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IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25: Updated Curriculum


CBSE Class 9 IT Syllabus 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download

In the CBSE IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25, students will explore the essential digital skills crucial in today's world. This syllabus is prepared to help learners gain practical information technology (IT) knowledge. Students will explore topics ranging from computer fundamentals to internet safety, gaining hands-on experience using digital tools effectively. The Class 9 CBSE syllabus follows the CBSE guidelines. It helps students with the skills needed in a technology-driven environment, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities in the digital age.

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The CBSE Class 9 IT Syllabus helps students analyse their strengths and weaknesses, concentrate on specific sections, and improve their examination scores. In addition to the course details, students can refer to the marking scheme and new updates in the syllabus.

CBSE IT Syllabus Class 9 2024-25: Course Structure

The Class 9 IT Syllabus helps students understand basic Information Technology concepts. This course is carefully prepared to teach important IT skills, including computer basics, internet essentials, and staying safe online. Emphasising hands-on learning, the syllabus helps students with the knowledge to use technology effectively, both in their studies and in everyday life. It includes practical assessments of 50 marks and theoretical examinations of 50 with 100 marks.



No. Of Hours for Theory and Practical

Max. Marks for Theory and Practical

Part A: Employability Skills

Unit 1: Communication Skills-I 



Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-I



Unit 3: ICT Skills-I 



Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I



Unit 5: Green Skills-I 






Part B

Subject Specific Skills 



Unit 1: Introduction to IT- ITeS industry 



Unit 2: Data Entry & Keyboarding Skills




Unit 3: Digital Documentation




Unit 4:Electronic Spreadsheet




Unit 5: Digital Presentation








Part C: Practical Work

Practical Examination 


Written Test


Viva Voce




Part D: Project Work/ Field Visit

Practical File/ Student Portfolio 


Viva Voce




Grand Total



Overview of  IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25

Part-A: Employability Skills

Unit 1: 

Communication Skills

Session 1: Introduction to Communication

Session 2: Verbal Communication 

Session 3: Non-Verbal Communication

Session 4: Writing Skills: Parts of Speech

Session 5: Writing Skills: Sentences

Session 6: Pronunciation Basics

Session 7: Greetings and Introduction

Session 8: Talking about Self

Session 9: Asking Questions I

Session 10: Asking Questions II

Unit 2: 

Self-Management Skills

Session 1: Introduction to Self-management

Session 2: Strength and Weakness Analysis

Session 3: Self-confidence

Session 4: Positive Thinking

Session 5: Personal Hygiene

Session 6: Grooming

Unit 3: 

Information and Communication Technology Skills

Session 1: Introduction to ICT

Session 2: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets — I

Session 3: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets — II

Session 4: Parts of Computer and Peripherals 

Session 5: Basic Computer Operations 

Session 6: Performing Basic File Operations

Session 7: Communication and Networking — Basics of Internet

Session 8: Communication and Networking — Internet Browsing

Session 9: Communication and Networking — Introduction to e-mail 

Session 10: Communication and Networking — Creating an Email Account

Session 11: Communication and Networking — Writing an email

Session 12: Communication and Networking — Receiving and Replying to emails

Unit 4:

Entrepreneurship Skills

Session 1: What is Entrepreneurship?

Session 2: Role of Entrepreneurship 

Session 3: Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur 

Session 4: Distinguishing Characteristics of Entrepreneurship and Wage Employment

Session 5: Types of Business Activities

Session 6: Product, Service, and Hybrid Businesses 

Session 7: Entrepreneurship Development Process 

Unit 5

Green Skills

Session 1: Society and Environment

Session 2: Conserving Natural Resources

Session 3: Sustainable Development and Green Economy

Part-B – Subject-Specific Skills



Unit 1

Introduction to IT- ITeS industry   

Unit 2

Data Entry & Keyboarding Skills 

Unit 3

Digital Documentation

Unit 4

Electronic Spreadsheet

Unit 5

Digital Presentation 

Unit 1: Introduction to IT- ITES industry

Learning Outcomes



Appreciate the applications of IT 

  • Introduction to IT and ITeS, BPO services, 

  • BPM industry in India, 

  • Structure of the IT-BPM industry, 

  • Applications of IT in home computing, everyday life, library, workplace, education, entertainment, communication, business, science and engineering, banking, insurance, marketing, health care, IT in the government and public service 

Identify and list the various IT-enabled services, Observe the application of IT in various areas

Unit 2: Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills

Learning Outcomes  



Use keyboard and mouse for data entry 

  • Keyboarding Skills,

  • Types of keys on the keyboard, Numeric keypad

  • Home keys, Guide keys

  • Typing and deleting text

  • Typing ergonomics

  • Positioning of fingers on the keyboard, Allocation of keys to fingers on four different rows

  • Pointing device – Mouse, Mouse operations.

