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CBSE Class 3 English (Santoor) Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum


Syllabus of Class 3 English 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download

The CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus for 2024-25 helps young students improve their language skills and develop a passion for reading and communication. It includes interesting stories, poems, and activities that support reading, writing, and speaking abilities. The syllabus focuses on building a strong foundation in English grammar, vocabulary, and understanding through interactive lessons. Students will explore different themes and characters in books suitable for their age, which improves their imagination and comprehension. The syllabus also encourages creativity with activities like storytelling and role-playing to make learning fun and meaningful. 

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The CBSE Class 3 Syllabus contains information on all subjects and the weighting of marks for each chapter. Download the FREE Class 3 English Syllabus PDF, prepared per the latest CBSE guidelines.


CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus 2024-25: Course Structure

Class 3 English Syllabus is prepared to improve young student’s language skills through engaging stories, poems, and activities. It focuses on building a strong foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.



Unit 1: Fun with Friends (Picture Reading)

Chapter 1: Colours 

Chapter 2: Badal and Moti 

Chapter 3: Best Friends 

Unit 2: Toys and Games (Picture Reading) 

Chapter 4: Out in the Garden 

Chapter 5: Talking Toys 

Chapter 6: Paper Boats 

Unit 3: Good Food (Picture Reading) 

Chapter 7: The Big Laddoo 

Chapter 8: Thank God 

Chapter 9: Madhu’s Wish 

Unit 4: The Sky (Picture Reading) 

Chapter 10: Night 

Chapter 11: Chanda Mama Counts the Stars 

Chapter 12: Chandrayaan 

Overview of Class 3 English Syllabus 2024-25

Unit 1: Fun with Friends

Unit 1: Fun with Friends in the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus introduces students to enjoyable stories and poems about friendship. This unit helps children improve their reading and comprehension skills while learning the value of friendship through engaging activities and relatable characters.

Chapter 1: Colours 

Chapter 1 "Colours" in the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus introduces young learners to the vibrant world of colours. Through an engaging poem, children will learn to identify and describe different colours, enhancing their vocabulary and observational skills. 

Chapter 2: Badal and Moti

Chapter 2 of the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, titled "Badal and Moti," is a heartwarming story about the friendship between a boy named Badal and his loyal dog, Moti. This chapter helps students improve their reading and comprehension skills while teaching them about the values of friendship, loyalty, and kindness. 

Chapter 3: Best Friends 

Chapter 3 of the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, titled "Best Friends," revolves around the theme of shapes. This story introduces young learners to different shapes through the friendship of characters, making learning fun and engaging.  

Unit 2: Toys and Games

CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus Unit 2: Toys and Games introduces students to the world of play and exploration.

Chapter 4: Out in the Garden 

In CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus Chapter 4, "Out in the Garden," the poem celebrates playtime, capturing the joy and fun children experience outdoors.

Chapter 5: Talking Toys 

Chapter 5 of the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, "Talking Toys," introduces students to the world of animated and interactive toys, encouraging creativity and imagination through storytelling and role-play.

Chapter 6: Paper Boats

Chapter 6 of the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, "Paper Boats," introduces students to an engaging story that unfolds the joy and adventures of making and playing with paper boats.

Unit 3: Good Food

CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus Unit 3: Good Food introduces students to the joys of eating through engaging lessons and poems.

Chapter 7: The Big Laddoo

Chapter 7 of the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, titled "The Big Laddoo," introduces students to an exciting poem that describes a big laddoo.

Chapter 8: Thank God 

Chapter 8 of the CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, titled "Thank God," explores the theme of food production and shows gratitude towards the food we have every day.

Chapter 9: Madhu’s Wish

In CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, Chapter 9 titled "Madhu’s Wish," students explore a tale about Madhu, a young man with a special desire. 

Unit 4: The Sky

In Class 3 English Syllabus, Unit 4: "The Sky" introduces students to the wonders above us. This unit explores the mysteries of clouds, stars, and weather through poems and stories.

Chapter 10: Night

In CBSE Class 3 English, Chapter 10: "Night" explores the wonders of nighttime. Children learn about stars and the moon.

Chapter 11: Chanda Mama Counts the Stars 

In CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus, Chapter 11 titled "Chanda Mama Counts the Stars," children explore a delightful tale where Chanda Mama, the beloved moon count the stars in the sky.

Chapter 12: Chandrayaan 

Class 3 English syllabus, Chapter 12 titled "Chandrayaan" introduces students to India's lunar mission. Chandrayaan, meaning "moon vehicle" in Hindi, explores the journey of India's spacecraft to the moon.

Syllabus of Class 3 English Grammar 2024-25

The following topics are included in the Class 3 English Grammar syllabus

The Sentence

Simple Present Tense

Parts of Sentences

Present Tense Negative

Interrogative Sentences

Present Tense Interrogative


Was and Were

The Noun

Letter and Application Writing

Noun: Gender


Singular and Plural Number






Is, Am, Are


Present Continuous Tense


Prescribed Books for Class 3 English

  1. Santoor, Published by NCERT.

Benefits of Downloading Class 3 English Syllabus PDF 2024-25

Downloading the Class 3 English Syllabus PDF can be beneficial in several ways:

  • Class 3 English Syllabus helps students and teachers understand the topics and themes covered throughout the academic year.

