Class 12 RS Aggarwal Chapter-27 Straight Line in Space Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 12 Solutions Chapter-27 Straight Line in Space
1. What all Topics and Exercises are Involved in RS Aggarwal Maths Class 12 Chapter 27?
Straight Line in Space is a vast topic for Class 12th Mathematics, and it involves several essential concepts related to the representation of a straight in Space. A line extending in both the directions till infinity is known as a straight line, and this chapter involves the following concepts related to it:
Equation of a straight line.
Cartesian equation of a line in Space.
Concepts of angles that a straight line makes in a space.
The chapter carries seven detailed exercises, with varying difficulty level and category of problems.
2. What is the Marks Weightage of RS Aggarwal Maths Class 12 Chapter 27, Straight Line in Space, in the Boards Examination?
Straight Line in Space is a broad topic that comes under unit 4 of mathematics CBSE syllabus, i.e., vectors and 3D Coordinate Geometry. Straight Line in Space comes under Coordinate Geometry according to the NCERT syllabus, and the students must practise a lot and denote as many hours as possible for this entire chapter. The topics are relatively more challenging and complicated and require 2 to 3 times of practice to prepare. The whole Coordinate Geometry carries ten marks in the examination, and the questions are divided uniformly in the entire question paper.
3. Why is it Essential for Class 12th Students to Practice Solutions for RS Aggarwal?
It is essential because:
Practising the solutions from the set of questions available in the reference books helps in gaining complete clarity about the concepts involved in the syllabus.
Practising the answers also ensures that the students can quickly solve even the most challenging problems in the examinations.
Furthermore, getting some supplementary study resource and the course textbook helps get an enhanced preparation and thus pass any examination with flying colours.
4. How many exercises are included in chapter 27 - Straight Line in Space? Discuss on these exercises
The RS Aggarwal Class 12 Maths Chapter-27 Straight Line in Space. Includes seven exercises. The first exercise contains questions related to the vector and cartesian equations of straight lines. In the second exercise, the students have to prove if the given points are collinear. The third one covers the finding of angles between pairs of straight lines. The fourth exercise got questions to find the shortest distance between two lines. In the fifth exercise, the students are required to find the equation for a line and the shortest distance between a set of points. The sixth and seventh exercise covers short-answer type and Objective-type questions respectively.
5. What type of questions were asked in chapter 27 straight Line in Space?
The types of questions that appear in the RS Aggarwal Class 12 Chapter-27 Straight Line in Space are -
Questions to prove if the given set of points is collinear or not.
Questions to find the angle between pairs of straight lines.
Questions to find the shortest distance possible between two given lines.
Question to find the equation for a line and the shortest distance between two given points.
This chapter also got subjective questions in its last exercise, which are based on various concepts from this chapter.