Download Lakhmir Singh Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting To Know Plants Worksheet Free PDF
Our planet is home to so many plants and animals. There are millions of plant species identified in the world living in different ecosystems. Class 6 Science Chapter 7 focuses on giving a basic idea about different kinds of plants and introducing students to the world of botany. To make this chapter easier to understand, we have provided the solutions for the Class 6 Science Chapter 7 worksheet and exercises. Download the worksheet PDF for free from Vedantu and prepare for your exams.
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Very Short Answer Type Question.
1. Name the process by which plants make food.
Ans: The process by which plants make food is photosynthesis. It is a biological process that is used by plants to prepare their own food with the help of sunlight. This process occurs only in the presence of sunlight. The plant uses light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose.
2. Name the part of the plant which produces its food.
Ans: The part of the plant which produces its food are leaves. In the presence of sunlight, leaves prepare food using light energy. The leaves use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen.
3. What substance in the leaves gives them a green color?
Ans: The substance in the leaves that gives them a green color is a chlorophyll. This is because this green pigment, called chlorophyll, absorbs the green color wavelength of white light, which is coming from the sun. The green wavelength of light is reflected from the plants or leaves, so it appears green in color.
4. What is the main vein of a leaf known as?
Ans: The main vein of a leaf is known as the Mid-rib. The main vein of the leaf in the middle of the blade is called Midrib.
5. Name the green pigment present in the leaves of a plant.
Ans: The green pigment present in the leaves of a plant is chlorophyll. It absorbs the green wavelength of white light and is reflected from the leaves, so it appears green in color.
6. In the question:
Name the gas used in photosynthesis.
Name the gas produced in photosynthesis.
Ans: (a) A gas which is used in photosynthesis is carbon dioxide.
(b) A gas produced in photosynthesis is Oxygen.
7. Name the process by which plant leaves lose water into air.
Ans: Transpiration is the process by which plant leaves lose water in the the air. In this process,, water evaporates from aerial parts of plants such as steam, leaves, and flowers.
8. Which substance is used to remove chlorophyll from a green leaf during photosynthesis experiments.
Ans: The substance used to remove chlorophyll from a green leaf during photosynthesis experiments is small beakers, alcohol, water burner, etc.
9. Name the two substances which combine in green leaves in the presence of sunlight to make food.
Ans: The two substances which combine in green leaves in the presence of sunlight to make food are carbon dioxide and water. The process in which these substances combine and make food in the presence of sunlight is called photosynthesis.
10. What is the usual name of medium-sized plants with hard and woody stems whose many branches arise just above the ground.
Ans: The medium-sized plants with hard and woody stems whose many branches arise just above the ground are shrubs. Some examples of shrubs are Croton, Lemon, Tulsi, Jasmine, etc.
11. Name the part of plants which grows below the ground.
Ans: The part of the plant which grows below the ground is the Root. It is that part of the plant through which plants take water and nutrients into the body of plants.
12. Which parts of plants absorb water and minerals from the soil.
Ans: The root is the part of plants that absorbs water and minerals from the soil and sends it to the whole plant body, which helps in the growth of plants.
13. Name the three main groups into which most of the plants can be classified.
Ans: Herbs, shrubs, and trees are the main group into which most of the plants can be classified.
14. Name two types of plants other than herbs, shrubs and trees.
Ans: Climbers and creepers are the two types of plants other than herbs, shrubs, and trees. Climbers and creepers are weak-stemmed plants. Sweet potato and watermelon are examples of creeper plants. Gourd beans and jasmine are examples of climbers' plants.
15. What is the scientific name of ;
Leaf stalk
Leaf blade
Ans: The scientific name of
Leaf stalk – Petiole.
Leaf blade – Lamina.
16. What is the name of;
Male part of flower
Female part of flower
Ans: The name of
The male part of the flower is the stamen.
The female part of the flower is the pistil.
17. Name three agents which carry out pollination in flowers.
Ans: Pollination is the process of transferring pollen grains from the male part of flowers to the female part of flowers. Three agents which carry out pollination in flowers are insects, wind, and water.
18. In a flower
What do the ovaries become after fertilization?
What do the ovules become after fertilization?
Ans: In a flower
Ovaries become fruit after fertilization.
ovules become seeds after fertilization.
