Download Free PDf of RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 10 Chapter 3 - Linear Equations in Two Variables (Ex 3E) Exercise 3.5 Available on Vedantu
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 10 Chapter 3 - Linear Equations in two variables (Ex 3E) Exercise 3.5
1. When can an equation be considered as a Linear Equation of Two Variables?
According to Class 10 Chapter 3, that is, Linear Equations in Two Variables, a simple equation is said to be a linear equation of two variables when it is possible to present the equation in the form of ax+by+c=0. In the given equation, a,b, and c are either constants or real numbers. The value of a and b should not be equal to 0. In this equation, a, b and c are real numbers and x and y are the two unknown variables. For instance, 4x+5y+3=12 will be considered as a linear equation of two variables.
2. How can I interpret the Linear Equation of Two Variables of Class 10 Chapter 3?
Interpreting the results of Linear Equations of two variables of Class 10 Chapter 3 is a very simple process. Suppose, you have the following equation 4x + 5y +3 = 12. In this equation, the two unknown variables are x and y. The coefficients of x and y are real numbers, that is, 4 and 5 respectively. Therefore, after solving the equation, we will get one value for x and y each, which will make the two sides of the linear equation equal.
3. How can I solve the Class 10 Chapter 3 linear equation of two variables?
As per Class 10 Chapter 3, Linear Equations in Two Variables, the solution of the linear equation of two variables, such as ax+by=c, will be represented by a specific point on the graph paper. In this case, to get the first value we will multiply the x coordinate by a, and to find the second value, students must multiply the y coordinate by b and the sum of these the value of a and b will be equal to c. Thus, there is a possibility of an infinite number of values and solutions in the case of Linear Equations with two variables.
4. Why is it beneficial to solve Class 10 Chapter 3 Linear Equations with two variables graphically?
There are many ways for solving Linear Equations with two variables. Still, plotting a graph is one of the easiest and most accurate methods of representation of data. It also provides an important way for the visual representation of the equations which can help students understand the concept better. To solve Linear Equations with two variables in the form of a graph, we should identify two separate equations, each having two variables. Therefore, students should identify two separate line equations and then represent them on a graph.
5. What are tips that I should follow for attempting RS Aggarwal Solutions for Chapter 3 Class 10, exercise 3.5?
Exercise 3.5 of Chapter 3, that is, Linear Equations with two variables deal with certain conceptual questions. To solve questions in this exercise, students must remember the condition for the pair of Linear Equations to have infinite solutions or no solution. In the case of infinite solutions rule out the values which do not satisfy all the ratios. Also, study cross multiplication method also as questions from this section are asked.