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FAQs on Consumer Rights Class 10 Notes: CBSE Economics Chapter 5
1. According to Consumer Rights Class 10 Notes “Rules and regulations are required for the protection of consumers in the marketplace”. - Justify the statement.
Proper rules and regulations are needed to protect the consumer in the marketplace because:
A lot of time dealers indulge themselves and others within unfair practices and trades like under-measurement, underweight, hoarding, etc.
Half of the customers are not aware of the rights that they have and as a result, are deceived by suppliers.
Sellers have a habit of making fake promises to the consumers about the quality and durability of the products through jingles and catchy advertisements.
These points should be properly highlighted in a project on consumer rights for Class 10 - CBSE syllabus.
2. what precaution should a consumer take while purchasing medicines from the market explained in Class 10th Economics Consumer Rights Notes?
Fraud cases or scope of being deceived is a lot reduced if the consumers take the following precaution while purchasing medicines from a store:
Should not forget to check the expiry date of the particular medicine while he or she is purchasing a medicine.
Should check all the details that are given in the packet which includes direction to use, risks and side effects.
Should not forget to ask for bills or cash memos of the medicine purchased.
3. What are Consumer Rights according to Chapter 5- Consumer Rights of Class 10 Economics?
Consumer Rights is not just a chapter from the course but it plays a key role in our daily lives. We buy and sell products everyday and hence, we should be aware of our rights as the consumer. There are eight consumer rights that are highlighted in Class 10th notes. These are as follows:
Right to Safety
Right to be Informed
Right to Choose
Right to be heard
Right to Satisfaction of Basic Needs
Right to Redress
Right to Consumer Education
Right to a Healthy Environment
4. What is the role of a consumer in Consumer Rights Class 10?
At the end of the market transaction, there is just one person: the consumer. Consumers are not permitted to resale the product, commodities, or services. They can only buy them for personal use. Every buyer or seller is a consumer even if it is not for their own products. We purchase items for consumption or for passing it to another person who consumes it. The person at the end of the cycle who takes the leisure of enjoying the product is the consumer.
5. Explain consumer’s right to choose according to Chapter 5- Consumer Rights of Class 10 Economics.
Consumers have the right to choose, which means they can select whichever goods, products, or services they think appropriate without regard for any external factors. For example, a consumer may go to buy a set of spoons, but the buyer can not force the consumer to buy forks as well. If this occurs, the consumer can purchase the same goods or service from another retailer. No seller can hold the consumer responsible for choosing one item over another.
6. How can a consumer attain justice according to Chapter 5- Consumer Rights of Class 10 Economics?
When consumers believe their rights have been violated, they have the right to seek redressal. Under COPRA, that is, Consumer Protection Act 1986, three quasi-judicial entities have been established where consumers can present their case in order to obtain justice. District, State, and National are the three judicial levels. This is also called Consumer Fora. In case of unsatisfactory judgement from a lower level court, the parties can appeal at a higher level court.
7. Why do the consumers need rights according to Chapter 5- Consumer Rights of Class 10 Economics?
Consumers are dispersed throughout the country and have no means of communication amongst each other about the exploitation they endure at the hands of sellers. Strong purchasers frequently take advantage of this and attempt to exploit consumers through unfair ways. The internet has boosted awareness among the consumers but in case of any unfair trade at the hands of sellers or middlemen, consumers need rights and rules to be able to seek justice. Due to the above reason, consumers need the right to protect their interests.
8. What should be included on a product's packaging in Consumer Rights Class 10 Notes?
Product packaging should include information such as ingredients, price, batch number, date of manufacture, expiry date, and the manufacturer's address.
9. What is the RTI Act, and how does it relate to consumer rights?
The RTI (Right to Information) Act allows citizens to access information about government functions and services. It ensures transparency and accountability, which supports consumers' rights to know about services they receive.