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NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits


Class 6 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits solved by expert Science teachers on as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

You can also Download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science to help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Class 6 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Choose from the options a, b, c and d given in Fig. 12.1, the figure which shows the correct direction of the current. 

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Ans: The correct answer is option (b). 

In an electric circuit, current flow is measured from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell.

2. Choose the incorrect statement. 

(a) A switch is the source of electric current in a circuit. 

(b) A switch helps to complete or break the circuit. 

(c) A switch helps us to use electricity as per our requirement. 

(d) When the switch is open, there is an air gap between its terminals. 

Ans:  The correct answer is option (a). In a circuit, the source of the electric current is a switch.

3. In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of 

(a) The glass case of the bulb. 

(b) The thin filament. 

(c) The thick wires supporting the filament. 

(d) Gases inside the glass case of the bulb. 

Ans: The correct answer is option (b) the thin filament. There is a thin filament present inside a bulb that glows and produces light.

4. In the following arrangement shown in Fig. 12.2, the bulb will not glow if the ends A and B are connected with 

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(a) A steel spoon 

(b) A metal clip 

(c) A plastic clip 

(d) A copper wire 

Ans: The correct answer is option (c) a plastic clip. Plastic is an insulator because it is a bad conductor of electricity.

5. In the circuit shown in Fig. 12.3, when the switch is moved to ‘ON’ position, 

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(a) the bulb A will glow first. 

(b) bulb B will glow first. 

(c) The bulb C will glow first. 

(d) All bulbs will glow together. 

Ans: The correct answer is an option (d) all bulbs will glow together. As soon as the circuit is finished, the current will be discovered at every place in it.

6. Filament of a torch bulb is 

(a) A metal case. 

(b) Metal tip at the centre of the base. 

(c) Two thick wires. 

(d) A thin wire. 

Ans: The correct answer is option (d), a thin wire. The filament of the bulb is made of a thin wire made from tungsten.

7. Paheli is running short of connecting wires. To complete an electric circuit, she may use a 

(a) Glass bangle

(b) Thick thread 

(c) Rubber pipe 

(d) Steel spoon 

Ans:  The correct answer is option (d) Steel spoon.  Steel is an excellent electrical conductor.

Very Short Answer Questions

8. In which of the following circuits A, B, and C given in Fig. 12.4, will the cell be used up very rapidly? 

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Fig. 12.4

Ans: The cell will get used up pretty quickly in circuit A.

9. Fig. 12.5 shows a bulb with its different parts marked as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Which of them label the terminals of the bulb? 

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Ans: Label 3 and label 4 are the endpoints in the supplied bulb. A terminal is the component of the bulb via which power is delivered to the filament.

Short Answer Questions

10. You are provided with a bulb, a cell, a switch and some connecting wires. Draw a diagram to show the connections between them to make the bulb glow. 

Ans:  The circuit diagram prepared will be as follows:

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11. Will the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.6? Explain. 

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                                                         Fig. 12.6

Ans: Since the switch is open, the bulb will not light, indicating that the circuit is disconnected.

12. An electric bulb is connected to a cell through a switch as shown in Fig. 12.7. When the switch is brought in ‘ON’ position, the bulb does not glow. What could be the possible reason/s for it? Mention any two of them. 

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                                                Fig. 12.7

Ans: There might be a variety of causes for this: 

i. The cell is used. 

ii. The bulb has blown out. 

iii. Interconnections that aren't secure. 

iv. A breakage in one of the connecting wires.

13. A torch requires three cells. Show the arrangement of the cells, with a diagram, inside the torch so that the bulb glows. 

Ans: The bulb will be connected to the positive and negative terminals. The arrangement of the cells will be as follows:

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14. When the chemicals in the electric cell are used up, the electric cell stops producing electricity. The electric cell is then replaced with a new one. In rechargeable batteries (such as the type used in mobile phones, cameras and inverters), they are used repeatedly. How? 

Ans: Secondary cells or storage cells can replenish rechargeable batteries by delivering current.

15. Paheli connected two bulbs to a cell, as shown in Fig. 12.8. She found that the filament of bulb B was broken. Will bulb A glow in this circuit? Give a reason. 

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Ans: The bulb will not glow as the filament is broken, which makes the circuit incomplete.

16. Why do bulbs have two terminals? 

Ans:  In a bulb, the filament is a small thin wire attached to two terminals inside the circuit to allow electricity to flow through it.

17. Which of the following arrangements, A, B, C and D given in Fig. 12.9, should not be set up? Explain why. 

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Ans:  Because Circuit A is an incomplete circuit, it is improper. The current will travel from the cell's negative terminal to the positive terminal, using all power and leaving no output.

18. A fused bulb does not glow. Why? 

Ans:  When a bulb's filament is broken, the bulb is said to have been fused, which means it won't light up because the filament is the bulb's major source of light. The circuit is not complete since the filament is damaged, and the bulb can not light.