  • Gives a detailed overview of poems and stories that will be studied, helping in better preparation.

  • Helps in planning resources like textbooks, reference materials, and supplementary readings.

  • Allows parents to track their child's progress and offer support accordingly.

  • Guides teachers in structuring their lessons effectively and ensuring comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.

Downloading the Syllabus Of Class 3 English 2024-25 is important for students, teachers, and parents. It tells about the topics that will be taught in the academic year, helping students focus on learning and prepare well for exams. Knowing the syllabus helps students organize their studies, helps teachers plan lessons better, and parents support their children effectively. 

Related Study Materials for Class 3 English 

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FAQs on CBSE Class 3 English (Santoor) Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. What is an effective method to study for the CBSE syllabus for Class 3 English?

In today’s highly competitive nature of academics, students must have clarity regarding every subject and its basics. English can be daunting for some students. Keeping that in mind, English should be kept as simple as exemplified in the CBSE Class 3 syllabus. It is important to be thorough with the syllabus first and in such cases, active learning helps. Students may get tense if they find something difficult or confusing to understand, but such points should be clarified with teachers. Thereafter, students should move on to questions they can answer on their own to have a check on themselves. 

2. What are the different topics included in the Class 3 English syllabus?

Unit 1: Fun with Friends (Picture Reading)

  • Chapter 1: Colours 

  • Chapter 2: Badal and Moti 

  • Chapter 3: Best Friends 

Unit 2: Toys and Games (Picture Reading) 

  • Chapter 4: Out in the Garden 

  • Chapter 5: Talking Toys 

  • Chapter 6: Paper Boats 

Unit 3: Good Food (Picture Reading) 

  • Chapter 7: The Big Laddoo 

  • Chapter 8: Thank God 

  • Chapter 9: Madhu’s Wish 

Unit 4: The Sky (Picture Reading) 

  • Chapter 10: Night 

  • Chapter 11: Chanda Mama Counts the Stars 

  • Chapter 12: Chandrayaan 

3. How do NCERT solutions for the English syllabus for Class 3 help students?

If students follow NCERT solutions for covering the CBSE syllabus for Class 3, the step by step explanation of all topics ensures that one understands the areas requiring more focus. Notes and summaries help to dispel doubts. The explanation is provided in simple language. Going through such a solution would help students to understand the topics that they are lagging behind. Moreover, the questions included in NCERT solutions strictly adhere to CBSE guidelines. Practising such questions ensures that students can properly answer in the examination as well. 

4. What is the book name for CBSE Class 3 English?

The name of the book is Santoor. This book is essential for Class 3 students as it covers vast topics and helps students in getting conceptual clarity about the subject. To score good marks in their Class 3 English examination, students need to learn the basics properly and Santoor is a book which gives them all help. At Vedantu, students can download the entire syllabus for Class 3 English free of cost. Besides, the NCERT solutions for Class 3 English are easily available at Vedantu. Just give it a try and learn from the best team of experts.

5. Is Class 3 English easy for students?

As we have told you, English is a language spoken at every school, college and educational institution. Also, it is important to learn English for a good professional and work life. We cannot say it is easy or tough, but all we can say is that children need to make their basics strong if they want to score good marks. Vedantu is a one-stop solution for those students who want to score good marks and for all those parents who want their children to ace the examination. 

6. What are the topics in Class 3 English Grammar?

The following topics are covered in Class 3 English Grammar

  • The Sentence

  • Parts of Sentences

  • Interrogative Sentences

  • Statements

  • The Noun

  • Noun: Gender

  • Singular and Plural Number

  • Pronoun

  • Apostrophe

  • Is, Am, Are

  • Present Continuous Tense

  • Simple Present Tense

  • Present Tense Negative

  • Present Tense Interrogative

  • Was and Were

  • Adjective

  • Adverb

  • Preposition

  • Conjunction

  • Interjections

  • Punctuation

  • Letter and Application Writing

7. What topics are covered in the Class 3 English syllabus?

The syllabus covers topics like comprehension passages, basic grammar concepts, poetry, and short stories.

8. How can parents help their children with Class 3 English studies?

Parents can support their children by encouraging regular reading habits, discussing stories and poems, and helping with vocabulary and grammar practice.

9. How should students prepare for English exams in Class 3?

Students can prepare by understanding the syllabus, practising reading comprehension, learning grammar rules, and revising regularly.

10. What role does grammar play in the Class 3 English syllabus?

Grammar forms the foundation of language learning in Class 3 English. Students learn basic grammar rules such as sentence structure, tenses, parts of speech, and punctuation to enhance their communication skills.