Class 3 Chapter 19 Our Friends Animals Revision Notes: Study Material for Fast and Better Preparation
FAQs on CBSE Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 Our Friends Animals (Free PDF Download)
1. Why do we take care of animals around us?
Ans. The type of animals mentioned in this chapter is domesticated. Cats, dogs, cows, donkeys, etc are domesticated. On the other hand, sparrows are not domesticated but they prefer living around us. We should take care of all these animals as they are part of our nature.
2. Who took care of Bholu?
Ans. Meenu took care of Bholu as she was hurt. She mended the wound and took care of her cow properly.
3. Why does Chandu take care of his donkey?
Ans. Chandu is a washerman. His donkey carries the load of dirty and freshly washed clothes. The donkey helps him to carry the load, collect, and distribute washed clothes to the respective addresses. Hence, he takes care of his donkey.
4. Why do you feed animals?
Ans. Animals need food to survive. Therefore, we feed them.
5. Why do we keep donkeys?
Ans. We keep donkeys because they are useful in many ways. They carry the load, plough the field and also pull the cart.