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The whorl of carpels is
(A) Androecium
(B) Gynoecium
(C) Pistil
(D) Gynostegium

Last updated date: 08th Sep 2024
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Hint: In botany a whorl is an arrangement of leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, or carpels that emit from a single point and surround or wrap around the stem or stalk. There are four types of whorls:
1. calyx
2. corolla
3. androecium
4. gynoecium

Complete answer:
Option A- Androecium
The androecium is the third whorl of a flower whose individual unit is called the stamen. It is the male reproductive organ whorl. Stamens are the male reproductive structures collectively known as the androecium.

Option B- Gynoecium
The gynoecium is the innermost whorl of a flower which consists of one or more pistils and is all surrounded by the pollen producing reproductive organs, the stamens, which are collectively known as the gynoecium. The gynoecium is the whorl of the carpels, which are the female reproductive parts of the flowers.

Option C- Pistil
Pistil is ovule or seed bearing female organ of a flower. It is composed of a variable number of carpels. There is no production of egg cells and that's why no fertilisation occurs there.

Option D-Gynostegium
The gynostegium is a characteristic feature of members of the Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae). It is a very complex structure which is formed by fusion of the stamens, styles, and stigma. The gynostegium is commonly given a colourful and variety of shape appendages.

Thus the right option for this is Option B.

Note: > The whorl of carpel is the innermost whorl in the flower and is called gynoecium.
> It represents the female reproductive organ whorl in the flower.