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NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics Chapter-10 (Book Solutions)


NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics - Wave Optics - Free PDF Download

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Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Science (Physics) Chapter 10 - Wave Optics Exercise


10.1 Consider a light beam incident from air to a glass slab at Brewster’s angle as shown in Fig. 10.1. A polaroid is placed in the path of the emergent ray at point P and rotated about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plane of the polaroid.

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(a) For a particular orientation there shall be darkness as observed through the polaoid.

(b) The intensity of light as seen through the Polaroid shall be independent of the rotation.

(c) The intensity of light as seen through the Polaroid shall go through a minimum but not zero for two orientations of the polaroid.

(d) The intensity of light as seen through the polaroid shall go through a minimum for four orientations of the polaroid.

Ans:  (c): When ray ABCD of light passes through prism in such a way that angle between reflected ray BE and refracted ray BC is 90 then only reflected ray is plane polarized. So Polaroid rotated in the way of CD the intensity will never be zero but varies in one complete rotation so, it verifies answer (c).

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10.2 Consider sunlight incident on a slit of width 104A . The image seen through the slit shall

(a) Be a fine sharp slit white in colour at the center.

(b) A bright slit white at the center diffusing to zero intensities at the edges.

(c) A bright slit white at the center diffusing to regions of different colours.

(d) Only be a diffused slit white in colour.

Ans:  (a): Width of slit 104A=10,000A

Wavelength of visible light varies from 4000  to  8000A . As the width of slit 10000A  is comparable to that of wavelength of visible light i.e. 8000A . Hence the diffraction occurs with maxima at the centre. So at the centre all colours appear i.e. white colour at the centre appear.

10.3 Consider a ray of light incident from air onto a slab of glass (refractive index n   ) of width d , at an angle θ . The phase difference between the ray reflected by the top surface of the glass and the bottom surface is

(a) 2πμdλ[11n2sin2θ]12+π

(b) 4πdλ[11n2sin2θ]12 

(c) 4πdλ[11n2sin2θ]12+π2 

(d) 4πdλ[11n2sin2θ]12+2π 

Ans:  (a): Consider a ray of light ABCD through prism, and reflected rays BE and CF from incidence points B and C as shown in figure.

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The time difference between two reflected ray BE and CF is equal to the time taken by ray to travel from B to C.

Time difference dt between two reflected rays BE and CF are











Substitute (I) and (II) in (III)





From IV, dt=μdc1sin2θμ2=μdc=[1sin2θμ2]12

Phase difference,




The phase difference between ray AB and BC after refraction is π 

Net phase difference =dϕ,+π 

=dϕ=2πμdλ[1sin2θμ2]12+π (It is very near to option (a))

10.4 In a Young’s double slit experiment, the source is white light. One of the holes is covered by a red filter and another by a blue filter. In this case

(a) There shall be alternate interference patterns of red and blue.

(b) There shall be an interference pattern for red distinct from that for blue.

(c) There shall be no interference fringes.

(d) There shall be an interference pattern for red mixing with one for blue.

Ans:  (c):  For sustained interference, the source must be coherent and should emit the light of same frequency. In this problem one hole is covered with red and other with blue, which has different frequency, so no interference takes place.

10.5 Figure 10.2 shows a standard two slit arrangement with slits S1, S2 . P1, P2 are the two minima points on either side of P (Fig. 10.2). At P2 on the screen, there is a hole and behind P2 is a second screen, 2- slit arrangement with slits S3 and and a second screen behind them.

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(a) There would be no interference pattern on the second screen but it would be lighted.

(b) The second screen would be totally dark.

(c) There would be a single bright point on the second screen.

(d) There would be a regular two slit pattern on the second screen.

Ans:  (d): At P2 is minima due to two wavefronts in opposite phase coming from, two slits S1 and S2 , but there is wavefronts from S1, S2 so P2 will act as a source of secondary wavelets. Wavefront starting from P2 reaches at S3 and S4 slits which will again acts as two monochromatic or coherent sources and will form pattern on second screen.