19. Name that part of a flower which becomes fruit after fertilization.
Ans: The part of a flower that becomes fruit after fertilization is the ovary.
20. What is the name of the powdery substance present in the anther of a stamen?
Ans: The powdery substance present in the anther of a stamen is pollen. It consists of pollen grains that produce male gametes.
21. In which part of the flower, you are likely to find the ovary?
Ans: Ovary is likely to be found in the female reproductive system of flowers, which is called the pistil.
22. Name the egg-like structures present in the ovary of a flower.
Ans: The egg-like structure present in the ovary of a flower is the ovule. It contains the female gamete or the egg cell.
23. A plant has fibrous roots. What types of venation are possessed by its leaves?
Ans: Plants with fibrous roots have parallel venation. For example - wheat, maize, grass, banana, etc.
24. A plant has leaves with reticulate venation. What type of root does it have?
Ans: The plant with reticulate venation is likely to have tap roots. For example; carrot and roses.
25. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words :
Green plants use …….. energy to make food. This process is called ……..?
Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have ………. roots whereas those having leaves with parallel venation have ……. roots.
The flower is that part of a plant which contains the ………. organs.
After fertilization, the ovary is transformed into ……….. and ovules grow into ………
The part of a plant which aries vertically up from the ground is called its ………..
……….. anchor the plant to the soil.
The money plant having a long and weak stem is called a …………
Rose plant is a …………… whereas tomato plant is a herb.
Ans: Suitable word of above blanks:
Green plants use sunlight, energy to make food. This process is called photosynthesis.
Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots whereas those having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots.
The flower is that part of a plant which contains the reproductive organs.
After fertilization, the ovary is transformed into fruits and ovules grow into seeds.
The part of a plant which arises vertically up from the ground is called its stem.
Root anchors the plant to the soil.
The money plant having a long and weak stem is called a creeper.
Rose plant is a shrub whereas the tomato plant is a herb.
Short Answer Type Question
26. Name the main parts of a plant. Which part of plants carries water and minerals from roots to the leaves and flowers?
Ans: The main parts of the plants are:
The most important part of plants that carries water and minerals from the root to the leaves and flower is the stem. Due to this, the food produced by leaves moves to the other parts of the plants.
27. What is the difference between shrubs and a tree? Give one example of each.
Ans: Difference between shrubs and a tree:
Shrubs | Trees |
28. Classify the following into herbs, shrubs, and trees.
Wheat, Henna, Coconut, Paddy, Bougainvillea, Carrot, Banyan, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cabbage.
Ans: Herbs:- Wheat, Carrot, Cabbage, Paddy.
Shrubs:- Henna, Bougainvillea, Lemon.
Trees:- Coconut, Banyan, Eucalyptus.
29. How do climber plants differ from creeper plants? Name two climbers and two creepers.
Ans: The main difference between the climber plants and creeper plants is that:
Climber plants have climbing organs like tendrils but creeper plants do not have such organs.
Climber plants climb upward with support such as walls, sticks, etc. whereas creeper plants only spread on the ground.
Climber plants have coiled and thin-circular stems, whereas creeper plants have very weak stems that cannot stand upright.
Name of climbers:- Pea plant, Grapevine.
Name of creepers:- Strawberry, Money plants.
30. Classify the following into climbers and creepers.
Strawberry, Bitter gourd, Grapevine, Money plant, Pea plant.
Ans: Classification:
Climbers: Bitter gourd, Grapevine, Pea plant.
Creepers: Strawberry, Money plants.
31. Name two plants having tap roots and two plants which have fibrous roots.
Ans: The two plants having tap roots are Pea plants and Neem trees.
The two plants having fibrous roots are Wheat and paddy.
32. What type of roots do the following plants have?
Wheat, Mango, Carrot, Maize, Neem, Grass
Ans: There are two types of roots, Taproot, and Fibrous root. A tap root is one of the main roots that grow straight down deep into the soil. And the fibrous roots consist of groups of roots of similar size and length.
Mango, Neem tree and Carrot are the tap roots.
Wheat, Maize, and grass are fibrous roots.
33. Is it possible to know the type of roots of a plant without pulling it out from the soil? Explain.
Ans: Yes, it is possible to know the type of roots without pulling them out from the soil. We can find out whether a plant has taproot or fibrous roots by looking at its leaves. If the leaf has parallel venation, then it is a fibrous root but if the leaf has reticulate venation then the plant has a fibrous root.
