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Tunica albuginea is the covering around

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: Tunica albuginea is an envelope which is fibrous and extends the length of the corpora cavernosa penis which contains the erectile tissue and the Corpus spongiosum penis which contains the male urethra. It constitutes 5% of elastin and collagen.

Complete answer:
Tunica albuginea is the covering around the testis which is bilayered including an outer longitudinal layer and an inner circular layer. It involves the maintenance of an erection directly which is due to the buck's fascia. It helps in the erection of veins of the penis which prevents blood from living and sustains the erect state. The testis is two oval-shaped organs in the mail which contain a sack of skin known as the scrotum and the scrotum hangs outside the body in front of the pelvic region where the production of sperms takes place until they get mature enough for ejaculation. It produces the hormone known as testosterone which is responsible for fertility, sex drive and the development of muscle and bone mass.

Additional Information: Ovary: It is a ductless reproductive gland which produces the reproductive cells of females. Female has a pair of ovaries on the lower abdomen of each side which is held by a membrane beside the uterus. It produces the reproductive cells known as egg or ova. A follicle expenses an egg during ovulation under the stimulation of gonadotropic hormones. They are released by the pituitary gland, follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. Oestrogen and progesterone are the sex hormones which are secreted by the Corpus luteum or the rest of the follicles.
Kidney: Kidneys are bean-shaped organs which are present in the renal system and help the body to pass waste as urine. It helps in filtering blood before sending it back to the heart and maintains the overall fluid balance. It helps in filtering waste materials from food, toxic substances and medications. It consists of the nephrons which are the most important part of the kidney. They metabolize nutrients, blood and help to pass out waste products from filtered blood.
Heart: Heart is a muscular organ which serves as a pump to circulate the blood. It is a four-chambered double pump which is located at the centre of the circulatory system and is situated between the two lungs and slightly lifted to the left. The upper chamber is known as an atrium and the lower chamber is known as the ventricle. The heartbeat is caused by contractions and relaxation of the myocardium.
So, the correct answer is 'testis'.
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Note: Ovaries are controlled by the brain and it is hard to predict when the ovaries will have menopause. Smoking can affect menopause and trigger it to earlier. Human testis produces 200 million forms a day and the balls vary in size as one is bigger than the other.