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Mahaparinirvaan (महापरिनिर्वाण) Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 5


Hindi Notes for Chapter 5 महापरिनिर्वाण Class 8 Sanshipt Budhcharit - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 5, Mahaparinirvaan (महापरिनिर्वाण), from Sanshipt Budhcharit in Class 8 Hindi, presents the final moments of Gautam Buddha’s life, highlighting his journey to Kushinagar and his attainment of Mahaparinirvaan. This chapter illustrates Buddha’s teachings on compassion, detachment, and the importance of understanding life’s impermanence. At the age of 80, Buddha conveyed his last message, encouraging his disciples to follow the path of Dharma and seek inner peace.

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This chapter is a significant part of the CBSE Class 8 Hindi syllabus, as it introduces students to Buddha’s final teachings and values. The Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes for chapter 5 simplify the concepts of Mahaparinirvana and Buddha’s core messages, making it easier for students to grasp the essence of his life and teachings. These notes provide a concise summary, focusing on the chapter’s main themes, helping students prepare effectively for exams while connecting with Buddha’s message of peace and wisdom.

Access Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 5: Mahaparinirvaan (महापरिनिर्वाण) Notes


अध्याय महापरिनिर्वाण में गौतम बुद्ध के जीवन के अंतिम क्षणों का वर्णन है। बुद्ध ने जीवन भर लोगों को दुखों से मुक्त करने के लिए शिक्षाएं दीं और उनके संदेशों का अनुसरण करने का आग्रह किया। 80 वर्ष की उम्र में, वे अपने जीवन की अंतिम यात्रा पर कुशीनगर पहुँचे और वहीं उन्होंने अपना महापरिनिर्वाण प्राप्त किया। इस घटना को बौद्ध धर्म में अत्यधिक महत्व दिया गया है, क्योंकि यह उनकी अंतिम शिक्षा का प्रतीक है और उनके जीवन का अंत नहीं बल्कि एक नए अध्याय की शुरुआत है।

कहानी के संक्षिप्त विवरण

इस अध्याय में बताया गया है कि बुद्ध अपने शिष्यों के साथ कुशीनगर की यात्रा पर थे। अपनी शारीरिक कमजोरी के बावजूद उन्होंने अपनी शिक्षाओं को लोगों तक पहुँचाना जारी रखा। कुशीनगर में पहुंचकर बुद्ध ने अपने अंतिम उपदेश दिए और अपने शिष्यों को धर्म का पालन करते हुए सत्य और अहिंसा के मार्ग पर चलने का निर्देश दिया। अंत में, उन्होंने महापरिनिर्वाण प्राप्त किया, जो संसार से उनकी अंतिम विदाई थी।

मुख्य विषय

  1. धर्म और करुणा: बुद्ध के जीवन का अंतिम संदेश लोगों को धर्म और करुणा का महत्व समझाने के लिए था।

  2. अस्थायी जीवन: इस अध्याय में जीवन की नश्वरता का बोध होता है और यह समझाया गया है कि संसार में सब कुछ अस्थायी है।

  3. महापरिनिर्वाण का महत्व: महापरिनिर्वाण को जीवन और मृत्यु के चक्र से मुक्ति का प्रतीक माना गया है।

  4. आध्यात्मिकता का संदेश: बुद्ध ने अपने अनुयायियों को समझाया कि सच्चा धर्म अंदर की शांति और ज्ञान में है, जो संसार के दुखों से मुक्ति का मार्ग है।

पात्र चित्रण

  • गौतम बुद्ध: बुद्ध एक महान शिक्षक और करुणामय व्यक्ति हैं, जिन्होंने अपने अंतिम समय तक धर्म का प्रचार किया। उनकी अंतिम शिक्षा जीवन की अस्थायित्वता और दुखों से मुक्ति पर केंद्रित थी।

  • शिष्य: बुद्ध के अनुयायी, जो उनके उपदेशों को समझने और पालन करने का प्रयास करते हैं। वे बुद्ध के महापरिनिर्वाण के समय उनके साथ थे और उनके अंतिम संदेशों का पालन करते हैं।


महापरिनिर्वाण अध्याय गौतम बुद्ध के जीवन की अंतिम यात्रा का वर्णन करता है। यह अध्याय जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता को दर्शाता है और बताता है कि कैसे बुद्ध ने अपने जीवन के अंतिम क्षणों में भी धर्म का प्रचार किया। उनका महापरिनिर्वाण यह संदेश देता है कि आत्मिक शांति और सच्चा ज्ञान संसार के मोह-माया से परे हैं। बुद्ध का जीवन और उनका महापरिनिर्वाण आज भी मानवता को प्रेरित करता है, और उनके उपदेश हमें करुणा, सत्य और आत्मिक शांति का मार्ग दिखाते हैं।

Points to remember from Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 5 Mahaparinirvaan

  • Buddha’s last journey took him to Kushinagar, where he attained Mahaparinirvana.