34. Consider the following term connected with plants:
Sepals, Petals, Ovary, Trunk, Leaves, Anther
Which of the above contains (a) pollen, (b) ovules (c) bark and (d) chlorophyll?
Ans: These are the term connected with plants:
Sepals- The outer part of the flower that encloses a developing bud.
Petal- The parts of a flower that are often conspicuously colored.
Ovary- The enlarged basal portion of the pistil where ovules are produced.
Anther- It is the part of the stamen where pollen is produced.
Leaves- leaves are a green part of the plant which helps in making food with the help of photosynthesis.
Trunk- The trunk is the thick or main stem of a tree from which its branches grow.
The above contains-
Pollen- Anther.
Ovules- Ovary.
Bark- Trunk.
Chlorophyll- Leaves.
35.Which of the following plant leaves have reticulate venation and which have parallel venation?
Wheat, Maize, Tulsi, Neem, Paddy, Sunflower, Coriander, Banana, Mustard, Sugarcane
Ans: The leaves with parallel venation in which veins are parallelly arranged with one another and mostly occur in monocots, whereas the leaves with reticulate venation in which veins are arranged in a form of network and mostly occur in dicots.
Tulsi, Neem, Sunflower, Coriander, and Mustard have reticulate venation.
Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Banana, and Sugarcane have parallel venation.
36. Correct and rewrite the following statement.
leaves hold the plant upright.
Roots conduct water to the leaves.
Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
The number of petals and sepals in a flower is always equal.
Ans: The corrected sentence are as follow:
Stem holds the plants upright.
Stem conducts water to the leaves.
Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.
The number of petals and sepals in a flower is not always equal. Flowers have many shapes and sizes, and there are many variations in color, number of flower parts, and arrangement of these parts.
Long Answer Type Questions
37. What are herbs, shrubs, and trees? Give two examples each of herbs, shrubs, and trees.
Herbs- Plants that have soft, green, and very thin, delicate stems are called herbs. Its lifespan is very small. They can survive only one or two seasons. They are very short in size. For example - Maize, Rice
Shrubs- Plants with a woody stem, with branches of almost equal size arising from the stem immediately above the soil near its base, are called shrubs. They grow in all types of soil. They are generally smaller than trees but larger than herbs. For example - Tulsi, Lemon.
Trees: Trees are tall and big plants and have one hard woody stem called a trunk. Trees bear woody branches, leaves, and twigs at the same distance above the ground. They leave for longer years and they are taller than both herbs and shrubs. For Example - Coconut trees, Banyan trees.
38. What is a root? State the various functions of roots. Name the two types of roots found in plants.
Ans: The root is the part of a plant that grows below the ground and which takes water and minerals from the soil and transfers them to the all body parts of the plant.
The various function of roots are as follows:
Anchoring of the plant to the soil.
It absorbs water, minerals, and nutrients from the soil.
It stores the food.
It helps in holding the soil together.
The two types of plants found in plants are:
Tap root- A tap root is when there is one main root that grows straight down deep into the soil. It only has very few lateral roots that develop and grow off this main root.
Fibrous root: A fibrous root is a root that consists of groups of roots of similar size and length. They do not penetrate as deeply into the soil as a tap root.
39. What is the stem of a plant? State various functions of stem in a plant.
Ans: The part of a plant that arises vertically up from the ground is called its stem. It helps the plant together with the roots, helping them stand up straight and perpendicular to the ground.
Various functions of the stem in plant:
The same holds the plant upright and perpendicular to the ground.
The stem of the plant carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plant.
The stem carries the prepared food from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
The spam holds the leaves in such a way that the leaves are able to get plenty of sunlight for preparing the food by photosynthesis.
Stems are also called store rooms because they are stored. The prepared food is processed in starch form.
40. What is a leaf? Draw the labeled diagram of a leaf. What are the functions of leaves of a plant?
Ans: The leaf is a thin, broad, flat, and green part of a plant that is attached to the stem. Leaves are present on branches of the plant.

The functions of the leaves of plants:
Leaves make food for the plants.
The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant.
The leaves carry out the process of respiration in the plants.
41. What is the main function of a flower? Name the main part of a flower. Draw the diagram of a flower and label its main part.
