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RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry


Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions

Geometry is one of the challenging chapters of mathematics. Students find the concepts and theories of geometry confusing and complicated. This is the reason students of class 9 consider rs Aggarwal class 9 math chapter 6, which is about Euclid's geometry, hard and challenging. They lack the confidence of scoring good in this chapter. The only thing that can help them to achieve expertise in this chapter is rs Aggarwal solutions class 9 chapter 6. These solutions answer every question in chapter Euclid's geometry in a detailed manner to prevent the students from any type of confusion.

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Rs Aggarwal Solutions Class 9 Chapter 6

Class 9 is a difficult stage for every student because students try to score good marks in this stage of their career, but the difficulty level of class 9 stops them from achieving that. The only way to overcome this problem is by practising more and more questions and that too regularly. Regular practice will clear all doubts and strengthen the core knowledge of students. While practising, many students can't find the answer to each and every question. Here they can take the help of RS Aggarwal Solutions class 9 chapter 6 to solve these unsolvable questions. Students can find these solutions in pdf format from the Vedantu website for free. They must visit the website and download the solution pdf and use it as a reference while solving the questions of rs Aggarwal class 9 maths chapter 6.


Euclid's Geometry

Euclid's geometry is considered a mathematics system that has been attributed to Alexandrian Greek mathematician Euclid. Euclid described this system of mathematics in his textbook 'The Elements'. Euclid's method involves the assumption of a small set of intuitively appealing axioms and then deducing various propositions (which are also known as theorems) from the appealing axioms. Euclid was the first person to invent and introduce how these propositions can fit into a comprehensive deductive and logical system. Euclid's geometry is considered as the study of plane and solid figures based on axioms and theorems.


Five Postulates of Euclid's Geometry

The five postulates of Euclid's geometry are :

  • To draw a straight line from any random point to another arbitrary point.

  • To continuously produce a finite straight line on top of a single straight line.

  • To describe a circle with a random centre and with a random distance which is not specified.

  • It is believed that all the right angles present are similar to each other. In simple words, all right angles are equal.

  • When a straight line seems to fall on two straight lines, it tends to make the interior angles on the same side less than both the right angles. If these two straight lines are produced indefinitely, then they meet on the side where the angle is less than both the right angles.


Preparation Tips for Rs Aggarwal Class 9 Maths Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

  • Students should keep practising the questions in the chapter continuously without any fail. They must at least practice 3-4 times a day so that they will gain confidence in solving different questions without any fear.

  • Students should make a preparation plan for their final exams and try sticking to it to get good and better results.

  • They must clear their concepts by reading and analysing the solutions correctly.

  • Students must not try to memorise the solutions because math is not a subject where memorising can help. Instead, they should understand the way of solving the questions and try it on their own. If they are unable to solve it, then they must take the help of solutions from Vedantu.

  • Students must get an idea on the formats and solving methods approved by the CBSE board so that they won't commit any mistakes in the exams.


Benefits of Rs Aggarwal Solutions Class 9 ch 6

There are many benefits of rs Aggarwal class 9 maths chapter 6 solutions from Vedantu that a student can take advantage of. Some of these benefits are:

  • The solutions are prepared according to the format issued by the CBSE board. There are no deviations in that.

  • The solutions are prepared by some expert teachers who have years of experience; thus, it is guaranteed that there are no mistakes committed in these solutions.

  • The solutions are given for the questions which are most likely to come in the exams.

  • The solutions are given in an explanative and detailed manner, with step-by-step explanations for every question solved.



Students who are facing trouble in rs Aggarwal class 9 maths introduction to Euclid’s geometry must consider taking the help from rs Aggarwal solutions class 9 chapter 6 so as to make their preparation better and efficient. With regular practice alongside these solutions, a student can easily get the highest possible marks in the exams.

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FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

1. Mention Five Axioms of Euclid.

  • When things are equal to one same thing, then they are also similar to one another.

  • When equals are added to another equals then the wholes are also equal.

  • When equals are subtracted from another equals then the remainders are equal.

  • Things that coincidence with each other are proved to be equal to one another 

  • It is considered that the whole is much greater than the part.

2. What is an Axiom?

An axiom is considered to be a statement which is believed to be true, or it can serve as a premise or base for some further research or arguments. These axioms are also referred to as postulates and assumptions. The word comes from the Greek word axioms.

3. Why are Solutions from Vedantu Important?

Solutions from Vedantu acts as a guide for students who find different subjects challenging. They aim to give a detailed overview of a particular subject to the students so that they will achieve expertise in that subject.

4. Where can I practice Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions?

You can go to and look for Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions. This chapter on Euclid’s Geometry is a pretty complex chapter and needs some understanding on the student’s part. Look no further than Vedantu for practicing sums on these as Vedantu and this book have all the sums covered. The problems have been worked out and the students can understand the approach in which they have been solved by going through this book.

5. Are the solutions provided in Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions extremely difficult to understand?

No, they are not. In fact, all problems of the textbook have been properly explained in the workings out. You will not have to refer to any other study material apart from your main textbook to understand the solutions as they are interrelated.

The solutions are quite easily explained and the students can make notes and study from these two. Understanding this particular chapter is extremely important for understanding the concepts. The solutions are brief and also quite relevant. Unnecessary explanations haven’t been used.

6. How is for learning Euclid’s Geometry for Class 9 Math?’s e-learning platform is quite effective in terms of preparing for examinations.  It has all the study material that one needs to go through in order to pass examinations with flying colors.  The matter present on its site is ideal for those looking to practice and better understand Euclid’s Geometry. Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions on Vedantu is a great book of offered solutions to the questions asked in the main textbook. Through observing and then practicing those questions along with their solutions, the students will bolster their confidence levels.

7. How do I secure higher marks in Class 9 Math Chapter 6 on Euclid’s Geometry?

You can go to and then look for Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions. This paper has all the solved questions of the book and clarifies all doubts that students may harbor about the chapter.

It is a pretty interesting book to go through and is quite handy for students who are on the lookout for answers. After having access to each of the solutions, they will feel more prepared before their tests and will also score well.

8. When must Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions be referred to?

Those of you who have some doubts after going through RS Aggarwal’s Class 9 Maths- Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry must go through Class 9 RS Aggarwal Chapter-6 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Solutions. This book will help them understand that chapter in a better manner. It is a sequel to that book and regular practice from the book will ensure that the students get really good at the subject and the chapter. Please go through them on a continual basis each day so as to perform well.