10.6 Two source S1 and S2 of intensity I1 and I2 are placed in front of a screen [Fig. 10.3 (a)]. The pattern of intensity distribution seen in the central portion is given by Fig. 10.3 (b). In this case which of the following statements are true   

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(a) S1 and S2 have the same intensities.

(b) S1 and S2 have a constant phase difference.

(c) S1 and S2 have the same phase.

(d) S1 and S2 have the same wavelength.

Ans:  (a), (b) and (c): (i) As the intensity at dark fringe is zero so intensities of S1 and S2 are equal.

(ii) As the graph of maxima and minima is symmetric. So the waves from S1 and S2are at same phase difference or zero phase difference.

10.7 Consider sunlight incident on a pinhole of width 103A . The image of the pinhole seen on a screen shall be

(a) A sharp white ring.

(b) Different from a geometrical image.

(c) A diffused central spot, white in colour.

(d) Diffused colored region around a sharp central white spot.

Ans:  (b) and (d): The width of pinhole 103A=1000A and wavelength of visible light is4000A to 8000A i.e., size of slit less than (or comparable) with the wavelength of light. So light from pinhole will diffract from the hole. Due to the diffraction pattern of fringes, the shape are quite different from hole.

10.8 Consider the diffraction pattern for a small pinhole. As the size of the hole is increased

(a) The size decreases.

(b) The intensity increases.

(c) The size increases.

(d) The intensity decreases.

Ans:  (a) and (b): We know that width (B0) of central maxima B0=Dλd and width of nth secondary maxima =λd here distance (D) between slit and screen, wavelength λof source does not change. So on increasing width of hole of pinhole, ‘d’ increase. Hence the size of central maxima decreases verifies the option (a). As the energy passing through hole increased on increasing the size of hole. So the intensity of pattern will increase. Hence verifies the option (b).

10.9 For light diverging from a point source

(a) The wavefront is spherical.

(b) The intensity decreases in proportion to the distance squared.

(c) The wavefront is parabolic.

(d) The intensity at the wavefront does not depend on the distance.

Ans:  (a) and (b): light from point source emits in all around the source with same speed so forms a spherical surface of wavefront or spherical wavefront.

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As the intensity (I) always decreases as the reciprocal of square of distance.


r= radius of spherical wavefront at any time (r=vt) 



10.10 Is Huygen’s principle valid for longitudinal sound waves?

Ans:  Consider a source of sound formed with the compressions and rarefactions forward in all directions with same velocity. So longitudinal waves propagate with spherical symmetry in all directions as the wavefront in light waves. So Huygen’s principle is valid for longitudinal sound waves also.

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On a surface of sphere there will be either compression or rarefaction and that part can also behave like a source of sound but with low intensity. On a surface of sphere there will be either compression or rarefaction and that part can also behave like a source of sound but with low intensity.

10.11 Consider a point at the focal point of a convergent lens. Another convergent lens of short focal length is placed on the other side. What is the nature of the wavefronts emerging from the final image?

Ans:  Consider a point  on focus of converging lens L1 . The light rays from F , becomes parallel after refraction through L1 . When these parallel rays falls on converging lens L2 placed co-axial on the other side of F of L1 . L2 converges the rays at it’s focus at I . It now behave like a point source of rays and form a spherical wave front.

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10.12 What is the shape of the wavefront on earth for sunlight?

Ans:  As the sun is very-very far from the earth so can be considered at infinity and sun can be considered as a point source which gives spherical wavefront. The size of the earth is very small as compared to distance of sun from earth and size of the sun so the plane wavefront reaches on earth as shown in figure here.

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10.13 Why is the diffraction of sound waves more evident in daily experience than that of light wave?

Ans:  We know that frequencies of sound waves varies from 20Hz to 20,000Hz , so its corresponding wavelength varies from 15m to 15mm respectively. The size of slit (almost) becomes comparable to wavelength of sound so diffraction of sound wave takes place easily. But the wavelength of visible light varies from 0.4 to 0.7 micron which is very small. So the size of most of the slits in not comparable with wavelength of visible light, due to this diffraction of light cannot take place.