Ans: The main and most important function of a flower is reproduction. Through reproduction, the flower produces fruits and seeds. The main part of a flower are as follows:
Sepals- The outer part of the flower that encloses a developing bud.
Petals-This is the bright-coloured part of the flower that attracts bees, insects, and birds.
Stamen- This is the male reproductive part of a flower. It consists of two-part i.e anther and filament.
Pistil- This is the innermost part and the female reproductive system of a flower which consists of three parts i.e stigma, style, and ovary.
Diagram of parts of a flower:

42. What is photosynthesis? Why is it essential for plants? What part does chlorophyll play in photosynthesis?
Ans: Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use sunlight or light energy to prepare their own food from carbon dioxide and water.
Photosynthesis is very essential for all plants as it helps in making food for plants. As plants are autotrophs, they make their own food with the help of photosynthesis.It is also the source of energy and food for all organisms. It releases oxygen into the environment which is utilized by the Organism.
Chlorophyll also plays a great role in photosynthesis because chlorophyll is present in green leaves which helps in trapping energy from sunlight.
43. What are taproot and fibrous roots? Draw sketches of taproot and fibrous roots. Name one plant having taproot and another having fibrous roots.
Ans: Tap root: A tap root is when there is one main root that grows straight down deep into the soil. It only has very few lateral roots that develop and grow off this main root.
Fibrous root: A fibrous root is a root that consists of groups of roots of similar size and length. They do not penetrate as deeply into the soil as a tap root.
Sketches of taproot and fibrous root:

Taproot and Fibrous Root
Plants having tap roots are- Mango,Neem, carrot etc.
Plants having fibrous roots are- Wheat, Maize etc.
44. What is
Draw the diagram of a stamen and pistil. And label their parts.
Stamen- It is a male reproductive system of a flower. It consists of anther, which is top of the stamen and filament, which is the stalk of filament.
Pistil- It is a female reproductive system of a flower and is the innermost part of a flower. It consists of ovary, style, and stigma. Stigma is the top most part of a flower. An ovary is the base part of a flower.
Diagram of stamen and pistil:

Stamen and Pistil
45. What is venation? What are the two main types of Venation? What is the relationship between the type of Venation in leaves and types of root in plants?
Ans: Venation is the arrangement of veins in the lamina is known as venation of a leaf. This type of arrangement is found only in leaf tissues. The two main types of venation in leaves are:
Parallel venation: The leaves with parallel venation in which veins are parallelly arranged with one another and mostly occur in monocots.
Reticulate venation: The leaves with reticulate venation in which veins are arranged in a form of network and mostly occur in dicots.
Relationship between the types of venation in leaves and types of roots in plants:
The plant having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots.
The plant having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots.
Multiple Choice Question (MCQs)
46. Every plant has:
roots, fruits and leaves
stems, branches, and flowers
leaves, stem, and roots
leaves, flowers and stem
Ans: The correct option is C) Leaves, stems and roots. These are the main part of a plant.Leaves help in making food whereas roots and stem transfer water and minerals from the soil to all body parts.
47. Which part of the plant is not always present?
Ans: The correct option is C) Fruit is the part of the plant which is not always present in it. It is seasonable.It develops only when the reproduction takes place in the plant.
48. Which one of the following does not have branches?
Neem tree
Oak tree
Banyan tree
Coconut tree
Ans: The correct option is D) Coconut trees do not have branches. They grow only in height.
49. Which part of a plant helps to carry food to all parts of the plant?
Ans: The correct option is C) Stem is a part of a plant which helps to carry food and important minerals from roots to the entire part of the plants.
50. Plants take carbon dioxide from air through tiny opening found in the:
Ans: The correct option is B) Leaves have very tiny holes through which plants take carbon dioxide from air. It also helps in the process of making food from the sunlight.
51. Which one of the following statements is wrong?
Leaves can only make food when there is light
Male flowers will develop into fruits
Roots hold the plant firmly to the ground
Plants need air, water and sunlight to grow
Ans: The correct option is B) Male flowers will develop into fruits. It produces pollen which is further developed in fruit.
52. Plants spread out their branches and leaves in order to:
get more sunlight
to make it more beautiful
get more rain
provide us with shade
Ans: The correct option is a) Plants spread out their branches and leaves to get more sunlight. Due to this plants prepare their own food more quickly.
53. Which part of the plant grows in the soil?
Ans: The correct option is c) Root grows deep inside the soil. It carries water and some minerals from soil and sends it to the entire parts of the plant.
