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what is the abatement of pollution?

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Hint:Pollution abatements are the steps or the technology applied in order to reduce pollution and its hazardous impacts on the environment. The measure can be technological, regulatory, or behavioral.

Complete answer:Pollution abatement refers to the measures taken to deduce, stop and eliminate pollution from the environment. It can be technological like using catalytic converters in vehicles to reduce air pollution. It can be regulatory like abiding by the laws formed for the protection of the environment. Like there are laws that regulate the amount of disposal of solid waste. The measures can be behavioral as well. It includes reducing electricity consumption or controlling greenhouse gases emission.
Let see the various abatement for different kinds of pollution-
The abatement strategies to control acid rain, smog or the greenhouse gas emission that results from fossil-fuel combustion include smokestack scrubbers, using coal-fired power plants as it will help to reduce sulfur and nitrogen concentration, and placing caps on greenhouse gases emission.
Land pollution is caused due to landfills or chemical waste from factories, excessive use of fertilizers, and so on. The abatement measures are to eliminate lead from the fuels, proper underground system for landfill disposal, and alternative agricultural practices to reduce pesticide usage.
Water pollution can be controlled by proper treatment of sewage water, teaching the local residents about the dangers of polluting streams, rivers, and lakes, installing wet ponds in areas with impervious surfaces. Following the abatement measures can help us achieve a greener environment.

Additional Information:
A carbon molecule emitted from CFCs can destroy 3 ozone molecules which have led to such devastating depletion in the ozone layer.

Note:The common ways which can reduce pollution to a greater extends includes the use of solar and wind energy, carpooling, preferring public transport, and following the 3Rs ( Reduce, reuse, recycle)