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ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25

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ICSE Syllabus for Class 10 Yoga 2024-25 Examinations

Free download of ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus as per ICSE guidelines. To register online ICSE tuitions on Vedantu to clear your doubts and download the complete Syllabus for Class 10 Yoga to prepare for Board Examinations.

Class 10 Yoga Semester (1 & 2) Syllabus


(Marks: 50)


(Marks: 50)

Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Unit No.

Name of the Unit


Human Biology


Human Biology


The Nervous System


The Excretory System


The Endocrine System


The Circulatory System


Sages of India 

(Complete Section)


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 

(Complete Section)


Some Important Schools of Philosophy and Some Sutras 

(Complete Section)

ICSE Yoga Syllabus 2024-25

ICSE class 10 Yoga syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25 is extremely indispensable for those students who are preparing for the Class 10th Board exams that decide their future in marking higher marks. Each student wants thought to attain better and better as a result of your higher marks are the sole medium to induce admissions in the suitable stream. This is often the time the student feels the particular pressure which is vital to create it lighter as presently as possible. This might be done through the medium of practice and revision. Vedantu provides you free access to those sample question papers which helps them to attain the best. The great part of Vedantu's question papers is that they are designed in such a way that seems precisely just like the question paper you get within the examination hall. Vedantu specialists are extremely qualified experts and good researchers. They have gone thoroughly through each and every curriculum and also the question papers so as to provide the best source of updated information and data to the students of class 10th. You simply have to download these ICSE class 10 Yoga curriculum For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25  from the official website of Vedantu in PDF format and follow and revise the maximum amount as you can.

Syllabus for Important Schools of Indian Philosophy and Some Slokas

The syllabus for Important Schools of Indian Philosophy and Some Slokas is mentioned below:

  • Sankhya, Yoga, Vedanta, Purva Mimansa with respect to each philosophy - Meaning of the name, founder, dates, important texts, tenets, salvation, concept of God. 

  • Tenets of Sankhya Purusha and Prakriti (dualistic system) (the student needs to know just a basic understanding of these terms); Gunas, 23 evolutes of Prakriti. 

  • Tenets of Yoga Yoga also called Sa Ishvara Sankhya; 5 vrittis and 5 Chitta Bhumis; 5 kleshas; 4 virtues; Ashtang yoga. 

  • Tenets of Vedanta Basic meaning of the following terms: Advaita, Brahman, Jagat, Mithya, Maya, Sookshma (subtle) and Sthool (gross) buddhi 

  • Tenets of Purva Mimansa Importance of rituals and Mantras, concept of many Gods and Goddesses, concept of divinity in non-living objects, Karma and dharma. 

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25

1. What is the Yoga Syllabus of ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25?

1. The Nervous System

(i) The brain, the voluntary, and involuntary nerves.

(ii) The five Jnana Indriyas - eyes, ears, nose, tongue and the skin. - their role in sensory perception

(iii) The five karma Indriyas - arms, legs, tongue and larynx, organs of excretion, and organs of reproduction. - their role in performing actions

(iv) Yoga and the health of the nervous system.

2. The Excretory System

(i) The organs of excretion.

(ii) The importance of the proper elimination of body wastes for maintaining health.

3. The Circulatory System

(i) The heart and blood vessels, blood, and its composition.

(ii) The lymphatic system.

(iii) How Yoga improves circulation.

4. The Important Endocrine Glands

(i) The thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas and testes.

(ii) Their importance in growth, and human health.

(iii) How Yoga helps to regulate the functioning of endocrine glands.

2. What is the Yoga Syllabus for the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali?

The Yoga Syllabus for the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is mentioned below in a tabulated form

The Four Padas

Samadhi pada, Sadhana pada, Vibhuti pada and Kaivalya pada

The Five Vrittis

Pramana, Viparyaya, Vikalpa, Smriti and Nidra

The Five Kleshas

Avidya, Asmita, Raga, Dvesha and Abhinivesh.

The Obstacles

(i) Vyadhi, Styana, Samshana, Pramada, Alasya, Avirati, Bhranti, Darshana, Alabdhahumikatva Anavasthi-tattva. (ii) Dukha, Daurmansya, Angamejayatva and Shvasa Prashvasa.

The Virtues

Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksha

The Shudripus

Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya

Abyasa and Vairagya

3. Where do I get ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25?

Yoga is considered to be an indispensable part of our life and therefore it is also essential for the student to learn about Yoga. You can access the study material related to yoga at the official website for the Vedantuthat is ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25 which provides you free and updated information related to Yoga of Class 10th. You only need to click on the link and then click on the  "Download PDF".

4. Why should I prefer Vedantu for ICSE Class 10 Yoga Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25?

Experts recommended Vedantu as the best website for all up-to-date information and knowledge sources. At Vedantu, only highly trained and qualified experts take care of all the necessary information that students need. They go through extensive study and research and then define all available courses and questions from the previous year for their respective entrance exams. Vedantu gives free access to  RS Aggarwal Class 10 math solutions to all students who need them. Go to the official Vedantu website and click on the link then receive the questionnaires in PDF format by clicking on  "Download PDF". All the solutions are available on Vedantu’s official website and mobile app for free.