ICSE Syllabus for Class 10 French 2024-25 Examinations
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 French Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25
1. What is the pattern of the exam?
The entire examination is evaluated for 100 marks divided into internal and external assessments. The internal assessment is 20 marks and the external assessment is worth 80 marks. Internal assessment has various subparts and is conducted by two examiners. One of them shall be the subject teacher. The internal assessment pattern has Listening skills where a passage of 300 words is read out by the examiner twice. Students have to carefully study the passage and then answer the objective questions given in their paper. Under creative writing skills, the students have to write a passage on their respective assignments. It may include describing a picture, newspaper article, a music piece, film or book review etc., and also tests speaking skills.
2. How many marks does internal assessment weigh?
Internal assessment is for 20 marks testing various skills of the student. The internal assessment is conducted by two examiners, one of them is the respective subject teacher and another one is an examiner appointed by the head of the school from the same school. The subject teacher gives his/her assessment for 10 marks out of the total 20 marks. The internal examiner is their subject teacher. Internal assessment pattern has Listening skills where a passage of 300 words is read out by the examiner twice. Students have to carefully study the passage and then answer the objective questions given in their paper.
3. Who will conduct the internal assessment?
Internal assessment is conducted by the concerned teacher and an external faculty appointed by the head of the school. The head of the school has to carefully fill in the details and also make a copy of it and send it to the council for the final result. Internal assessment pattern has listening skills where a passage of 300 words is read out by the examiner twice. Students have to carefully study the passage and then answer the objective questions given in their paper. Under creative writing skills, the students have to write a passage on their respective assignments. It may include describing a picture, newspaper article, a music piece, film or book review etc., and also tests speaking skills.
4. Is it important to know how to read and write French?
Students are advised to practice all the listening, speaking, writing and reading components of the French to score well. Both the internal assessment and external assessment tests the LSRW skills of the student. They are advised to solve previous year papers to improve scores. They can download them for free on Vedantu. The exam tests all these skills of the students. They can practice it by solving previous year question papers, taking their teacher’s or senior’s help. Try speaking to your friends in french to get speaking skills. Write something in French everyday by picking a random topic and get it corrected.
5. What is the period of the exam?
Students are supposed to finish the exam in three hours. Students are supposed to enter the exam hall premises before the time to avoid any delay. They have to finish the entire exam in the given time and no extra time will be given at any cost. The exam tests composition, comprehension, dialogue writing, letter writing segments of the student. The entire exam is 80 marks and the remaining 20 marks are assessed in the internal assessment exam. Internal assessment pattern has listening skills where a passage of 300 words is read out by the examiner twice. Students have to carefully study the passage and then answer the objective questions given in their paper.