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Which of the following parts of the ear contains the ear canal?
(a)Inner ear
(b)Middle ear
(d)Outer ear

Last updated date: 14th Sep 2024
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Hint: The part of the ear that contains the ear canal or external auditory meatus also consists of the pinna. The pinna is responsible for collecting the vibrations in the air which produce sound, amplify them and funnel them down the ear canal.

Complete answer:
The part of the ear that contains the ear canal is the outer ear. It also consists of the visible part of the ear made up of skin and cartilage known as the pinna. The ear canal leads inwards towards the middle ear and extends up to the tympanic membrane also known as the eardrum. The presence of very fine hairs and was-secreting glands is seen in the skin that makes up the pinna and ear canal. The tympanic membrane is made up of connective tissues that are covered by the skin on the outside and by mucus on the inside.

Additional Information: Let us look at the structure of the ear in detail. It is divided into the following parts:
Outer ear: The outer ear consists of the pinna and the external auditory meatus commonly known as the ear canal.
Middle ear: The middle ear consists of the part that is in between the tympanic membrane and the inner ear. It consists of the ear ossicles and the Eustachian tube. The ear ossicles are 3 in number and are known as Malleus (hammer), Incus (anvil), and Stapes (stirrup). These bones are responsible for amplifying the sound waves. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the pharynx to equalize the air pressure in the ears.
Inner ear: The inner ear is enclosed by the temporal bone and consists of the vestibule (central inner ear cavity), cochlea (the organ of hearing), and semicircular canals (balance system). The organ of Corti present inside the cochlea converts the mechanical energy of the sound waves into electrical impulses and thus is responsible for our hearing.
So, the correct option is ‘Outer ear’.

 -The base of the stapes bone is located in a depression known as the oval window.
-The oval window along with the round window separates the middle ear from the inner ear.
-The semicircular canals are placed perpendicular to each other.
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