  • Identify the keys and their use on the keyboard,

  • Demonstrate to use of various keys on the keyboard,

  • Demonstrate to type text, numbers, and special characters using appropriate keys on the keyboard

  • Practice the correct typing ergonomics,

  • Practice placing fingers on the correct key in four different rows of keyboards, 

  • Practice various mouse operations. 

Use typing software 

  • Introduction to Rapid Typing Tutor,

  • Touch typing technique, 

  • User interface of Typing Tutor, 

  • Typing text and interpreting results, 

  • Working with the lesson editor, 

  • Calculating typing speed, 

  • Typing rhythm. 

  • Identify the user interface of the typing tutor,

  • Practice to type text in typing tutor software and interpreting the results, 

  • Practice working in lesson editor, 

  • Calculate the typing speed 

  • Practice improving typing 

  • Using typing tutor software. 

Unit 3: Digital Documentation 

Learning Outcomes  



Create a document using a word processor 

  • Introduction to word processing,

  • Word processing applications,

  • Introduction to Word Processing tool 

  • Creating a document, Parts of a Word Processor Window, 

  • List the available word-processing applications. 

  • Introduce the parts of the main window.

  • Change document views. 

  • Start a new document. 

  • Open an existing document. 

  • Save a document.

  • Close a document.

Apply Editing features

  • Text editing – Undo and Redo, 

  • Moving and copying text, 

  • Copy and Paste, 

  • Selecting text, 

  • Selection criteria,

  • Selecting non-consecutive text items,

  • Selecting a vertical block of text, 

  • Find and replace option, 

  • Jumping to the page number,

  • Non-printing characters, 

  • Checking spelling and grammar, 

  • Using Synonyms and Thesaurus. 

  • Editing of text in a document

  • Demonstrate to use of undo and redo options, 

  • Use the keyboard and mouse options to select, cut, copy, paste, and move text. 

  • Demonstrate to selection of nonconsecutive text items, vertical blocks of text, 

  • Search and replace text in a document.

  • Jump to the given page number in a document,

  • Insert non-printing characters in a document, 

  • Apply the Spelling and grammar options of the document.

  • Demonstrate to use of Synonyms and Thesaurus. 

Apply formatting features

  • Page style dialogue 

  • Formatting text – Removing manual formatting, Common text formatting, Changing text case, Superscript and Subscript 

  • Formatting paragraph – Indenting paragraphs, Aligning paragraphs, Font colour, highlighting, and background colour, Using bullets and numbering, Assigning colour, border and background to paragraph. 

  • Page formatting – setting up basic page layout using styles, Inserting page breaks, Creating header/footer and page numbers, 

  • Defining borders and backgrounds, Inserting images shapes, and special characters in a document, Dividing pages into columns, and Formatting the shape or image. 

  • Apply various text formatting options for the text,

  • Demonstrate to format paragraphs – indent/align paragraphs, assign font colour, highlighting, and background colour,

  • Assign numbers or bullets to the list of items 

  • Demonstrate assigning colour, border and background to paragraph

  • Demonstrate the page formatting – set up a basic page layout using styles, 

  • Insert page break, Create header/footer and page numbers

  • Define borders and backgrounds 

  • Insert images, shapes, and special characters in a document 

  • Divide the page into columns, 

  • Format the shape or image. 

Create and work with tables 

  • Creating a table in Word Processor

  • Inserting rows and columns in a table 

  • Deleting rows and columns 

  • Splitting and merging tables

  • Deleting a table

  • Copying a table

  • Moving a table.

  • Demonstrate and do the following in Word Processor:

  • Create table, 

  • Insert and delete rows and columns in a table, 

  • Split and merge tables, 

  • Delete a table, 

  • Copy or move from one location to another location of the document. 

Use Print Options 

  • Printing options in Word Processor.

  • Print preview,

  • Controlling printing,

  • Printing all pages, single and multiple pages. 

  • Demonstrate how to print the document, select pages in the document 

  • Print the document with various options, 

  • Preview pages before printing. 

Understand and apply mail merge 

  • Introduction to mail merge 

  • Concept of data source for mail merge.

  • Demonstrate to print the letters using mail merge, 

  • Do the following to achieve 

  • Create a main document, 

  • Create the data source, 

  • Enter data in the fields, 

  • Merge the data source with the main document, 

  • Edit individual documents, 

  • Print the merged letter, 

  • Save the merged letter. 

Unit 4: Electronic Spreadsheet

Learning Outcomes  



Create a Spreadsheet 

  • Introduction to the spreadsheet application 

  • Starting a spreadsheet 

  • Parts of a spreadsheet

  • Worksheet – Rows and Columns, Cell and Cell Address,

  • Range of cells – column range, row range, row and column range.

