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Which among the following tropism does the given diagram indicate?

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A. Chemotropism
B. Hydrotropism
C. Geotropism
D. Phototropism

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint:-The biological phenomenon which involves the indication of growth or movement of plants according to the environmental factors is called tropism. The process of tropism follows some sequential steps. At first, the environmental factor induces the plant. Then the transduction of the given stimuli occurs. Lastly the plant response according to the stimuli.

Complete answer:
Tropism is mainly 7 types. These are phototropism, chemotropism, geotropism, hydrotropism, thermotropism, thermotropism, electrotropism.
Chemotropism: chemotropism involves the growth according to the influence of chemical stimulation of an organism is called chemotropism. It is noticed in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Fertilization of plants by pollen in the Angiosperm is an example of chemotropism.
Hydrotropism: The tropism which shows the movement of the body parts of an organism towards the water is known as hydrotropism. In the given diagram it is visible that the plant root is moving towards the water body which is the indication of hydrotropism. So the given picture indicates the hydrotropism of the plant root.
Geotropism: When gravitational force induces the growth of an organism is called geotropism. An example of geotropism is found in the plant root and shoots. Plant root shows positive geotropism as it grows towards gravity and plant shoots show negative geotropism because it moves opposite to the gravitational force.
Phototropism: when the movement of an organism depends on the light source is called phototropism. It is found in both fungi and plants.

So the correct option is B. Hydrotropism.

Note:- In the given picture it is visible that the plant root is moving towards the stored water which is known as positive hydrotropism. The plant shoots are not moving towards the plant this is called negative hydrotropism. Hydrotropism helps the plant to obtain water from the soil.