54. Most of the fruits have:
root hairs
Ans: The correct option is d) Seed because during every reproduction the only thing developed is seed.
55. Which one of the following is not a flowering plant?
pine tree
mango tree
Ans: The correct option is b) Pine tree is not a flowering plant because it does not produce flowers. It reproduces only seeds that reside in pinecones.
56. One of the following is a flowering plant. This one is:
Ans: The correct option is c) Maize is a flowering plant.It has a place where pollen is developed. It have a well developed root system.
57. Which one of the following plants is not a herb?
Ans: The correct option is b) Rose is not a herb because herb is that plant in which stems are soft and not woody. They have only a few branches.
58. The plant which cannot be classified as a shrub is:
Ans: The correct option is c) Carrot cannot be classified as a shrub. Because shrubs are medium-sized plants and have very thin stems with some branches.
59. Which one of the following plants is not a climber?
pea plant
strawberry plant
sweet gourd plant
grape vine
Ans: The correct option is b) Strawberry plant is not a climber. Because a climber is a plant which requires support to move up. Strawberry is a creeper not a climber.
60. One of the following plants has reticulate venation in its leaves. The plant is:
Ans: The correct option is d) Marigold has reticulate venation in its leaves. Marigold has a taproot system so it has reticulate venation.
61. Which of the following plants has parallel venation in its leaves?
mango tree
china rose
Ans: The correct option is b) Banana has parallel venation in its leaves as it has a fibrous root system.
62. One of the following plants does not have climbing organs called tendrils. This one is:
money plant
bitter gourd plant
pea plant
passion flower plant
Ans: The correct option is a) Money plants do not have climbing organs called tendrils . It is a creeper plant, it only spreads on ground and has a very thin stem.
63. Which of the following plants does not have a tap root?
Ans: The correct option is c) Maize does not have tap roots. It has a fibrous root system which consists of many sub-branches of almost similar shape and size.
64. One of the following plants does not have fibrous roots. This plant is:
Ans: The correct option is c) Beet does not have fibrous roots. It has tap roots which grow straight deep down in the soil.
65. The loss of water from the leaves of a plant is called:
Ans: The correct option is d) Transpiration is a process in which water changes into vapors from leaves to the atmosphere.
Questions Based On High Order Thinking Skills (HOTs)
66. A, B, C, D and E are the various parts of a plant. Part A contains the reproductive organs of the plant. Part A ultimately leads to the formation of part B which contains seeds of the plant. Part C absorbs water and dissolved minerals from the soil and part D makes the food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis. Part E supports the plant and also carries the food prepared by D to all the parts of the plant. What are A, B, C, D and E?
Ans: The A, B, C, D, and E from the above question are as follow:
In the above question, A is a flower which contains reproductive organs, both male as well as female reproductive organs,i.e stigma and pistil.
Flower ultimately leads to formation of fruit, which contains seeds of the plant.
Root is the most important part of the plant. It is buried deep under the soil and absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
Leaves have the green pigments called chlorophyll, which help in making food for the plants using sunlight, and this process is called photosynthesis.
Stem plays an important role to keep plant stands upright, perpendicular to the grounds. It also supports and carries the food prepared by leaves and helps to transfer the water and minerals from roots to all bodies of plants.
67. X and Y are the two types of plants. Plant X has a thin, long, and weak stem which cannot stand upright on its own but it readily moves up a nearby support. On the other hand, plant Y is a medium sized plant with a hard woody stem, branching out near the base .
What type of plant is X? Give one example of such a plant.
What type of plant is Y? Give one example of such a plant.
Ans: Explanation:
Plant X is climber plants. Climber plants are those plants which climb up with support. It has a thin, long and weak stem which cannot stand upright. For example: pea plant
Plant Y is Shrubs. Shrubs are medium-sized plant with a hard, woody stem branching out near the base.
68. The organ A of a plant combines a gas B of air with water from the soil in the presence of sunlight to form a simple food C and releases gas D. Some of the simple food C is also changed into a complex food E which gets stored in the various parts of the plant (including A ).
Name the organ A. What is its color?
Name gas B and food C.
What is gas D? State its important use for us.
Name the food E. Which reagent can give a blue black color with E.
What is the process of food making by organ A known as.
