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Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 5


Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak Notes - FREE PDF Download

In Vedantu’s revision notes for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak, students are introduced to a heartwarming story that highlights the value of friendship and the importance of generosity and understanding. The chapter revolves around a simple yet meaningful incident that teaches children how true friendship goes beyond material possessions. By providing a summary and analysis, Vedantu makes it easier for students to see the lessons and ideas in the Class 4 Hindi Notes. Students can download the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 Notes PDF, making it simple to study and review whenever they need with the updated CBSE Hindi Class 4 Syllabus.

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Access Revision Notes for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak

कहानी का सारांशः

  • इस कहानी में दो दोस्तों के बीच होने वाली बातों का रोचक चित्रण किया गया है ।

नसीरुद्दीन और जमाल 

  • कहानी के अनुसार एक बार नसीरुद्दीन अपने एक पुराने दोस्त जमाल साहब से मिलकर बहुत खुश हुआ। 

  • दोनों ने कुछ बातें की और मोहल्ले में घूमने निकल गए ।

  • जमाल साहब ने मोहल्ले मे जाने से मना कर दिया । वह अपनी इस मामूली सी पोशाक मे लोगों से नहीं मिलना चाहते थे ।

  • इसके बाद नसीरुद्दीन जमाल के लिए एक अचकन लेकर आए और उसे जमाल को पहनने को दिया ।जमाल ने उसे पहन लिया ।

  • इसके बाद दोनों मोहल्ले में घूमने के लिए निकले lसबसे पहले नसीरुद्दीन जमाल को अपने पड़ोसी के घर लेकर गए I

  • नसीरुद्दीन ने पड़ोसी को बताया कि जमाल ने जो अचकन पहनी है वह उसकी ही है l

  • यह सुनकर जमाल लज्जित हो गया lबाहर आकर जमाल के कहने पर नसीरुद्दीन ने उस से माफी मांगी l

  • अब नसीरुद्दीन अपने दोस्त को हुसैन साहब के पास ले गए l

  • वहां नसीरुद्दीन ने कहा कि यह सुंदर अचकन मेरे दोस्त की ही है l

  • जमाल फिर से नाराज हुए और नसीरुद्दीन से कहां कि वह उसकी पोशाक के बारे में कुछ भी ना कहे l

  • इसकी बात नसीरुद्दीन उन्हें अपने दूसरे पड़ोसी के पास लेकर गए ।

  • वहां नसीरुद्दीन ने कहा कि मेरे दोस्त की इस अचकन के बारे में मैं कुछ भी नहीं कहना चाहता हूं l

नैतिक शिक्षा:

इस कहानी से हमें यह शिक्षा मिलती है जब हम किसी की सहायता करते है तो उसके बारे में किसी को भी नहीं  बताना चाहिए।

शब्द - अर्थ:



वाक्य में प्रयोग



नरेश ने अपनी पोशाक पहन ली है |



दोनों मिलकर बहुत गपशप करने लगे ।

बन ठन कर

तैयार होकर

मेघा बनठन कर दिल्ली जा रही है ।  



आज तुमसे बहुत दिन बाद मुलाकात हुई है | 



सभी लोगों ने सैनिकों का गर्मजोशी के साथ स्वागत किया|



यह सवाल तो मामूली सा है ।


एक तरह का लंबा पहनावा

जमाल ने आज अचकन पहन रखी है ।

5 Important Topics of Class 4 Chapter 5 you shouldn’t Miss!

S. No 

Topic Name


Value of Friendship


Importance of Generosity


Understanding Others' Feelings


The Role of Simple Gestures


Moral Lesson

Importance of Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak Notes PDF

  • The notes PDF provides a concise and clear summary of the chapter, making it easier for students to grasp the key events and messages.

  • The notes help in revising important points and themes quickly, which is especially useful during exam preparation.

  • By breaking down the story into key topics and explanations, the notes PDF aids in a better understanding of the chapter’s moral lessons and underlying themes.

  • With the notes available in PDF format, students can easily access and review the material anytime, anywhere, making learning more flexible.

  • The notes are structured to focus on important aspects of the chapter, helping students prepare effectively for exams by covering all important points.

Tips for Learning the Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak

  • Start by reading the chapter attentively to understand the storyline and the key message about friendship and generosity.

  • Write a summary of the main events in the story. This will help you remember the important parts and make revision easier.

  • Talk about the chapter with your classmates or family members. Discussing the story helps reinforce the lessons and makes the learning process more interactive.

  • Focus on understanding the moral lesson of the chapter, which emphasises that true friendship is based on love and care, not material possessions.

  • Refer to the Dost Ki Poshak notes PDF for a clear summary and key points. These notes simplify the content and help you focus on the most important aspects of the chapter.


Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak from Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) beautifully illustrates the true essence of friendship. Through a simple yet impactful story, it teaches that real friendships are not based on material wealth or appearances but on kindness, generosity, and understanding. The chapter encourages students to value these qualities in their relationships. By studying this chapter, students learn important life lessons about the significance of empathy and selflessness in nurturing strong, lasting bonds.

Related Study Materials for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak


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Class 4 Hindi Dost Ki Poshak Important Questions


Class 4 Hindi Dost Ki Poshak NCRT Solution


CLass 4 Hindi Dost Ki Poshak Worksheet 

Access Chapterwise Links to CBSE Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Revision Notes - FREE PDF

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FAQs on Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 5

1. What is the main theme of Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5, Dost Ki Poshak?

The main theme of Dost Ki Poshak is the true essence of friendship, emphasising that real friendships are built on kindness, generosity, and understanding, rather than material possessions.

2. Where can I download the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 notes PDF?

You can download the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 notes PDF from Vedantu, which offers detailed summaries and key points to help with exam preparation.

3. How do the notes for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5 help in exam preparation?

The notes for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5, Dost Ki Poshak help in exam preparation by providing a clear summary of the chapter, key points, and practice questions, making it easier to revise and understand the content.

4. What are the key points covered in the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 notes?

The key points covered in the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 notes include the story’s focus on the value of true friendship, the importance of generosity, and the moral lesson that appearances don’t define relationships.

5. Why is it important to study Dost Ki Poshak in Class 4 Hindi?

Studying Dost Ki Poshak is important because it teaches valuable life lessons about the qualities that make a true friend, such as kindness, empathy, and selflessness, which are important for personal development.

6. Can I access the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 notes PDF for free?

Yes, you can access the Dost Ki Poshak Class 4 notes PDF for free on Vedantu’s website, which provides comprehensive study materials for students.

7. How can the Dost Ki Poshak notes PDF simplify learning?

The Dost Ki Poshak notes PDF simplifies learning by breaking down the chapter into easy-to-understand sections, summarising key events, and highlighting the moral lessons of the story.

8. What are some important questions from the Dost Ki Poshak chapter?

Important questions from the Dost Ki Poshak chapter often focus on the moral of the story, the qualities of true friendship, and the key events that demonstrate these themes. These can be found in the notes PDF.

9. How should I use the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5 notes for revision?

To use the Class 4 Hindi Chapter 5 notes for revision, read through the summaries and key points provided in the PDF, and practice answering the questions to reinforce your understanding.

10. What lessons can be learned from Chapter 5 Dost Ki Poshak?

Dost Ki Poshak teaches important lessons about the value of generosity, the importance of understanding others, and how true friendships are based on more than just material things.