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What is threshing?

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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Hint: Threshing is the process of separating the grain part from the plant mechanically or it is also the process of loosening the edible part of the grain from the straw, to which it is attached, and it is one of the steps in grain preparation which is done after reaping, this process does not remove the bran from grain.

Complete answer: Threshing is the process done after harvesting and before the winnowing.
Threshing can be done by beating the grain using a grain filial on the threshing floor.
In the previous days, threshing can be done with the help of donkeys, which are made to walk in circles on the grain on the hard surface.
The same technique is used in modern days where the grains are spread on the road so that grains are threshold by the wheels of passing vehicles.
Hand threshing generally takes a lot of time if one can take a kg of wheat, it almost takes one hr to fresh it, so that most of the agriculture labor is devoted to do it.
Apart from the traditional techniques which were used previously, in the year 1786, the threshing machine was invented by Andrew Meikle.
Now in most of the developed areas, this process of threshing is made by machines.
Nowadays the new generation of machines can do the combined works, which harvest, and do threshing and winnow the grain, these all can be still the crop is In the field.

Note: Threshing was carried out in an isolated plot of land called the threshing floor, where some of the threshing floors were flattened, while some are circular, and they are generally used in small scale farming.