  • Mahaparinirvana represents Buddha’s final liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

  • In his last days, Buddha emphasised that everything in life is temporary and subject to change.

  • Buddha’s last teachings to his disciples were to live with compassion, and truth, and follow the path of Dharma.

  • Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana symbolized that his teachings would remain and guide people even after his physical departure.

  • Buddha highlighted the values of compassion and non-attachment, encouraging a life free from desires.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 5 Mahaparinirvaan

  • Revision notes Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 5 Mahaparinirvaan provide a clear summary of Buddha’s final teachings and journey.

  • Complex ideas like Mahaparinirvana and the concept of impermanence are presented in simple language for easy understanding.

  • Notes highlight essential points, making it easier to revise and prepare for exams.

  • The notes emphasize Buddha’s last teachings, helping students connect with the chapter’s core values.

  • Organised notes help students remember Buddha’s final message and its significance.

  • Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 5 Mahaparinirvaan Revision notes support independent study, allowing students to grasp important ideas on their own.

Study Tips for Class 8 Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 5 Mahaparinirvaan

  • Focus on Key Events: Understand Buddha’s last journey to Kushinagar and the significance of Mahaparinirvana.

  • Learn Core Teachings: Pay attention to Buddha’s final teachings on compassion, truth, and non-attachment.

  • Use Revision Notes Regularly: Regularly review revision notes to reinforce the main points of the chapter.

  • Memorise Important Concepts: Make sure to remember the meaning of Mahaparinirvana and its role in Buddha’s life.

  • Summarise in Your Own Words: Try writing a brief summary to better understand and retain the teachings.

  • Discuss with Classmates: Discussing with peers can clarify concepts and deepen understanding.

  • Practice Questions: Attempt sample questions to test your knowledge and improve recall.


In Chapter 5, Mahaparinirvaan (महापरिनिर्वाण), we learn about the final phase of Gautam Buddha’s life, where he attains liberation in Kushinagar. This chapter highlights Buddha’s last teachings, where he emphasized compassion, truth, and the impermanent nature of life. His Mahaparinirvana symbolizes freedom from the cycle of birth and death, inspiring his followers to walk on the path of Dharma.

Buddha’s peaceful departure teaches us that true wisdom lies beyond worldly attachments. The chapter reminds students of the values of kindness and inner peace. These Class 8 notes provide a clear summary, helping students understand and connect with Buddha’s message on life, compassion, and self-awareness.

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FAQs on Mahaparinirvaan (महापरिनिर्वाण) Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 5

1: What is the significance of Mahaparinirvaan in Buddha’s life?

Mahaparinirvaan represents Buddha’s final liberation from the cycle of birth and death, marking his peaceful departure from the world.

2: Where did Gautam Buddha attain Mahaparinirvaan?

Gautam Buddha attained Mahaparinirvaan at Kushinagar.

3: What message did Buddha give before his Mahaparinirvaan?

Buddha encouraged his disciples to follow Dharma, practice compassion, and understand the impermanence of life.

4: What does Mahaparinirvaan symbolize in Buddhism?

Mahaparinirvaan symbolizes ultimate freedom from worldly attachments and the end of the cycle of rebirth.

5: How is Mahaparinirvaan connected to Buddha’s teachings?

It reflects Buddha’s teachings on detachment, compassion, and the pursuit of inner peace and liberation.

6: How does this chapter fit into the Class 8 Hindi syllabus?

This chapter introduces students to Buddha’s final teachings, emphasizing values like peace, compassion, and detachment.

7: Who were with Buddha during his Mahaparinirvaan?

Buddha’s disciples were with him during his final moments, receiving his last teachings.

8: What lesson does Buddha’s Mahaparinirvaan provide to students?

It teaches students about the importance of compassion, detachment, and understanding life’s impermanence.

9: Why are revision notes important for Mahaparinirvaan?

Revision notes help students understand key concepts and themes, making it easier to study and recall Buddha’s teachings.

10: How does Mahaparinirvaan inspire followers of Buddhism?

Mahaparinirvaan inspires followers to pursue a path of wisdom, peace, and liberation, following Buddha’s teachings on detachment and compassion.