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What is Jhum cultivation?

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Hint: This agriculture system is being practiced by the tribals.

Complete answer:
Jhum cultivation is a traditional farming method where first the land of trees and other vegetation is cleared, burned and then cultivated for a limited number of years. Potash, present in the burnt soil, increases the nutrient content. Jhum cultivation is also known as shifting cultivation and slash and burn cultivation. It is one of the oldest systems of cultivation.
This cultivation is still being practiced in the North-Eastern hilly regions of India. It is also being practiced in the other hilly regions of India and Bangladesh.
In the process of this cultivation, at first the natural vegetation on the land is cleared by cutting trees, shrubs and bushes. During May and June, the existing vegetation is cleared by burning. Then grains are shown before the monsoon arrives. Thus cultivating a patch of land for a few years, they move to a new patch of land and the cycle continues. Once the place is left after harvesting, it remains unattended for 10-20 years to have its vegetation back. It is believed that the soil fertility is restored during this fallow period.
There are many advantages and disadvantages of Jhum cultivation.
The advantages are:
- The soil gains back its all nutrients which have been lost during the cultivation.
- The natural vegetation grows back due to the recycling process. It is essential for the soil.
- Today’s world needs sustainable development and this method is very sustainable.
- The ashes formed from the burnt vegetation act as natural fertilizer.
The disadvantages are:
- If farmers use a particular area for cultivation the surrounding may be deforested.
- The soil may lose fertility if the cultivation is practiced repeatedly on the same land.
- The air is being polluted by burning the forests.

Note: Though the fallow period of the land for Jhum cultivation is 10-20 years, in recent times it is reduced to 2-5 years for increased population in many areas.