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CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper Set 5 with Solutions (2024-25)


CBSE Sample Paper Set 5 for Class 3 English with Solutions: FREE PDF Download

Learning English at an early age enhances a child’s communication skills, critical thinking, and ability to express ideas with confidence. To aid students in their exam preparation, Vedantu has created CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper Set 5 (2024-25) as per the latest CBSE Class 3 English syllabus. It includes reading comprehension, writing tasks, grammar exercises, and literature-based questions, ensuring a thorough understanding of key concepts.

Regular practice with this sample paper will refine writing skills, expand vocabulary, and build confidence in English. Download the CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper FREE PDF now and start preparing effectively!

General Instructions and Exam Pattern for Solving Class 3 English Sample Paper

  • The Paper has Three Parts: MCQs (10 marks), Descriptive (15 marks), and Oral (15 marks).

  • Total Marks: 40

  • Time Allowed: 1 hour (30 minutes for MCQs + 30 minutes for Descriptive).

  • All questions are compulsory; attempt everyone.

  • Marks for each question are given alongside the question.

  • Write answers neatly and legibly.

  • Oral Section involves speaking and listening activities; listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions.

Links for Set-wise Sample Papers for Class 3 English 2024-25


Sample Papers for Class 3 English 2024-25 


Sample Paper for Class 3 English Set 1


Sample Paper for Class 3 English Set 2


Sample Paper for Class 3 English Set 3


Sample Paper for Class 3 English Set 4

CBSE Subject-wise Sample Papers for Class 3 (2024-2025) 

Important Study Materials for Class 3 English

Practising with the CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper Set 5 (2024-25) helps students improve their understanding of the subject and boosts confidence for exams. The sample paper follows the latest CBSE syllabus, covering key topics, grammar, and comprehension exercises. Download the FREE PDF to enhance your preparation and perform well in your exams.

FAQs on CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper Set 5 with Solutions (2024-25)

1. Where can I download the CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper Set 5 (2024-25) PDF for FREE?

You can download the sample papers from the Vedantu website for FREE.

2. What is the format of the CBSE Class 3 English Sample Paper?

The sample paper follows the CBSE pattern and includes sections like reading comprehension, grammar, writing skills, and literature-based questions.

3. Does the English Class 3 sample paper follow the latest CBSE syllabus for 2024-25?

Yes, the sample paper is designed according to the latest CBSE syllabus and exam guidelines for the 2024-25 academic year.

4. Are answers included in the English Class 3 sample paper PDF?

Some sample papers come with answer keys, while others may require students to refer to textbooks or teachers for solutions.

5. How can this English Class 3 sample paper help in exam preparation?

It provides practice for different question types, improves time management, and helps students become familiar with the exam format.

6. What types of questions are covered in the English sample paper?

The paper includes multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, short-answer questions, and long-answer questions.

7. Is the English sample paper useful for CBSE school exams?

Yes, it is specifically designed to help students prepare for school assessments based on CBSE guidelines.

8. Can I use this English Class 3 sample paper for revision before the exam?

Yes, solving this paper will help reinforce key concepts and improve performance before the exam.

9. Are there any unseen passages in the English sample paper?

Yes, most sample papers include unseen passages to test reading comprehension skills.

10. How many marks does the Class 3 English sample paper carry?

The total marks vary, but most CBSE Class 3 English sample papers range between 50 to 80 marks, depending on the school’s exam pattern.