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Saying Without Speaking Class 3 Notes CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 (Free PDF Download)


Saying Without Speaking Revision Notes and Worksheets: Make Studying Easier to Score Well

Class 3 EVS has an excellent chapter that teaches us about non-verbal communication. Chapter 7 Saying Without Speaking focuses on how people can communicate without uttering words but by using various actions. It tells us how people with hearing and speech impediments can use sign language to communicate with others. To understand the context of this chapter, download and refer to the Saying Without Speaking revision notes.

These notes have been prepared to explain the prime objective of this chapter. Class 3 students will learn how people with certain disabilities can communicate without any hassle using signs and actions. In fact, there are certain schools that teach sign languages.

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Access Class 3 Environmental Science Chapter 7: Saying without Speaking Notes

Summary of Saying without Speaking

  • This chapter teaches us to say anything without speaking.

  • The eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin are our five sensory organs.

  • Eyes help us see things.

  • Ears help in hearing.

  • Tongue helps us to taste and speak.

  • Nose helps in smell.

  • Skin helps in feeling touch.

  • It is important to have all sense organs.

  • But some people lack some of them.

  • Those who cannot see are called blind.

  • Deaf people are those who are unable to hear.

  • Those that are unable to speak are referred to be dumb.

  • So, for such people, there are some facial expressions and techniques so that they can understand us.

Sign Language

Sign Language

Dumb Charades

  • In this chapter, a game is played called dumb charades.

  • In this game, everyone has to make others understand what they want to say without speaking.

  • Divide yourselves into groups of seven.

  • Your teacher will distribute a sheet of paper to each group with a situation written.

  • Each group will read what is written on it and prepare a silent act.

  • Remember that you cannot speak.

  • You can express yourself through your face and actions.

  • When all groups are ready with their acts, they must perform in front of the other groups one by one.

  • The other will have to guess what is being performed.

Learning from the Game and “I have a sister, my sister cannot hear”    

  • The majority of us can hear and talk.

  • But some people cannot hear or speak.

  • These people talk through actions.

  • They understand what the other people are saying by studying their lip movements.

  • All of us cannot do everything nicely.

  • Some of us sing well, others write good stories.

  • Some people can quickly climb trees, while others are quick runners.

  • Some people have good drawing skills, while others can sing in proper tune.

  • We all are different from each other in our ways.

  • So we can learn from one other.

  • All children who cannot hear and speak also go to school to read and write.

  • A girl is talking about her sister, who cannot hear but can do many good things.

  • But she can play the piano very nicely.

  • She cannot hear the tune, but she understands it.

  • Sign language is taught to them in schools.


Solved Examples:

Q1. Have you ever seen someone expressing themselves through actions?

Ans: Yes, people who are dumb talk through actions


Q2. When is it necessary for people to talk in this manner?

Ans: People who are unable to speak talk in this manner.


Q3. Look for children aged six to eight months in your neighbourhood. What are their ways of expressing themselves?

Ans: Face expressions and hand gestures are how they speak.


Q4. Have you ever done something wrong, and your mother understood it just by glancing at your face?

Ans: Yes, this has happened to me many times.


Q5. Did you find any problem while acting without speaking?

Ans: Yes, I found it hard to act without speaking.




Sense organ

An organ of the body that responds to something by sending a message to the brain.


The action of making thoughts or feelings.


The process of doing something.


An act of moving.


A continuous deep, resonant sound.


Jump or spring a long way to a great height with great force.


Falling suddenly.

Practice Questions:

Q1. Name some mudras which you can show.

Ans: Some mudras which I can show

  1. Flower bud 

  2. Flower

  3. Snake 

  4. Fish


Q2. What can deaf people not do?

Ans: Deaf people cannot hear.


Tips to Remember:

  • Meet some children who are deaf or blind.

  • Help and love these children.

  • Try to learn some sign languages.

  • Visit schools of deaf and dumb people.

  • Play some games with them.

  • Ask your teacher to arrange some activities with them.