10.14. The human eye has an approximate angular resolution of ϕ=5.8×104 radand a typical photo printer prints a minimum of 300dpi (dots per inch,1 inch=2.54 cm ). At what minimal distance z should a printed page be held so that one does not see the individual dots. 

Ans:  Angular separation =5.8×104 radian 

The average distance between any two dots =2.54300=0.85×102cm 

At the distance z cm, angle subtended =arcrad=0.85×102z

Resolution angle for human =5.8×102rad=0.85×102z

Maximum distance up to which human eye cannot see 2 dots distinctly =z=0.85×1025.85×102=14.5cm

Which is less than distance of distinct vision. So a normal person cannot see the dots.

10.15. A polaroid (I) is placed in front of a monochromatic source. Another polaroid (II) is placed in front of this polaroid (I) and rotated till no light passes. A third polaroid (III) is now placed in between (I) and (II). In this case, will light emerge from (II). Explain.

Polaroid III is placed between two crossed polaroid’s I and II and no light passes through IInd Polaroid.

Polaroid III is now placed between I, II and now retakes keeping I, II in no rotation. Let angle between Polaroid I and III be θ and intensity of plane polarize light after 1st Polaroid is I0

Then I1=I0 

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I3=I0cos2θ is intensity of light after Polaroid III





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θ is angle between I and III Polaroid.

No light will pass through II Polaroid from above eqn. When





No light will pass when angle between I and III Polaroid is zero i.e., plane of Polaroid area parallel . In all other cases when III is not parallel to either I or II, right will pass.



10.16 Can reflection result in plane polarised light if the light is incident on the interface from the side with higher refractive index?

Ans:  When a ray of light passes from a medium (air) of refractive index μ1 to  another medium of refractive index μ2 , more than μ1 with incidence angle is equal to Brewster’s angle (iB) , then transmitted ray BC will be unpolarised light and the reflected light BD will be plane polarized. Angle DBC between refracted and reflected ray is 90 .

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So, r+iB+90=180

Or, r=90iB

By Snell’s law, μ2=siniBsinr=siniBcosiB=taniB 




sinic=1μ2 when light passes from medium 2 to 1 


Or, ic<90 

From I taniB>1

From II 1>sinic 

Or, taniB>1>sinic 

Or, |taniB|>|sinic|

Because 45<iB 





So, iB>ic

Thus, polarization by reflection takes place.

10.17 For the same objective, find the ratio of the least separation between two points to be distinguished by a microscope for light of5000A and electrons accelerated through 100V used as the illuminating substance.

Ans:  λ=5000A=5000×1010m 

In microscope, R.P=1d=2sinβ1.22λ 

Limit of resolution by light of 5000A 


The de Broglie wavelength λd of illuminated light =1.22Vnm 


The limit of resolution by 100 V light dmin=1.22λd2sinβ 


The required ratiodmindmin=1.22×1.22×10102sinβ1.22×5000×10102sinβ=1.225000 

The required ratio=122500×103=0.244×103

10.18. Consider a two slit interference arrangements (Fig. 10.4) such that the distance of the screen from the slits is half the distance between the slits. Obtain the value of D in terms of λ such that the first minima on the screen falls at a distance D from the centre O. 

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Ans:  According to θ ,

X=D (Given)…..(I)


Path difference p=D2+(x+d2)2D2+(xd2)2 

Substitute the value of d and x from I and II 




The path difference for nth dark fringe from central maxima ‘O’ is (2n1)λ2 

For 1st minima p=λ2 

Put the value of p in (III) 



Rationalising the denominator, we get,





10.19 Figure 10.5 shown a two slit arrangement with a source which emits unpolarised light. P is a polariser with axis whose direction is not given. If I0 is the intensity of the principal maxima when no polariser is present, calculate in the present case, the intensity of the principal maxima as well as of the first minima.

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Ans:  Let the amplitudes of ray 1 and 2 are and A1 respectively. A2 has constant phase difference ϕ 






Maximum amplitude of A and A are same =A0 

Similarly for


Where A2=A0sin(kxωt+?)

When ray 2 is polarized by P then it A2 vector stopped.



