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Maharashtra (MSBSHSE) SSC Board Question Paper Class 10 Science Paper-1 2018


Question Paper for Maharashtra SSC Board Class 10 Science Paper-1 2018 - Free PDF Download

This article is made for students who are preparing for the MSBSHSE(Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Higher Secondary Education) SSC 10th Class board exam. This particular page deals with previous year’s question papers for Science subjects. We at Vedantu have collected the Class 10 science board question papers 2018 SSC and have compiled them to help students get easy access to materials required for preparation.

First, go through the paper and observe the pattern of the questions. MSBSHSE has two Science papers and this article has all the information about Class 10 Science paper-1 held in the year 2018. Multiple solving sessions of these SSC board question papers 2018 will help you understand the depth of questions. Eventually, it will help you score more in the examination. You can see the paper provided below along with the solutions. 

SSC Board Exam Question Paper 2018 Free PDF Download

Details About SSC Board Question Paper 2018

Vedantu’s website is student-friendly. Class 10 question paper 2018 Maharashtra board is available for download on the official website. The paper is available in PDF format and is free to download. Apart from this paper, many other materials are available for download and easy access. The main reason for the papers to be made available for free is to allow students to gain deeper knowledge and excel in their exams.


As stated earlier, if you solve multiple question papers of the same topic, you will grow your confidence regarding the syllabus. The best question papers for preparation are the ones that other students have faced in earlier years. Unless there is any change in the question format, previous exam question papers are all similar. 

These SSC board exam question papers are made in PDF format especially to enable you to access them even without an internet connection. Moreover, since they are in PDF format, you can get a hard copy of SSC board question papers 2018 and practice more to gain better results. Remember, “sharing is caring!”, so you can share this hard copy/soft copy(PDF) whenever you want with your friends. 

Question Format Included in SSC Maharashtra Board Question Papers 2018

As mentioned above, the SSC Maharashtra board question papers 2018 for Science and technology are divided into two parts- Science and Technology I and Science and Technology II. Both the sections comprised, questions will carry 40 marks each. The students get two hours to complete the examination. This paper includes all the science subjects- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology have been included in the syllabus. All the questions in the question paper are compulsory unless specified. The question paper also requires students to draw well-labelled diagrams whenever necessary. The allotment of marks for each question is done in the following way:

  • Both the parts of the question paper follow the same question pattern. The first two marks are allotted to fill in the blanks, where questions belonging to a single subject are asked. The next two marks are dedicated to true and false questions. For finding the odd one out amongst a group of options, one mark is allotted. 

  • This question is followed by multiple-choice questions carrying five marks. Direct questions carrying two marks each are asked after this segment. For direct questions, the students have the option of answering any five questions from a set. Another set of direct questions, each carrying three marks, is then included after this segment. 

  • In this new segment, the students also have the choice of answering any five questions. Finally, the students have to answer one five-mark question from the list. In general, the questions on diagrams are asked in this segment. The students have to answer one question from the list. 

Tips for Scoring High Marks in this Examination

To score high marks in this examination, you must solve question papers from previous years. By doing so, you will get an idea about the question pattern, and the topics emphasized in this examination. You will grow your confidence for the final examination through these practice sessions.  

Try to spend less time in the fill in blanks, true and false, the odd one out, and Multiple-Choice questions. This will save you time that you can spend on the long answers. Moreover, you do not have to fear losing part marks for these questions. You will get full marks if you can answer these questions correctly. Try practising them from SSC board science 1 question paper 2018.

Practice drawing different labelled diagrams that you will encounter in this examination. This is another question where you can score full marks. If you can label every part of the diagram correctly, you will get full marks in the examination. You will get an idea about the diagrams in the 10th SSC board question papers 2018.

Exam Hall Tips

  • Analyze and start: When you get your question paper, take a short glance at the questions to see where your strengths and weaknesses are. Begin with the strong parts and work your way down to the weak ones. This will save you time and give you more confidence.

  • Read the question thoroughly before you write: Because this is a board test, questions may be challenging. To put the students to the test, some questions are twisted. So, read the questions carefully and only write the response if you understand the question. Take a moment, read the question twice, and then try it again if you don't know what to write.

