RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter-3 Whole Numbers (Ex 3E) Exercise 3.5 - Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter-3 Whole Numbers (Ex 3E) Exercise 3.5
1. What are the few interesting things in the Whole Number?
The concept of the Whole Number is a basic one in Mathematics. There are some interesting things about the Whole Number. They are as follows:
A Whole Number can both be an integer or a natural number
There is nothing called the largest Whole Number since if W is a Whole Number W+1 is also a Whole Number and there is no end in this series. However there is the smallest Whole Number which is zero. So this is a set of numbers which has no largest but smallest number.
2. Which book is best for Class 6 Maths Chapter 3?
RS Aggarwal and RD Sharma are both well recommended books for Maths in any standard. However it has been seen that RS Aggarwal Maths book usually gives more importance in slow and steady development of concepts. A Class 6 student will find it easy to understand the different topics in Maths with comparatively easy Examples in RS Aggarwal. The students will also find it easy to start their practicing with easy Exercises of RS Aggarwal. Vedantu also helps with the ready-made solutions for all the Exercises to guide the students when they are not able to attempt a few questions.
3. What are the properties of Whole Numbers?
The variety of properties of Whole Numbers help the students to conduct a lot of operations on Whole Numbers. The properties are in fact the characteristics of Whole Numbers. The properties can be clubbed a follows:
W is the symbol used for representation of Whole Number
Closure property states that if two Whole Numbers are added or multiplied the product is always a Whole Number
Associative property states that the result of sum or product of three Whole Numbers are always same irrespective of the way they are arranged or grouped
Commutative property states that the result of addition or multiplication of any two Whole Numbers is always the same even after interchanging their order.
Distributive property states that if three Whole Numbers a,b,c are expressed as a* (b+c) then this is equal to a*b+a*c.
4. Under which operations are the Whole Numbers closed?
Whole Numbers are closed under addition and multiplication only. If two Whole Numbers are added or multiplied the result is always a Whole Number. However if two Whole Numbers are subtracted the result may or may not be a Whole Number. The result of subtraction of two Whole Numbers can be a negative integer which is not a Whole Number. Similarly the result of division of two Whole Numbers can be a fraction or decimal which is not a Whole Number.
5. Why is zero considered a Whole Number?
The concept of Whole Number is not only important but also interesting. It is interesting to find zero in the set of Whole Numbers. The reason or logic behind this can be well justified. Whole Number includes all non-negative integers. Zero satisfies this criteria. It can be argued that if all positive integers are Whole Numbers then how zero is a Whole Number. However the former justification that it is non-negative integer is stronger than the latter one. Hence zero is a Whole Number.