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The only instance when the president of India exercised his power of veto related to the _____
A.Hindu Code Bill
B.PEPSU Appropriation Bill
C.Indian Post Office (Amendment Bill)
D.Dowry Prohibition Bill

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Hint:A Mail Disputes Settlement Tribunal (MDST) would arbitrate between the Central or State Government or an enrolled specialist organization or a neighborhood authority; between the MRDA and an enlisted specialist organization; between at least two specialist co-ops; and between a specialist co-op and a gathering of shoppers.

Complete answer:
The Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill 2000, looks to change the Indian Post Office Act, 1898.
Each specialist organization, other than the Department of Posts (DoP), must be enrolled.
The Bill characterizes the expression "letter" as any composed or printed correspondence including reports.

The focal government holds the select advantage of conveying letters weighing as much as 300 grams, however, permits private specialist co-ops to convey letters over this weight.
The Bill sets up a Universal Service Obligation Fund (USO Fund), to which private specialist organizations with at any rate Rs. 25 lakh yearly turnover would contribute 10% to their turnover.
The public authority would utilize the USO Fund to satisfy its commitment of offering reasonable postal support to each resident. The Bill builds up a power to direct all specialist co-ops.
It additionally sets up a Mail Disputes Settlement Tribunal to arbitrate on debates between an enlisted specialist organization and the public authority or a gathering of shoppers.
The Bill limits unfamiliar value in privately owned businesses in the postal area to 49 percent.
Be that as it may, there are organizations right now working which have a higher level of unfamiliar value.

The Bill characterizes the expression "letter" as any composed or printed correspondence including records yet avoids bundles and papers. It expresses that the DoP will have the selective advantage of gathering and conveying all letters under 300 grams. Letters over 300 grams can be conveyed by enlisted private organizations as well. The Bill builds up a Mail Regulatory and Development Authority (MRDA), which would make proposals on issues, for example, scratch-off of enlistment and advancement of rivalry. It would likewise direct plans of income sharing between enlisted specialist co-ops and the DoP, secure shopper interest, and guarantee consistency of general help commitment.
The three individuals from the MRDA would serve or resign government workers of Additional Secretary or Secretary Rank, with a residency of three years. A Postal Services Board would be set up to oversee the working of DoP.
Its forces and capacities would be depicted by the Central Government. The Hindu code bills were a few laws passed during the 1950s that expected to systematize and change Hindu individual law in India.
The Patiala and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU) was a province of India, joining eight august states somewhere in the range of 1948 and 1956. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, endowment incorporates property, products, or cash given by one or the other party to the marriage, by the guardians of one or the other party, or by any other individual regarding the marriage.

Hence, the correct answer is option (C).

Note:The DoP's imposing business model over the sub- 300 gram letter fragment would confine the selection of purchasers. The limitation applies even to the conveyance of records and for premium administrations, for example, expedited service, which is right now being given by private dispatch companies. The cost of adding to the USO Fund could bring about greater expense to the consumer. Also, the Bill doesn't absolve a specialist organization from adding to the Fund regardless of whether he is eager to offer support in provincial areas. Under this Bill, the buyer has no lawful response against insufficiency of administration by DoP. This is a change from the current framework under which the customer may move toward Consumer Courts.