Ans: Answer of the above question:
The organ A is leaf. Its color is green
gas B is carbon dioxide and food C is Glucose.
Oxygen is gas D. Oxygen is very important for all living beings.It is used in breathing and respiration.
The food E is starch . The reagent can give a blue black color with starch is Dilute iodine solution.
Photosynthesis is a process through which the plants make their own food by the organ leaf.
69. P and Q are the two types of plants. Plants P has a thin, long and weak stem which cannot stand up right on its own. The plant P does not have tendrils and spreads on the ground. On the other hand, plant Q has a green, soft and delicate stem but it can stand upright on its own.
What type of plants is P? Name one plant like P.
What type of plant is Q? Name one plant like Q.
Ans: There are two type of plant P and plant Q
Plant p is a creeper plant. Creeper plant has a thin, long, and weak stem which cannot stand upright on its own. It does not have tendrils and always spread on the ground. For example: Money plants.
Plant Q is an herb. Herb plants have a green, soft and delicate stem but it can stand upright on its own.
70. The flower of a plant has two reproductive organs X and Y. The organ X is flask- shaped whose sticky top part is A, the central part is a long tube B and the swollen part at the bottom is C. The part C contains tiny structures D. The organ Y consists of a long stalk having a swollen top E. The top E contains a powdery structure F.
What is X and Y?
Name A, B, C, And D.
What is E and F?
What will part C become after fertilization?
What will structures D become after fertilization?
Ans: Answer of above question are as follow:
X and Y are the reproductive organs of a plant. X is pistil and Y is stamen.
Sticky top part is stigma, central part of pistil, swollen part at the bottom is the ovary, ovary contains tiny part called ovules.
E and F are anther and pollen.
The part of C i.e part of the ovary will become fruit after fertilization.
The structures D, i.e Ovules, become seed after fertilization.
Importance of Lakhmir Singh Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants
According to the latest estimation done by scientists, we have found about 390,000 plant species existing on earth. You will be surprised to know that a major part of the plants has not even been scouted by researchers yet.
The diversity in the plant kingdom is introduced in Class 6 Science Chapter 7 at the basic level. Students will come to know what kinds of plants exist and how they can be broadly divided.
This chapter also explains how the plants are segmented into three major parts that are trees, shrubs, and herbs. The features of all these classifications will be explained with examples so that the students can easily identify a plant when they see one.
Students will also learn how plants are different in terms of characteristics and features of roots, stems, leaves, branches, etc. They will also get their concepts cleared by solving the Class 6 Science Chapter 7 worksheet and exercises given in this chapter.
This chapter will also explain how the different forms of leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and fruits exist with the help of relevant examples. We can clearly understand how important this chapter is to develop the basic foundation of botany among the students of Class 6.
Benefits of Lakhmir Singh Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting To Know Plants Worksheet
Preparing this chapter will become a lot easier when you have the Getting To Know Plants Class 6 Chapter 7 Activity and exercise solutions. All the questions have been framed following the ICSE Class 6 guidelines. You will be able to learn the concepts faster and better from the answers.
You can refer to the worksheet and other solutions of this chapter to know how the experts have framed answers and then try to answer the questions on your own.
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Evaluate your preparation by solving the questions on the worksheet and comparing your answers to the solutions. In this way, you will be able to find out where you need to study more.
Download Getting To Know Plants Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Activity PDF
Get the PDF version of the solutions for the Class 6 Science Chapter 7 worksheet and activity for free from Vedantu. Learn about the different types of plants in a better way from the solutions given here. Refer to the Class 6th Chapter 7 Lakshmi Singh Solutions and worksheets to prepare this chapter for the exams.
FAQs on Lakhmir Singh Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting To Know Plants - PDF
1. What is a herb?
A plant with a tender and green stem is called a herb. Example: Paddy, Wheat. These plants do not have strong branches either.
2. What is a shrub?
A plant with a hard but not very thick stem is called a shrub. Example: China rose, lemon, etc. These plants have soft woody but not thick branches.
3. Give a few examples of trees.
Common examples of trees are mango, banyan, neem, etc. These are trees with big woody stems and branches. They are much bigger in height than herbs and shrubs.
4. What are climbers?
Plants that do not have a strong stem and have to rely on external support are called climbers. Example: Grapevine.
5. Give an example of a creeper.
A common example of a creeper is Money Plant.