RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter-5 Fractions (Ex 5F) Exercise 5.6 - Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter-5 Fractions (Ex 5F) Exercise 5.6
1. How many exercises are there in Chapter 5 of Class 6 Maths?
Chapter 5 of the Class 6 RS Aggarwal textbook deals with Fractions. Class 6 Maths mostly aims to help students build the basics of Maths. There are 7 exercises in total in this chapter. Each exercise helps students understand a different concept that is an integral part of fractions. To do well, students must try to solve each sum given in the exercise at least once. This will get them into the habit of practising and solving as many questions as possible.
2. Where can I download NCERT Solutions for Fractions?
As we have previously mentioned, there are 7 exercises in total in the chapter on Fractions in class 6. The solutions to all these 7 exercises are present on Vedantu’s website. You can refer to these solutions for all your academic doubts. The links have been given below for your easy access.
3. How can students score better marks in Maths in Class 6?
Students can adapt a variety of methods to get better marks in Maths in Class 6. The most fool-proof strategies suggested by experts include solving previous year question papers and going through the exercises given at the end of each chapter of the Class 6 RS Aggarwal Maths textbook. In this manner, students get acquainted with the pattern and mark distribution of the paper. Spend some time with your textbook each day and revise the theory portion of each chapter.
You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.
4. What is Chapter 6 of the Class 6 textbook about?
Chapter 6 of the RS Aggarwal textbook is Simplification. Mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are explained here. You must know that each operation follows a particular sequence. If you follow Class 6 Maths Chapter 6 Simplification Solutions provided by Vedantu, you will be able to understand this better. 2 exercises have been provided in the textbook for the benefit of students. Use the links below to access the solutions.
5. What is the BODMAS rule?
When there are multiple mathematical operations present in a single problem, the BODMAS rule must be followed to correctly solve the sum. BODMAS stands for a bracket of division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. All the problems in the Simplification chapter of the Class 6 RS Aggarwal textbook must be solved using this method. Simple concepts are introduced first. Once you can master the simple mathematical operations in an expression or equation, your confidence will increase. Students can then move on to the next step where brackets and parentheses are introduced.