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The word “palpably” (line 44698) most nearly means __________.

a) empirically
b) obviously
c) tentatively
d) markedly
e) ridiculously

Last updated date: 27th Sep 2024
Total views: 445.2k
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Hint: The word ‘palpably’ means ‘noticeable or clearly’. It is usually used as an adverb and is placed before a verb or an adjective.

Complete answer:

The word ‘palpably’ refers to something that is clear and very noticeable. It can be used in a sentence in the following way:

For example, in the sentence ‘These are palpably false claims’, the word refers to the claims being very clearly false.
Now, we know the usage and meaning of the word ‘palpably’. Let’s now look at the given options:

a) empirically - The word ‘empirically’ refers to ‘by means of observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic’. This has a very different meaning to the word ‘palpably’. So, this is an incorrect option.
b) obviously - The word ‘obviously’ refers to ‘in a way that is easily perceived or understood’. This is similar to the given word, but it is still not the exact meaning of the given word. So, this is an incorrect option.
c) tentatively - The word ‘tentatively’ refers to something that is ‘subject to further confirmation; not definitely’. This has the exact opposite meaning to the given word. So, this is an incorrect option.
d)markedly - The word ‘markedly’ refers to the following: ‘to an extent which is clearly noticeable’. This word has the exact meaning as the given word ‘palpable’. So, this is the correct option.
e) ridiculously - The word ‘ridiculously’ refers to ‘inviting mockery or derision’ or ‘absurdly’. This has a completely different meaning to the given word. So, this is an incorrect option.

Note: Compare the meanings of the given options to the given word in order to find the synonym and choose the option with the closest meaning to the given word. That will be the correct answer.