Shekhibaj Makkhi Revision Notes To Help You Study More Efficiently
FAQs on Shekhibaj Makkhi Class 3 Notes CBSE Hindi Chapter 2 [Free PDF Download]
1. How did the elephant avoid the fly?
The elephant was not interested to be hassled by the fly. He just accepted the fly’s arrogance and walked passed it after bowing down. He did not commit the mistake the lion did and injured himself.
2. What did the fox do to the fly?
The fox was watching everything and observed the arrogance of the fly. The annoying fly eventually approached and commanded him to bow down. The fox did what the elephant did but added another made-up story. He told the fly that the spider is talking wrong about him. The fly furiously went, fell in the web trap and died.
3. What do we learn from this chapter?
Pride and arrogance can destroy us. In fact, we need to be intelligent enough for avoiding arrogant and proud people like the elephant and fox.