  • Don't get stressed. Some may find it difficult, however, board exams are not as complicated as they appear. The outcomes can be excellent if you have confidence and good time management abilities. Although the questions and the environment surrounding you may be alarming, keep your attention on yourself and go on.


The Maharashtra SSC Board Question Paper 2018 has now been released on the Vedantu Website. Everyone who has an account at the Vedantu website can download this question paper set for free. Many people have already benefited from solving this question paper, and you can be the next to enjoy it. If you want to score high marks in Maharashtra SSC Board Examination, go through the previous year’s question paper as provided here. If you practice solving this paper, you will surely have the upper hand over your peers to get the highest marks in the examination.

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FAQs on Maharashtra (MSBSHSE) SSC Board Question Paper Class 10 Science Paper-1 2018

1. Where can I get the Maharashtra SSC Board question paper 2018?

You will be able to see the Maharashtra SSC Board question paper 2018 on our Vedantu website. If you have an account at the Vedantu website, you can download the PDF version of the question paper for free. The 2018 question paper is the latest question paper available concerning the Maharashtra SSC Board examination. It is helpful to practice solving the latest questions since the question pattern will more or less be the same as that of the actual examination. The previous year's questions might not follow the same pattern as they have become old and obsolete. Moreover, you will get an idea about which topics were focused on when the questions were framed. This will also help you to know the right manner to prepare for the examination.

2. How to take the maximum benefit out of the Maharashtra SSC Board question paper 2018? 

To ensure maximum benefit from the Maharashtra SSC Board question paper 2018, try to understand the topics referred to in the question set. These topics can serve as hotspots for the question setters. It would help if you started having a time management scheme to cover all the questions. You will also get an idea about the question pattern and the marks allotment for every type of question. You will know which question sets you will have to answer completely and which one provides you with some choices. For example, you will know that you can score high marks in questions where you need to prepare a labelled diagram. Practising such diagrams will help you get such high marks. If you follow the question pattern and allot time properly, you will grow in confidence about the final examination.

3. Is the Maharashtra SSC board question paper 2018 difficult compared to other papers?

When it comes to Science, some students have a hard time following all of the logic and processes. However, it is a well-known fact that practices may help you achieve anything. It isn't just about Science or Maths; it is about exams. You can improve your practice by using the materials on the Vedantu website. They are accessible in PDF format for free. You can download them and use them for preparation purposes. There is no such thing as a difficult or easy exam. It all relies on how you prepare and how well you write it down. So, instead of thinking of it as difficult, try to make it easy by working hard. Though if you believe the subject or papers will be difficult, seek advice from your professors, parents or post a question to the mail.

4. What is the highest mark and cut-off mark in the Maharashtra SSC board exam 2018?

Maharashtra SSC Result 2018 Maha Board 10th Class exam was held in March/April 2018, and the results were announced in June 2018. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, and F are the grades assigned to students. A1 is the highest grade a student can receive, and the cutoff is above 35 points out of 100. These grades are assigned based on the grades received. For example, if you receive 95 points on a topic, you will receive an A1 grade, however, if you receive 50 points, you will receive a D1/D2 grade. Students should strive to get higher than an F grade because it will be deemed a failure. You can use the materials on the Vedantu website to improve your grades in the Maha Board SSC 10th Class exam. 

5. Should I prepare the complete syllabus for the Maharashtra SSC board exam?

Yes, board exams normally include the entire exam course. For the final exam, you should study the entire course. This allows students to learn about a variety of topics while also putting their intellect to the test to see how well they comprehend the material. If you have any questions about the syllabus, go to the official Vedantu website and search for the Maharashtra SSC Class 10 syllabus to get all the information you need. To obtain an idea of how the questions will be asked and which Chapters are more crucial for the tests, read the article above. You must prepare the entire curriculum and attempt every question in the exam until and unless the Maharashtra SSC board specifies otherwise. Make an effort to be more active and to concentrate more on studying and producing outstanding outcomes.