Kakku Revision Notes for Easy and Fast Preparation
FAQs on Kakku Class 3 Notes CBSE Hindi Chapter 1 [Free PDF Download]
1. Why do children call a Kakku bird ‘sakku’?
As per the description given in the poem, a cuckoo bird cries all day. It is its nature to sing and call. Children think that the bird is always crying. It is their imagination that the poet has depicted in this poem.
2. Why does the cuckoo bird get annoyed?
The bird gets easily annoyed when a child mocks its singing tone. The bird thinks that the children are mocking him and it gets irritated. This is why the children also call this bird the name ‘Bhakku’.
3. Why do we have nicknames?
Nicknames are given to us by observing our activities and nature. A nickname is also given based on love by our parents, neighbours, friends, and well-wishers. We can realize how the kids have nicknamed the cuckoo bird.