Importance of CBSE Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Saying Without Speaking

Chapter 7 in the Class 3 EVS syllabus is a unique inclusion where students will learn how we can communicate without uttering a word. We often do to some extent but do not recognize it. For instance, we use facial expressions or hand actions to express something.

For instance, your facial expression is different when you are sad from when you are happy. You often nod your head to say yes or no to the people around you. Saying Without Speaking also explains how we can communicate using sign languages, expressions, and actions from a distance where hearing is not possible.

It is also used by people with hearing and speech disabilities to communicate with each other. There is a universal sign language taught to those people at special schools. In this chapter, you will also learn how our expressions can speak. Study and understand the Saying Without Speaking summary to realize the importance of sign languages.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Saying Without Speaking Class 3 EVS Worksheet and Revision Notes

  • The revision notes explain the importance of sign languages, actions, and expressions in simpler versions.

  • It guides you to solve the exercise questions. The notes also enable you to understand the objectives of Saying Without Speaking activities.

  • Answering fundamental questions and doing the activities will become a lot easier when you follow how the experts have compiled the solutions.

  • Proceed to solve the worksheets and refer to the solutions. You will gain confidence in answering unseen questions. Your preparation for the exams will become much better.

Download and Refer to the Saying Without Speaking Revision Notes

Get these free PDF worksheets and revision notes for this chapter. Learn how the experts have explained the concepts in an easier way. Focus on the solutions given in these notes and escalate your comprehension skills. Become better at solving fundamental questions asked from Saying Without Speaking Class 3 EVS and score well in the exams.

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The Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 notes, "Saying Without Speaking," available as a free PDF download, serve as a vital educational tool for both students and educators. These notes delve into the fascinating world of non-verbal communication in nature, fostering a deep connection with the environment. With clear explanations, captivating narratives, and interactive activities, they empower young learners to appreciate the intricate ways in which nature and animals communicate silently. These free PDF notes not only enhance ecological knowledge but also instill a sense of responsibility for environmental conservation. In essence, "Saying Without Speaking" Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science notes promote a holistic understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world, encouraging students to become stewards of the environment.

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FAQs on Saying Without Speaking Class 3 Notes CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 (Free PDF Download)

1. Are facial expressions important for communication?

Facial expressions are important for better commutation. You can convey your message better to another person using your expressions. Imagine a robot telling you something without using expressions. It will be hard to understand whether the robot is happy, sad, angry, or anything. The same happens when we do not use facial expressions.

2. How can you communicate with someone who is far away from you?

Using signs and expressions, you can communicate with a person standing far away from you. Your voice will not reach but your signs can be seen from a distance.

3. What is sign language?

A sing language comprises hand gestures developed to communicate. These gestures have different meanings and are made using fingers.

4. Are Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 notes interactive and engaging for students?

The level of interactivity can vary depending on the source of the PDF notes. Some notes may include interactive elements or activities, while others may provide a more conceptual overview. Review the content to see if it meets your specific learning needs.

5. How can parents use Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 notes to enhance their child's understanding of the chapter?

Parents can use these notes as a resource to assist their children in understanding the chapter's content, reinforcing the importance of environmental awareness and non-verbal communication in nature.

6. Are there any copyright restrictions on the use of Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 PDF notes?

The copyright status of these notes can vary. Always ensure that you use them for personal or educational purposes and respect copyright laws.

7. Can teachers integrate Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 notes into their classroom teaching?

Certainly, teachers can use these notes as a reference to plan lessons and ensure they cover the necessary topics in Chapter 7 of Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science effectively.

8. How can I confirm that Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science Chapter 7 notes align with the CBSE curriculum?

Cross-referencing these notes with the official CBSE curriculum for Class 3 Environmental Science is a good practice to ensure alignment with the topics and concepts taught in schools.

9. Where else can I find resources to teach or learn Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science effectively?

Explore textbooks, educational websites, online interactive learning platforms, and consult with fellow educators or parents for additional resources to enhance teaching or learning in Class 3 CBSE Environmental Science.