Class 11 Excretory Products and Their Elimination Notes - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on Class 11 Excretory Products and Their Elimination Notes: CBSE Biology Chapter 16
1. What is the Glomerular Filtration Rate?
Glomerular Filtration Rate, or GFR, is the amount of filtrate formed by the kidneys per minute.
2. Explain the role of the liver and lungs in the process of excretion.
Liver: The liver is the largest gland of our body and secretes substances such as bilirubin, biliverdin, cholesterol, vitamins, and drugs, which are excreted along with digestive wastes.
Lungs: Lungs help in the excretion of gaseous waste material, which CO2 from our body in very significant amounts.
3. How does the excretion of uric acid take place in birds and reptiles?
In birds and reptiles, the excretion of uric acid takes place in the following process. Firstly, mostly in the liver, uric acid is formed and then transported through the blood to the kidney. It is separated by renal tubules and stored temporarily in cloacae. Cloacal walls absorb water, which only requires a minimum amount of water for excretion. In birds, urine along with faeces is eliminated in a paste-like form. Read detailed solutions from Vedantu for Class 11 Chapter 16.
4. Differentiate between ureotelism and uricotelism.
Ureotelism is the process of elimination of the main urea. For excretion, moderate water is required. Less energy expenditure is required for the synthesis of urea. The process of elimination of mainly uric acid is known as uricotelism. For excretion, less water is required. More energy expenditure is required for the synthesis of urea.
5. Mammals are ureotelic, but birds are uricotelic. Explain?
Mammals are ureotelic animals because they eliminate nitrogen which is mainly urea. In water, it is very much soluble and for elimination, it requires a considerable amount of water. So, mammals can also form hypertonic urine, which they excrete while the birds cannot excrete urine as they are hypertonic since nitrogen occurs mainly in the form of uric acid. In water, the uric acid is insoluble and for its elimination, it does not require much water. Read detailed solutions from Vedantu for Class 11 Chapter 16.
5. Explain why skin functions as an accessory excretory organ.
In many animals, the skin retains some excretory role. There are two glands that human skin possesses for secreting fluid on its surface. They are sebum from sebaceous glands and sweat from sweat glands. To study more about the chapter students can download the NCERT Notes for Class 11 Biology Chapter 16 FREE of cost from the vedantu website (
7. What is excretion?
The process in which metabolic wastes from the animal body is eliminated is known as excretion. It is to regulate the composition of body fluids and tissues. Waste products include ammonia, urea, uric acid, carbon dioxide, etc. To learn more about it, students can download the vedantu website.
7. Why is the excretory system important?
The excretory system is vital for removing waste products from the body, maintaining internal balance (homeostasis), and regulating water and electrolyte levels.
8. Do Excretory Products And Their Elimination Notes Provide Practice Questions?
Class 11 Excretory Products And Their Elimination Notes may include sample questions and important points to focus on for better exam preparation.
9. Can I use Excretory Products And Their Elimination Class 11 Notes for quick revision before exams?
Class 11 Biology Chapter 16 Notes PDFs are designed to be concise and easy to review, making them perfect for last-minute revisions.
10. How detailed are the explanations in Vedantu’s Excretory Products And Their Elimination Class 11 NCERT Notes PDF?
The explanations are simplified and easy to understand, focusing on breaking down complex processes into manageable parts.