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Gyaan-Praapti (ज्ञान-प्राप्ति) Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 3


Hindi Notes for Chapter 3 ज्ञान-प्राप्ति Class 8 Sanshipt Budhcharit - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 3, Gyaan-Praapti (ज्ञान की प्राप्ति), from Sanshipt Budhcharit in Class 8 Hindi, explores the momentous event when Siddhartha attains enlightenment and transforms into Gautam Buddha. In this chapter, students learn about Siddhartha’s dedication, as he leaves behind worldly pleasures, practices intense meditation, and finally finds answers about life’s sufferings under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya. This realization of the Four Noble Truths and the Middle Path forms the core of Buddha's teachings.

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This chapter is an important part of the CBSE Class 8 Hindi syllabus, as it introduces students to key values like compassion, self-control, and inner peace. The Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes for this chapter simplify Siddhartha’s journey and teachings, making it easier for students to understand the key themes. These notes highlight the essential points and offer a quick review, helping students prepare well for exams while connecting with Buddha’s message of wisdom and kindness.

Access Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 3: Gyaan-Praapti (ज्ञान-प्राप्ति) Notes


ज्ञान-प्राप्ति अध्याय में सिद्धार्थ की उस यात्रा का वर्णन है, जहाँ उन्होंने कठोर तपस्या और ध्यान के माध्यम से ज्ञान की प्राप्ति की। इस अध्याय में बताया गया है कि कैसे सिद्धार्थ ने संसारिक मोह-माया को त्यागकर एकांत में साधना की। अंततः बोधगया में पीपल के वृक्ष के नीचे बैठकर उन्हें आत्मज्ञान की प्राप्ति हुई और वे गौतम बुद्ध बने।

कहानी के संक्षिप्त विवरण

सिद्धार्थ ने राजसी सुख-सुविधाओं को छोड़कर सत्य की खोज में संन्यास का मार्ग अपनाया। उन्होंने कठिन तपस्या की, लेकिन यह महसूस किया कि केवल कठोर तपस्या से ज्ञान प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता। इसके बाद उन्होंने ध्यान का मार्ग अपनाया और बोधगया में पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे गहरी साधना की। उनकी साधना सफल हुई, और उन्होंने जीवन, दुख, और मुक्ति के रहस्यों को समझा, जिससे उन्हें ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हुई।

मुख्य विषय

  1. ज्ञान की खोज: सिद्धार्थ की ज्ञान की खोज उनके जीवन का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। यह खोज उन्हें गौतम बुद्ध बनने की ओर ले जाती है।

  2. ध्यान और तपस्या: यह अध्याय बताता है कि कैसे ध्यान और आत्म-निरीक्षण से सत्य को प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।

  3. दुखों का अंत: सिद्धार्थ का ज्ञान जीवन के दुखों का कारण और उनके अंत का मार्ग बताता है, जो उनके संदेश का आधार बनता है।

  4. मध्य-मार्ग: सिद्धार्थ ने अनुभव किया कि अतिवादी मार्ग, जैसे कठोर तपस्या या अति विलासिता, सही नहीं है। उन्होंने मध्य-मार्ग का उपदेश दिया।

पात्र चित्रण

  • सिद्धार्थ (गौतम बुद्ध): एक दृढ़ निश्चयी व्यक्ति, जो जीवन के सत्य को जानने के लिए अपना सब कुछ छोड़ देते हैं। वे अपने तप और ध्यान के माध्यम से ज्ञान प्राप्त करते हैं और अपने अनुभव से मानवता को शिक्षा देते हैं।

  • बोधि वृक्ष: वह पीपल का वृक्ष जहाँ सिद्धार्थ ने ज्ञान प्राप्त किया, जो एक प्रतीक बन गया है उनके आत्मज्ञान का।


अध्याय ज्ञान-प्राप्ति में सिद्धार्थ के आत्मज्ञान की यात्रा को दर्शाया गया है। यह अध्याय बताता है कि केवल सांसारिक सुखों से दूर रहकर ही नहीं, बल्कि ध्यान और आत्म-निरीक्षण से सत्य को पाया जा सकता है। सिद्धार्थ ने मानवता को दुखों से मुक्त करने का मार्ग खोजा और उन्हें गौतम बुद्ध के रूप में पहचाना जाने लगा। उनकी यह यात्रा आत्मिक शांति, संतुलन, और करुणा का संदेश देती है, जो आज भी समाज को प्रेरणा देती है।

Points to remember from Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 3 Gyaan-Praapti

  • Siddhartha left his royal life to seek answers about life and suffering.

