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The teachings of Prophet Muhammad are recorded in the _____________.
A. Bible
B. Quran
C. Bhagvat Geeta
D. Torah

Last updated date: 15th Sep 2024
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Hint: Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca. He founded the religion of Islam. His teachings found in the holy book of Islam.

Complete answer: It was believed that Prophet Muhammad was the Messenger sent by Allah or god. He was chosen as a prophet because of his qualities of being a fair and wise man who helped people.
God or Allah sent various codes or system of laws for living and these teachings are recorded in the holy book of Islam, ‘Quran’. Five pillars of Islam are mentioned in the Quran which considered as mandatory to follow by the Muslims in their life.
These are:
(i) Shahadah (Profession of faith): The Shahadah means there is no other god except Allah (one god) and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God.
(ii) Salat (Prayer): Muslims have to pray five times in a day facing Mecca.
(iii) Sawm (Fasting): During the daylight hours of Ramadan, all healthy adults are required to abstain from food and drink.
(iv) Zakat (Charity or almsgiving): Muslim should donate a fixed portion of their income to community members in need.
(v) Hajj (Pilgrimage): Every Muslim whose health and finances permit must visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
Looking at the options given:
Option A. The Bible is the holy book of Christians. It is an incorrect option.
Option B. The Quran is the holy book in which the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are recorded. This is the correct answer.
Option C. The Bhagavad Gita is the holy book of Hindus. It is an incorrect option.
Option D. The Torah is the book in Islam believed by Muslim to be given by God to Musa. It is an incorrect option.
Therefore, the correct option is B.

Note: The Quran is regarded as the finest work in classical Arabic literature. It is divided into chapters which are subdivided into verses. Its main theme focuses on the important message that there is only one God or Allah.