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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 English with Solution 2024-25

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 English with Solution - Free PDF Download

Class 2 is an important part of the learning phase of the primary students. After learning the basics of languages in Class 1, the students enter an advanced phase where they will learn new concepts related to the languages. The syllabus is also prepared in the same way so that the students can find relevance and grab hold of the concepts. This is where they will need the right support from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 English. This set of Sample Papers will help them learn the new concepts and prepare the subject syllabus well. You can easily download a Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE English in PDF format from here for free. 

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English Sample Papers

The students of Class 2 are the ones who are just in an earlier stage of their education where they are beginning with understanding the basic concepts of English. Class 2 students may still be picking up how to pronounce words or sentences and express themselves perfectly. It is their early stage of learning and writing and as a  parent and the teacher, they should take care of them so that they keep on progressing with consistent practice in school and at home both. 


English is the subject that every student enjoys learning through poems, stories and now even interactive games available on various devices. Studying healthily is essential to develop a fun attitude towards learning, every student should have to inculcate all of this from their early days. The way the children enjoy the learning is what makes them understand its concept and that is why English is loved because of an act, poems, and stories. Sometimes students don’t know how to apply grammar properly and clearly, that is the time when they feel shy to speak in English and sometimes they speak in their mother tongue. To avoid this, parents and teachers should encourage students to speak in the language despite mistakes to grow confidence. Guardians can also make the best use of the resources Vedantu has in its curriculum and the child learns in an easy way. 


How Vedantu helps Students?

Vedantu helps the students to score good grades and if the students are in the earlier classes they try to help the students to have the base clear. Having many mock test papers, assignment-based questions, and previous year papers will definitely help the student to understand the concept. 


Here we help the students from each and every angle so that they are not left out. We as a team have experts who help the students for overall growth and achievement. The student can refer to each and every topic which is covered by our tutors and have various mock tests with solutions for your reference. 


Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE

The Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE includes a wide set of questions and exercises based on Class 2 English syllabus. Class 2 English Sample Papers include 10 units from the first book, Marigold. Further, they include a total of 16 chapters from Raindrop. The Sample Papers are essentially designed in such a way that students can grasp core English concepts with ease. 


Our team of experts is dedicated to incorporating only the most essential concepts into the Sample Papers. These Sample Papers will further help you prepare well for your exams. An extensive range of questions and activities are included in the Sample Papers to not miss out on anything. 


Advantages of solving Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE English

Learning the chapters of the English syllabus becomes easier when the students follow the classroom sessions and do their homework on time. They will also be able to make immense progress when they solve a Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE English that contains various types of questions from the entire syllabus. The reasons for downloading these Sample Papers are:

  • Learning the Different Formats of Questions

By solving a Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE English, the students will be able to find out the different types of questions that might come in the exams. These questions are formatted by the experienced English teachers of Vedantu. The students will be able to practice and find out what kinds of questions are asked in an exam.

  • An Easy Platform to Practice

Students will be able to avail themselves of an intelligent platform to practice by downloading and solving a Sample Question Paper for Class 2 CBSE. The question papers are available for free. These Sample Papers have been developed with the sole aim to help students answer different questions and find out where they are lacking. They can concentrate on their weak points and make themselves better.

  • Future Reference

Downloading and solving CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 English will also give birth to another medium of reference for the subject. You can get back to the right answers and revise before an exam.



Vedantu is passionate about helping students reach their highest potential. We offer a plethora of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 English which help students to excel at their exams. Dive into our Sample Papers and download the latest PDFs to learn right for your next exam. 

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 2

FAQs on CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 English with Solution 2024-25

1. How is reciting poems beneficial for Class 2 students? 

Reciting the poems is what the children like to do in the class and sometimes this simple activity may help them remember it for a lifetime. There are many poems that we learn in our class 1 or 2 which are still remembered because it’s how our teachers have taught us and we enjoy the process of learning as well as writing it. As a child poem is one of the most enjoyable things they would like to study and they always recite it wherever they go.  This is a good method to teach children valuable lessons. 

2. Is grammar a hard subject for Class 2 students? 

Sometimes it may seem difficult for the children to understand the grammar which is just written in words in the textbook without any visual representation. Having a visual representation of the subject helps the students to learn the matter very easily. For example, the words of the proposition in the grammar like on, under, below, above will surely help the children if it shows some objects through visual representation. So if they get the subject clear in their mind through any examples like visual representation or showing through the live presentation or videos ensure these ways the children will grasp the concepts quickly and easily. It will also help the students retain what they have learned. 

3. Will writing an essay be a hurdle for Class 2 children?

Writing an essay is not a big task for the children of this class. As they don’t have to write long essays of two to three pages. They need to write at least a paragraph or two and that too will be given by their teachers during class time. Some students might find it hard to write essays but it is not that hard for them if they are taught in a way that loves to write the essays from the very beginning.  

4. How much time does it take for a Class 2 child to write a Sample Paper? 

For Class 2 students don’t take much time to write the exams, some might need just a few minutes if the paper is that easy and some might take nearly half an hour. Some like to write the question papers and solve the questions within a few minutes. It’s not how much time one takes to write the exams but it is how much they get exposed to the practice of answer writing. Making a habit of writing the previous year’s question papers or setting a test for them will help to build confidence to write the exams.

5. Are all solutions available for Class 2 in Vedantu?

Yes, it is available on the website of Vedantu. Also, they conduct tests for children to test what they have learned in school and at home. This will help the tutors and the parents to know where their child stands and how they can help them to understand the concepts, help them improve and try to solve problems together if they face any problem while learning. Vedantu helps the students individually as well so that they don’t lag behind in academics.