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Vishakhadatta wrote _______.

Last updated date: 29th Sep 2024
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Hint: Vishakhadatta was one of the well known Sanskrit poets and playwright after Mahakavi Kalidas. He probably prospered in or after the 6th century.

Complete answer:
Vishakhadatta was an Indian sanskrit poet and playwright.
He wrote two very magnificent plays:
Mudrarakshasa:- Mudrarakshasa is his only sustaining play, although there exist fragments of another work attributed to him. He has focussed upon historical facts in the Mudrarakshasa, a play dealing with the time of the Maurya dynasty. The play describes the ascent of King Chandragupta Maurya to power in India. His father and grandfather characters as Maharaja Bhaskar Dutta and Maharaja Vateshwar Data also narrated in this book stimulate a point of interest. He narrated that he came from a princely family, precise to have been included in political administration at least at a local level.
Devichandraguptam:- Only the fragments of Devichandraguptam have sustained in form of quotations in the Natyadarpana of Ramachandra and Gunachandra, two literatures of king Bhoja: the Shringar Prakash and the Sarasvatikanthabharana. It is a play which demonstrates how King Ramagupta is cheated into signing an embarrassing treaty with a Saka king. Ramagupta is expected to send his wife Dhuradevi to the Saka ruler. Ramagupta’s younger sibling, Changragupta, the leading character of the story, takes upon himself to take revenge for this embarrassment. He kills Saka king and Ramagupta, takes responsibilities of the Gupta empire and also marries Dhruvadevi.

The correct answers are Mudrarakshasa and the Devichandraguptam.

Note: Vishakhadatta was a little different from other dramatists. His simple passages have a deep impact on readers as compared to both Kalidasa and Banabhatta in philosophical learning. He wrote two impressive plays in Sanskrit language with beautiful words. The plays are so splendid that still we adore the themes of these books.