelium is multinucleate and aseptate, and these are also found in oomycetes motile cells are absent in these kinds of classes.