The amplitudes of S1 , S2 when there is no polarizer then perpendicular and parallel components are equal, as the wavefront is coming form same source S .


Where A1 and A1 are the amplitudes of electric and magnetic field vector respectively and A2and A2 are the amplitude of electric and magnetic field vector, respectively.

From equation I, we haveA=A0sin(ωtkx)+A0sin(ωtkx+ϕ)+A0sin(ωtkx)+A0sin(ωtkx+ϕ)


We know that the intensity of maxima in Young’s double slit experiment


For maxima cosϕ=1 

I=2kA02(1+1)=4KA02 Leaving the k (constant) then


Case II: When polariser P is placed in the path of ray 2: Let r vector of ray 2 is blocked by polarizer










I0=4kA02 (When no polarization of ray 2)


Intensity of principal maxima with polarizer

I=I0452 (From II and III)


Intensity at the 1st  minima cosϕ=1 

I=|A0|2(11)+A022 [From I]


10.20 A small transparent slab containing material of μ=1.5 is placed along

AS2 (Fig.10.6). What will be the distance from O of the principal maxima and of the first minima on either side of the principal maxima obtained in the absence of the glass slab.

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Ans:  When ray AS2 passes through glass slab of thickness L and refractive index μ the path difference caused by slab is (μ1)L and path difference caused by Young’s double slit experiment is 2dsinθ . Total path difference at P2 is 


For principal maxima, path difference Δx=0 

2dsinθ0+(μ1)L=0 (For central maxima θ=θ0 )



For central maxima, OP=Dtanθ0Dsinθ0=D16

For small θ0,sinθ0=θ0andtanθ0=θ0 

For the first minima the path difference =+λ2

x2 (For both upper and lower side from O]





For diffraction, λ=d (half the slit dist.)



For positive direction side, sinθ1+=316

For negative direction side, sinθ1=516

The distance of first minima from principal maxima on either side x1+ and x2 , are



x1+=Dtanθ1=3D16256916=3D247 [Above point O on screen]

The first minima starts after the end of central maxima. So the Ist minima starts at distance of D=tanθ=x1+=3D247 above O in positive direction.

The distance of first minima on the negative side is



10.21 Four identical monochromatic sources A,B,C,D as shown in the (Fig.10.7) produce waves of the same wavelength λ and are coherent. Two receiver R1 and R2are at great but equal distances from B.

(i) Which of the two receivers picks up the larger signal?

(ii) Which of the two receivers picks up the larger signal when B is turned off?

(iii) Which of the two receivers picks up the larger signal when is turned off?

(iv) Which of the two receivers can distinguish which of the sources B or D has been turned off?

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Ans:  Consider all the disturbance at R1

Let the wave from source A has zero path difference at R1


Path diff. between A and B is λ2 or π so wave of B at R1 is yB =a cos ωt 

Path difference between wave A and C is λ or 2π .

So the wave from source C is 



Path difference between A and D =R1DAR1



Neglecting the term λ28d2,(λ2<<8d2) 

Path difference between A and D =d+0d+λ2=λ2orπ 




So resultant signal at R1 due to A, B, C and D sources is zero or no signal.

(i) New distance BR2=d

Let the signal picked up by R2 from B=a1 cos ωt

The path diff. between B and D=λ2 or π so




Phase difference =2πλΔx=2πλλ28d=2πλ8d=ϕ

So the signals received by R2 from A and C are



Signals picked up by R2 from A, B, C and D





Thus, R2 picks up the larger signal thanR1 .

(ii) If B is switched off,

(a) signals picked up by




(b) Signals picked up by



Net signals at




So R1 and R2 picks up the signals of the same intensities.

(iii) If D is switched off

(a) Signals picked up by receiver R1 




(b) Signals picked up by receiver R2




2πλa=ϕis very small so can be neglected.

So signal received by




So R2 picks up larger signal compared toR1 .

(iv) A signal at R1 indicates that B has been switched off.

A signal at R2 indicates that D has been switched off.

