CBSE Syllabus for Class 3
FAQs on CBSE Class 3 EVS Syllabus for 2024-25 Examination - Free PDF Download
1. What are the games mentioned in chapter ‘Games We Play’?
Chapter 16 in the CBSE class 3 syllabus goes by the name ‘Games We Play’. The various indoor and outdoor games mentioned in this lesson are Stapoo, seven tiles, hide and seek, Gilli-danda, wrestling, kabaddi, langdi-taang, stones, kite, house-house, chess, ludo, and carrom. The chapter briefs all the games, how they are played, and what they are played with.
2. What are the different food habits prevalent in India?
Food habits mentioned in the EVS syllabus for class 3 have been distinguished as per regions. North Indians mostly consume wheat, in the form of chapatis, parathas, pooris, etc. While in the east, rice dominates people’s food habits. Food habits also vary as you go abroad. For example, people in Hong Kong eat snakes; people in China eat insects; people in America mostly consume lamb, beef, etc.
3. What are the different birds mentioned in ‘Flying High’?
Different birds mentioned in chapter 8 of CBSE class 3 EVS syllabus are pigeon, vulture, tailorbird, woodpecker, peacock, owl, crow, parrot, mynah, duck, sparrows, swan, etc.
4. What are the games mentioned in the chapter “Games we play”?
Chapter 16 in Class 3 CBSE Syllabus goes by the name “Games we play”. The various indoor and outdoor games mentioned in the lesson are shampoos, seven tiles, hide and seek, Gilli-danda, wrestling, Kabaddi, langdi-taang, stones, kite, house-house, chess, ludo and carrom. The chapter briefs all the games, how they are played and what they are played with. The syllabus of Class 3 EVS is quite interesting and in NCERT books, the concepts are made so clear that the student can learn everything once they give attention.
5. What are the different food habits prevalent in India?
Food habits mentioned in the syllabus of Class 3 EVS have been distinguished as per different regions. North Indians mostly consume wheat in the form of Chapattis, Parathas, Pooris etc whereas, in the east and middle, rice dominates people’s food habits. Food habits also vary when you go abroad. For example, people in Hong Kong eat snakes, people in China eat insects and people in America mostly consume lamb, beef etc.
6. What are the different birds mentioned in “flying high”?
Different birds mentioned in chapter 8 of Class 3 EVS are pigeon, vulture, tailorbird, woodpecker, peacock, owl, crow, parrot, mynah, duck, sparrows, swan, etc. The main objective behind teaching Environmental studies is to make students aware of their surrounding elements and their relationships. Environmental studies is a smaller part of Science. Science is a wider concept and to prepare students for it, they are taught Environmental studies. In case of any doubt, students can visit Vedantu and clear their doubts.
7. Where can I get the NCERT solutions PDF for Class 3 EVS?
Look no further than Vedantu. Vedantu provides the NCERT solutions free of cost on its website. The solutions are designed by the expert faculty while keeping in mind the CBSE guidelines. Apart from providing free NCERT solutions for Class 3 EVS, Vedantu provides the free solutions of other reference books as well and the team here makes sure that the students get proper clarity about the concept.
8. What chapters are there in Class 3 EVS subject?
There are 24 chapters in the Class 3 EVS book. The names of the chapters are Poonam’s Day out, The Plant Fairy, Water O’ Water, Our First School, Chhotu’s House, Food We Eat, Saying without speaking, Flying High, It’s raining, What is cooking, From Here to There, Work we do, sharing our feelings, The story of foods, making pots, Games we play, Here comes a letter, A House like this, Our friends-animals, Drop by Drop, Families can be different, Left-right, A beautiful Cloth and Web-of life.