  • Initially, Siddhartha practised strict self-discipline, realizing later that extreme penance alone doesn’t lead to enlightenment.

  • Siddhartha attained enlightenment by meditating under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya.

  • He understood the Four Noble Truths, which describe the nature of suffering and its solution.

  • Siddhartha advocated the Middle Path, emphasizing a balanced approach to life rather than extremes.

  • Through enlightenment, Siddhartha became the Buddha, which means "The Awakened One."

  • His journey emphasized the importance of compassion, wisdom, and understanding in overcoming suffering.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 3 Gyaan-Praapti

  • Revision notes  Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 3 Gyaan-Praapti provide a concise overview, making it easier to recall important events and concepts.

  • Buddha’s teachings and his journey are presented in simple language, aiding better understanding.

  • Notes help students revise quickly and prepare effectively for exams.

  • Important themes like compassion, the Middle Path, and enlightenment are emphasized.

  • Well-organized notes make it easier to remember key points and the significance of Buddha’s enlightenment.

  • Students can use the notes for a quick revision before exams without needing to re-read the entire chapter.

  • Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 3 Gyaan-Praapti notes enable independent revision and understanding of core ideas.

Study Tips for Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 3 Gyaan-Praapti

  • Focus on Key Events: Pay attention to the sequence of events leading to Siddhartha’s enlightenment.

  • Understand the Four Noble Truths: Make sure you understand the Four Noble Truths and their importance in Buddha’s teachings.

  • Revise the Middle Path Concept: Study the Middle Path concept, as it’s central to Buddha’s philosophy.

  • Use Revision Notes Regularly: Refer to revision notes frequently to reinforce the main points.

  • Summarize in Your Own Words: Try to write a short summary to grasp the essence of Siddhartha’s journey.

  • Discuss with Peers: Discussing the chapter with classmates can deepen your understanding.

  • Practice Questions: Answer sample questions to test your understanding and recall of the chapter.


In Chapter 3, Gyaan-Praapti (ज्ञान-प्राप्ति), we learn about the significant phase of Siddhartha’s life where he achieves enlightenment and becomes Gautam Buddha. This chapter shows his journey from intense penance to the realization of the Middle Path, teaching us that balance and compassion are essential in life. Through his meditation under the Bodhi tree, he discovers the Four Noble Truths, which explain the nature of suffering and the way to overcome it. The Class 8 notes for this chapter provide a clear summary, helping students connect with Buddha’s teachings and prepare effectively for exams.

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FAQs on Gyaan-Praapti (ज्ञान-प्राप्ति) Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 3

1: What is the main focus of Chapter 3, Gyaan-Praapti, in Class 8 Hindi?

The chapter focuses on Siddhartha’s journey to attain enlightenment and his transformation into Gautam Buddha.

2: Why did Siddhartha practice meditation under the Bodhi tree?

Siddhartha meditated under the Bodhi tree in search of answers about life’s sufferings and to achieve enlightenment.

3: What are the Four Noble Truths that Siddhartha discovered?

The Four Noble Truths describe the nature of suffering, its origin, the possibility of ending it, and the path to overcome it.

4: What does the term Gyaan-Praapti mean in the context of this chapter?

Gyaan-Praapti means "attainment of knowledge" or "enlightenment," referring to Siddhartha’s spiritual awakening.

5: How does this chapter fit into the Class 8 Hindi syllabus?

This chapter is part of the CBSE syllabus as it introduces students to Gautam Buddha’s teachings and values like compassion and wisdom.

6: What is the Middle Path that Siddhartha discovered?

The Middle Path is a balanced approach to life, avoiding extremes of luxury and severe austerity, as the way to achieve inner peace.

7: How did Siddhartha’s enlightenment change him?

Siddhartha’s enlightenment transformed him into Gautam Buddha, “The Awakened One,” who dedicated his life to teaching about compassion and the end of suffering.

8: Why is Gyaan-Praapti important for understanding Buddha’s teachings?

It is important because it marks the beginning of Buddha’s journey as a spiritual teacher and the foundation of his teachings.

9: What lesson can students learn from this chapter?

Students learn the importance of self-discipline, balance, and understanding as ways to find peace and wisdom in life.

10: How can revision notes help students in studying Gyaan-Praapti?

Revision notes simplify key concepts, events, and Buddha’s teachings, making it easier for students to review and prepare for exams.