Download Important RS Aggarwal Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 6 - Determinants Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 12 Solutions Chapter 6 - Determinants
1. What are the subtopics that are Included in the Chapter 6 - Determinants?
Determinants give us values and determinants can only be calculated for square matrices. The chapter tests the knowledge of matrices as well therefore the concepts of the previous chapter must be very clear. The sub-topics extensively covered in the RS Aggarwal Class 12 Determinants Solutions PDF are as follows:
Calculate Determinants of square matrices of order one, two, or three.
Properties of Determinants will simplify the evaluation of matrices.
Area of a triangle- Calculate the area of a triangle when the coordinates of its three vertices are given.
Minors and Cofactors: Determinants can also be expanded using the minors and cofactors which have further application in different types of questions.
Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix.
Solving system of linear equations in two or three variables having a unique solution using the properties of the inverse of a matrix.
Application of Matrices and determinants.
2. What are the properties of Determinants?
Properties of determinants help in evaluating the value of the determinant. It simplifies the evaluation so that a minimum amount of calculation needs to be done when solving determinants. The properties of determinants are as follows.
Reflection Property - the value of the determinant does not change if the rows are converted into columns or vice versa.
All Zero Property - If all the elements of a column or a row are zero, then the value of the determinant is zero.
Proportionality Property - If the elements of any 2 rows or columns are identical, the value of the determinant is zero.
Switching Property - Interchanging any two rows or columns of a determinant results in the change of sign.
Scalar Multiple Properties - If all the elements of a determinant are multiplied by a non-zero constant, then the value of the determinant gets multiplied by that constant.
3. What are the types of determinants discussed in Chapter 6 of RS Aggarwal Class 12 mathematics?
In Chapter 6 of Class 12 RS Aggarwal for mathematics, the students are introduced to three types of determinants that are First Order Determinant, Second Order Determinant, and Third Order Determinant. The three types of determinants discussed in class 12 RS Aggarwal are explained below in detail:
1. First Order Determinant: The determinant of A is said to be equal to ‘a’ if A=\[[a]\] is the matrix of order 1.
2. Second Order Determinant: The determinant value obtained for a 2x2 matrix is known as the second order determinant.
3. Third Order Determinant: The determinant of a 3x3 matrix is said to be a third order determinant.
4. How can I download Class 12 mathematics solutions for Chapter 6 determinants from Vedantu?
To download the Class 12 RS Aggarwal solutions for Mathematics Chapter 6 determinants, students can follow these steps:
Open any internet browser and search for the Vedantu website or access the website by clicking here. Students can also download the Vedantu app for easy access to all the study materials.
After opening the Vedantu website, students can click on the menu option on the upper left corner of the screen which shows a drop-down menu containing tabs such CBSE, ICSE, popular reference books solutions, etc.
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Students can now select class 12 and then the chapter for which they want to view solutions.
5. Why should students refer to Class 12 Mathematics Solutions from RS Aggarwal before their exams?
Referring to the RS Aggarwal Solutions for Class 12 mathematics can be very helpful for students before their exams. These solutions created by subject experts and teachers can have a lot of positive impact on students preparations as mentioned below:
These solutions can prove to be a good source of revising proofs and difficult questions before the exam as a form of revision.
The questions are answered in a step by step method which helps the students identify the steps that they may have gone wrong and improve on it since CBSE question papers are checked and rewarded marks based on the steps.
The solutions provide students with an alternative view towards solving the particular question and can help students to find the correct or the easy way of answering the questions.