10.22 The optical properties of a medium are governed by the relative permittivity (εr)and relative permeability (μr) . The refractive index is defined as εrμr=μ . For ordinary material εr>0 and μr>0 and the positive sign is taken for the square root. In1964, a Russian scientist V. Veselago postulated the existence of material with εr<0 and μr<0 . Since then such ‘metamaterials’ have been Produced in the laboratories and their optical properties studied. For such materials μ=μrεr . As light enters a medium of such refractive index the phases travel away from the direction of propagation.

Ans:  (i) According to the description above show that if rays of light enter such a medium from air (refractive index =1) at an angle θ in 2nd quadrant, them the refracted beam is in the 3rd quadrant.

(ii) Prove that Snell’s law holds for such a medium.

Ans:  (i) Let the postulates μrεr=μ and +μrεr=μ are true then two parallel rays would proceed as shown in figure (a) and figure (b) respectively. 

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Let two parallel rays at incidence angle θi from air would proceed in medium as shown in figures above. ED shows a wavefront, then all the points on ED will remain in same phase. All the points with the same optical path length must have the same phase.





As showing that the postulate is reasonable if however, the light proceeded in the sense it does for ordinary material e.g., refracted rays are in IV quadrant in figure (b) then



AE>CD hence  BC< 0 

Figure showing that BC< 0 this is not possible. Hence the given postulate is correct.

(ii) From fig. (a)






Which proves the Snell’s law.

10.23 To ensure almost 100 percent transitivity, photographic lenses are often coated with a thin layer of dielectric material. The refractive index of this material is intermediated between that of air and glass (which makes the optical element of the lens). A typically used dielectric film isMgF2(n=1.38). What should the thickness of the film be so that at the center of the visible spectrum (5500A)there is maximum transmission.

Ans:  In the given figure incidence ray IA incident at point A from air to film surface with incident angle i. here at A, it gets partial reflection and refraction, passes through paths
AR1 glass and film interface surface. At C the interface surface of film and air and finally after refraction from C pass-through path CR2 parallel to AR1 . The amplitude (intensity) of wave during refraction and reflection decreases.

If the interference due to two reflected rays AR1 and CR2 is destructive interference, then the reflected rays AR, and CR2 will not dominant.

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Both reflections are from lower to higher refractive index surfaces So, optical path difference between AR1 and CR2 will be








So the optical path difference from (I)



=2μdcosr2dtanrsini (From II and III)



Optical path difference between AR1 and AR2 


For two rays AR1 and CR2 to interfere destructively, path difference should be2dμcosr=λ2 


For photographic lenses the sources are vertical planes i.e., rays incident at very small angle.






NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics - Wave Optics

Vedantu's NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 - Wave Optics is created with only one goal in mind, to help Class 12 students get a deeper understanding of Chapter 10 (Wave Optics). That's because Chapter 10 is one of the most important chapters in the NCERT Physics textbook that students can learn to achieve good grades. 

Students who have any weaknesses related to this chapter can be benefited the most from NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 - Wave Optics. That's because the solutions given in the study material are specifically designed for students who have less interest in this topic. The solutions are simplified and made easier for those students to quickly understand and remember. 

Also, the students who are interested in this topic and feel like this topic is easy for them if they can get a good study supply too can find Vedantu's NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 - Wave Optics valuable and interesting. 

Chapter 10 - Wave Optics introduces the study of several phenomena like: 

  1. Polarization 

  2. Diffraction

  3. Interference, and much more 

Introduction to Chapter

This chapter explains the behaviour of light under various phenomena. "Wave optics" is a name given to the characteristics of its waves. 

The first part of NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 - Wave Optics contains 9 questions in total, these questions are in the form of multiple-choice questions. The second part includes similar contents as the first part. 

Although from the third part, students are asked questions for which they are expected to give brief answers. In the fourth part, students should answer the questions with short/medium-sized answers. These questions are established on the principle of Huygens'. It also discusses its construction. 

DESM (Department of Education in Science and Mathematics) have formulated the questions provided in NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 - Wave Optics which are designed to test students with several types of difficulty levels. This fact makes these questions extremely important from the examination point of view. 

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