  • Start the spreadsheet, 

  • Identify the parts of Calc, 

  • Identify the row number, column number, and cell address, 

  • Define the range of the cell, 

  • Identify row range, column range, row & column range

Apply formula and functions in the spreadsheet 

  • Different types of data, 

  • Entering data – Label, Values, Formula 

  • Formula, how to enter a formula,

  • Mathematical operators used in formulae, 

  • Simple calculations using values and operators, 

  • Formulae with cell addresses and operators, 

  • Commonly used basic functions in a spreadsheet – SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, Count 

  • Use of functions to do calculations. 

  • Demonstrate to enter the text, and numeric data in a cell, 

  • Identify the label, values and formula in the cell, 

  • Demonstrate how to enter a formula in a cell, 

  • Construct the formula using mathematical operators, 

  • Identify formulae with cell addresses and operators, 

  • Identify the correct syntax of the formula, 

  • Use the basic functions to perform calculations on data. 

Format data in the spreadsheet 

  • Formatting tool, 

  • Use of dialogue boxes to format values, 

  • Formatting a range of cells with decimal places, 

  • Formatting a range of cells to be seen as labels, 

  • Formatting of a cell range as scientific, 

  • Formatting a range of cells to display times, 

  • Formatting alignment of a cell range, 

  • Speeding up data entry using the fill handle, 

  • Uses of fill handle to copy formulae. 

  • Identify the formatting tool,

  • Demonstrate to use of dialogue boxes to format values, 

  • Demonstrate to format a range of cells with decimal places,

  • Demonstrate format a range of cells to labels, 

  • Demonstrate to format of a cell range as scientific, 

  • Demonstrate to format of a range of cells to display time,

  • Demonstrate to alignment of cell data range, 

  • Demonstrate to create 

  • number series using a fill handle, 

  • Copy the formula by dragging the formula using the fill handle

Understand and apply Referencing  

  • Concept of referencing, 

  • Relative referencing,

  • Mixed referencing,

  • Absolute referencing. 

  • Demonstrate to use of Relative referencing in spreadsheets,

  • Demonstrate to use of Mixed referencing in spreadsheets,

  • Demonstrate to use of Absolute referencing in the spreadsheet.

Create and insert different types of charts in a spreadsheet 

  • Importance of chart in a spreadsheet

  • Types of chart 

  • Create different types of charts supported by a spreadsheet, 

  • Illustrate the example of a chart in a spreadsheet. 

Unit 5: Digital Presentation

Learning Outcomes  



Understand the features of an effective presentation 

  • Concept of presentation,

  • Elements of presentation,

  • Characteristics of an effective presentation

  • Identify and list the elements of the presentation, 

  • List the characteristics of an effective presentation. 

Create a presentation 

  • Introduction to presentation software,

  • Opening a presentation software 

  • Parts of the presentation window, 

  • Closing a presentation 

  • Creating a presentation using the template, 

  • Selecting slide layout, 

  • Saving a presentation, 

  • Running a slide show, 

  • Save a presentation in PDF, 

  • Closing a presentation, 

  • Using Help. 

  • Start the presentation application 

  • various components of the main Impress window 

  • Observe the different workspace views. 

  • Create a new presentation using Wizard. 

  • Run the presentation, 

  • Save the presentation, 

  • Close the presentation,

  • Demonstrate to use of Help in the presentation

Work with slides 

  • Inserting a duplicate slide, 

  • Inserting new slides,

  • Slide layout, 

  • Copying and moving slides, 

  • Deleting and renaming slides 

  • Copying, moving and deleting contents of the slide, 

  • View a presentation,

  • Controlling the size of the view,

  • Workspace views – Normal, Outline, Notes, Slide sorter view. 

  • Demonstrate to insert a new slide and duplicate slide in a presentation,

  • Change the slide layout, 

  • Demonstrate to copy and move slides in the presentation, 

  • Demonstrate to copy, move and delete contents of the slide, 

  • Demonstrate to view a presentation in different views. 

Format text and apply animations 

  • Formatting toolbar,

  • Various formatting features, 

  • Text alignment, 

  • Bullets and numbering.

  • Custom Animation 

  • Identify and list the various options in the formatting toolbar,

  • Apply the appropriate formatting option 

  • Align the text in the presentation, 

  • Apply bullets and numbering to the list of items in the presentation. Apply Animation 

Create and use tables 

  • Inserting tables in presentation, 

  • Entering and editing data in a table, 

  • Selecting a cell, row, column, table,

  • Adjusting column width and row height, 

  • Table borders and background 

  • Demonstrate the following: 

  • Insert table in presentation, 

  • Enter and edit data in a table, 

  • Select a cell, row, column, or table, 

  • Adjust column width and row height, 

  • Assign table borders and background.

