Class 12 RS Aggarwal Chapter-9 Continuity and Differentiability Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 12 Chapter-9 Continuity and Differentiability
1. What are Important Concepts to Learn from RS Aggarwal Class 12 Solutions Continuity and Differentiability?
In chapter Continuity and Differentiability Class 12 RS Aggarwal, there are questions formatted on proving an equation as continuous with given different values of x.
Some of the crucial aspects of the chapter are listed below:
The sum, difference, quotient, and product of continuous functions are continuous.
The differentiable function at a given point can be continuous but the opposite may not be true.
Rolle’s Theorem: If f: [ x,y]→ R is continuous on [x,y] and differentiable on [x,y] such that f (x) = f(y). There should also be a point z somewhere in ( x,y) and f (z)= 0.
Mean Value Theorem: If f : [x, y] → R is continuous on [x, y] and differentiable on [x, y]. There should also be a point z somewhere in ( x,y) and f (z)= (f(y) – f(x))/(y-x).
2. How RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 12 Maths Ch 12 Exercise Help in Exam Preparation?
The RS Aggarwal Class 12 Maths Chapter 9 Solutions will be great for CBSE students preparing for their 12th Boards.
It will provide a brief analysis of the mandatory conditions that are necessary to prove a function whether it is continuous or discontinuous.
In the exercise of Chapter 9 Solutions, you can check continuity of more complex functions.
As you make progress in Chapter 9 of RS Aggrawal look over both the continuity and differentiability of a given function.
Moreover, the exercise questions are designed similar to paper patterns of competitive exams. This will be beneficial for advance preparation and will boost the analytic skills of the students.
Students preparing for boards, need to solve these questions if they wish to score better in the examination.
3. Where can I download revision notes for CBSE mathematics class 12 chapter 9 Differential Equations?
Students can download the Class 12 revision notes for Mathematics Chapter 9 from the Vedantu website where they can avail themselves of all of it for free. Vedantu offers free of cost study materials for students to download and use at their convenience on any device. These revision notes are put together by expert teachers who cover all the concepts of the chapter as well as any important formulas along with illustrative examples to help students understand them better. These revision notes make last-minute studying and revision quicker as students don’t have to go through the entire chapter and can just look at the important points from these notes.
4. Why should I refer to Class 12 mathematics RS Aggarwal Solutions for Chapter 9 for my board exam or JEE preparation?
Students of class 12 must refer to the solutions of RS Aggarwal for chapter 9 from Vedantu while preparing for their boards or any other entrance exam. These solutions help students understand the higher-order thinking skills sums provided in the reference book such as RS Aggarwal which tend to be more difficult than the questions in NCERT. While preparing for entrance exams, it is important that students expose themselves to more practice outside of the NCERT textbooks, and solving the RS Aggarwal questions and exercises can help them gain a deeper understanding of the topic as well. All the steps of the answers created by Vedantu experts, also available in the app, are laid out in clear steps so that students do not have any remaining doubts. These questions have a high chance of appearing in the class 12 board exam or the JEE examination and therefore solving these solutions can help students prepare for their exams.
5. How many exercises are there in Chapter 9 of Class 12 Mathematics RS Aggarwal?
There are a total of 3 exercises in Class 12 Chapter 9 of Aggarwal which focuses on the concept of Continuity and Differentiability. Exercise 9A has questions that ask students to prove the conditions that define if the function is continuous or discontinuous while Exercise 9B exposes students to more difficult complex functions. Exercise 9C has questions that require the students to check for both continuity and differentiability of the functions. The questions cover concepts such as proofs of various theorems and the behaviours of continuous and discontinuous functions from graphs.