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ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25

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ICSE Syllabus for Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages 2024-25 Examinations

Free download of ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages Syllabus as per ICSE guidelines is made available to the students preparing for the exam by Vedantu. To register online ICSE tuitions on to clear your doubts and download the complete Syllabus for Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages to prepare for Board Examinations.

Modern Foreign languages refer to the languages which are currently in use around the globe, The students studying in the 10th standard have the option to take any of the certified modern foreign languages approved by the ICSE. Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) is the authority, which decides the syllabus of the Modern Foreign Language exam for class 10. For the academic year 2024-25, as the pandemic hits the globe, the syllabus is reduced to reduce the burden on the student.

ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages Wise Syllabus 2024-25

ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages Semester (1 & 2) Syllabus 2024-25

Semester 1 

(Marks: 40)

Semester 2 

(Marks: 40)

Portion to Be Covered

Portion to Be Covered












Translation from the Language into English

Translation from English into the Language

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25

1. Which Modern Foreign languages are included in the ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages?

The students appearing for the ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) class 10 examinations have an option to choose to learn any of these languages - French, German, or Spanish. 


ICSE board lets the student choose to learn these foreign languages because of the reason that many students want to go abroad and study foreign languages. However, it is not compulsory for the student to opt for any second language; it is the student's own choice to study more languages

2. What topics are included in the two semesters (1&2) of Modern Foreign Languages examination?

Modern Foreign languages are divided into two parts, one is the examination part of 80 marks and the other is an Internal assessment of 20 marks. The examination part is conducted in two semesters, each semester worth 40 marks. The topics covered in these semesters are 

  • Comprehension: In this part, students are given an unseen passage, which they have to read and answer questions for the same.

  • Letter: Formal or informal letter was written by the student.

  • Grammar: This part tests the student’s knowledge of the basics of the grammar of the selected foreign language. 

  • Composition: The students write short compositions to test the student's writing abilities.

  • Translation: Students have to translate English sentences to a foreign language and vice versa. 

  • Dialogue Writing: Everyday situations are given to the student, on which they have to write dialogues.

3. Why Foreign languages are taught to the students of ICSE class 10?

The chief executive of the ICSE board once said and I quote that many students want to learn foreign languages and want to go abroad, hence the reason for the ICSE board to start offering Modern Foreign Languages. The aims of exams on Modern foriegn languages are -

  1. To develop an interest in students for the selected languages.

  2. To appreciate the languages as a whole

  3. To make the student able to understand the language in normal conversations

  4. To understand the basic elements of the new language like grammar.

4. Explain the exam pattern of the ICSE modern foreign languages?

There will be one 3-hour long paper carrying 80 marks and 20 marks worth Internal assessments. This three-hour-long paper is divided into two parts semester 1 and semester 2. Both of these semesters are worth 40 marks each. ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) board Forign that decides the exam pattern and syllabus of the Modern Foreign languages. The students can download a free PDF file of the syllabus of class 10 modern Forign from the official website of Vedantu.

5. Explain topics in the internal assessment part of ICSE board exam of Modern Foreign Languages for class 10?

The internal assessment part comprises 20 marks out of 100. The syllabus for the internal assessment part of the ICSE board Modern language exam is given below.

  • Listening skills: A 300-word article will be read twice in a foreign language to the students, students then will have to answer objective-type questions based on the previous article.

  • Speaking skills: Students will need to give a speech for about 2 minutes in their selected foreign language.

  • Creative writing: students need to write short creative pieces in their selected foreign language.