Insert and format the image in the presentation 

  • Inserting an image from a file, 

  • Inserting an image from the gallery, 

  • Formatting images,

  • Moving images,

  • Resizing images,

  • Rotating images,

  • Formatting using the Image toolbar,

  • Drawing graphic objects – lines, shapes, 

  • Grouping and un-grouping objects

  • Demonstrate to insert an image from a file, or gallery in the presentation,

  • Apply formatting options to images in the presentation,

  • Demonstrate to move, resize and rotate images, 

  • Apply formatting options of the Image toolbar, 

  • Drawing lines, and shapes using graphic objects, Demonstrate to group and ungroup objects.

Work with slide master 

  • Slide masters, 

  • Creating the slide masters, 

  • Applying the slide masters to all slides,

  • Adding transitions.

  • Create the slide masters, 

  • Apply the slide masters to the presentation, 

  • Add transitions to the presentation.

Prescribed Book:

Information Technology Textbook For Class IX

Benefits of Downloading CBSE  IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25

Downloading the CBSE Class 9 IT Syllabus offers several benefits:

  • Class 9 IT Syllabus provides the entire syllabus in one document to help students understand all the topics and subtopics covered in the course.

  • Helps create a structured study plan, ensuring that all important areas are covered before exams.

  • Allows students to allocate time efficiently to different sections based on their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Facilitates preparation by highlighting the key areas and weightage of different topics, improving focus and efficiency.

  • Easy reference for textbooks, supplementary materials, and online resources aligned with the syllabus.

  • Ensures that students stay on track with their studies throughout the academic year, avoiding last-minute rushes.

  • Helps parents to assist and monitor their child's progress and provide additional support where needed.

  • Teachers can use the syllabus to plan lessons and ensure they cover all necessary topics comprehensively.

  • Allows students to track their progress and identify areas needing improvement.

The IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25 is essential for students to build a strong foundation in Information Technology. By covering key areas such as computer basics, internet fundamentals, and digital safety, the syllabus ensures that students are well-prepared for the digital world. The structured course helps systematic learning, making complex topics easier to understand. With this syllabus, students can develop practical IT skills vital for their academic success and future careers.

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FAQs on IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. What is IT as a subject in Class 9?

The basic idea of how to send and receive documents, videos, audio files, etc, through telecommunication is taught in IT.

2. How many parts are there in the IT class 9 syllabus of CBSE?

There are 4 parts to the subject’s coursework. Among them, two are based on employability skills and subject-specific skills. On the other hand, another 2 parts are practical experiments on the subject.

3. What is the main reference book for IT in class 9 CBSE?

You can follow the All-in-One Information Technology book CBSE class 9 for the theory part.

4. Do I need to put extra attention to information technology in class 9?

Yes. All the subjects you’re studying will give you your final grade sheet. So, the marks you get in each subject are important. Apart from that, as further education and work-life needs are becoming challenging daily, getting a stronghold of IT from the beginning of Class 9 will be very helpful.

5. What is the syllabus of IT in class 9th?

The IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25 includes fundamental topics in Information Technology. Students will learn computer basics, including hardware and software components, operating systems, and file management. The syllabus covers internet essentials such as browsing, email, and online communication tools. Additionally, it focuses on digital safety, teaching students about secure online practices and protecting personal information. To get the details of the IT Syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25, students can download the free pdf from the Vedantu website.

6. Which is better, AI or IT for class 9?

Choosing between AI and IT for Class 9 depends on your interests and goals. AI might be more exciting for you if you are interested in how machines can learn and make decisions. AI covers topics like machine learning, robotics, and data analysis. On the other hand, if you want a broad understanding of technology, including computer basics, software, and internet skills, IT is a better choice. IT provides a strong foundation in essential tech skills useful for many fields. Consider what interests you more and your plans when making a decision.

7. What topics are covered in the CBSE Class 9 IT Syllabus for 2024-25? 

The syllabus includes computer basics, internet fundamentals, digital safety, and practical exercises to develop essential IT skills.

8. How can students benefit from the Class 9 IT syllabus? 

The syllabus helps students build a strong foundation in IT, enhances their digital literacy, and prepares them for advanced studies and careers in technology.

9. Is the IT syllabus practical-oriented? 

Yes, the syllabus includes hands-on exercises and projects to help students apply theoretical knowledge and gain practical skills.

10. How does the IT syllabus help in exam preparation? 

The syllabus provides a detailed outline of topics, helping students focus their studies, manage their time effectively, and prepare thoroughly for exams.