19. Paheli wanted to glow a torch bulb using a cell. She could not get connecting wires, instead, she got two strips of aluminium foil. Will she succeed? Explain, how? 

Ans:  Aluminium is a metal that conducts electricity well. Yes, the aluminium foils will serve as connecting wires, attaching one strip to the bulb's negative terminal and the other to the bulb's positive terminal.

Long Answer Questions

20. Boojho has a cell and a single piece of connecting wire. Without cutting the wire in two, will he be able to make the bulb glow? Explain with the help of a circuit diagram. 

Ans:  With the suggested configuration, he will be able to light the bulb. He can connect one of the bulb's terminals straight to the electric cell's negative terminal. As a result, he won't require any additional cable for our electric circuit. The diagram depicts the needed setup:

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21. Fig. 12.10 A and B show a bulb connected to a cell in two different ways. 

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                                          Fig. 12.10

(i) What will be the direction of the current through the bulb in both cases? (Q to P or P to Q) 

Ans: Current always flows from a battery's positive terminal to its negative terminal throughout the circuit. In the example of current flow from Q to P, current will flow from the positive terminal Q to the negative terminal P. Whereas, in the case of P to Q; current will flow from the negative terminal P to the positive terminal Q.

(ii) Will the bulb glow in both cases?

Ans: Because the current is flowing in both circumstances, the bulb will light up.

(iii) Does the brightness of the glowing bulb depend on the direction of current through it? 

Ans: Whether the bulb glows brighter or duller depends on the circuit’s quantity of current and voltage. The direction of the current flow has no impact on it.

22. Think of six activities that use electric current. Also, name the devices used to perform the activity in tabular form. One example has been done for you: 

Activity you perform


Example- Get light













Activity you perform


Example- Get light


Prepare an icecream


Watch movies


Listening songs


Talk to someone far


Ironing clothes

Electric Iron 

23. A torch is not functioning, though contact points in the torch are in working condition. What can be the possible reasons for this? Mention any three. 

Ans: The reason for the faulty functioning of the torch can be:

i. The cells may be disorganised.

ii. The filament of the bulb might be fractured, causing the bulb not to ignite.

iii. The cells may be depleted.

iv. The switch is defective.

Class 6 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Vedantu covers all the concepts to be taught in 6th-grade science Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits. The Vedantu NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science are designed to help students build a strong background in the subject. 


It provides clear and detailed solutions to all problems. It assists students in improving their exam responses by instructing them on how to approach problems sensibly and methodically. 


Electricity and circuits in NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science also help students to get prepared for their boards right from this very early stage.

The solutions are offered by highly qualified teachers who have in-depth knowledge of the concepts in the course. 


Students can use the NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science solutions - Chapter 12 pdf from Vedantu to help them study the concepts more effectively.

Any learner can readily grasp the topics through the solutions because the responses are distinct and self-explanatory.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6: Highlights

In Class 6, students are typically exposed to science and its three branches: physics, chemistry, and biology.


The NCERT Class 6 science solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits are designed in a manner to ensure that students retain everything while they go through it.

  • The solutions are clear and simple to understand.

  • Everything is online, hence it is easy to access from anywhere.

  • NCERT Exemplar Solutions employs such strategies which assist students in improving their test scores.

  • No errors in the questions.

  • Solutions in a free PDF format.


Benefits to the Students

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science chapter electricity and circuits solutions help students keep on top of their test preparations. Apart from that, there are a few more perks that students can obtain, which include the following:

  • The concepts and topics in the solutions are as per the latest syllabus by NCERT.

  • Solutions are prepared by the experts, hence they are reliable and factually correct.

  • Offers in-depth study form which reduces the need for supplementary study materials.

  • The answers are detailed to clear all your concepts

  • There are a large number of test questions given to be prepared for.

  • Free to download from Vedantu’s site.

Note: The solutions should be practiced regularly by students who wish to earn good scores on their examinations.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

1. How effective is it to use NCERT Exemplar Solutions for CBSE Exams?

NCERT Exemplars are well-designed study guides that include additional questions of a higher level of difficulty and are intended to assist students in gaining a thorough understanding of the subjects they are studying.

Students studying for the CBSE Board exams will benefit from these practice materials, which are essential textbooks. Students studying for the JEE mains and JEE advanced exams may also find this NCERT Exemplar useful. It is available for free online and can be accessed by anyone.

2. What distinguishes Vedantu's NCERT class 6 solutions from others?

The following are some distinguishing characteristics that set Vedantu NCERT Class 6 science solutions apart from the competitors in the market:

  • There are a lot of solutions that offer important definitions as well as drawings and graphics to help students better grasp the concept being taught.

  • All of the solutions have been carefully selected in accordance with the CBSE Board's requirements.

  • By using creative design to provide the solutions that are presented and mock question papers, learning is made easier.

3. Is Science in Class 6 a simple subject?

Science in Class 6 is a new subject for all students, and as a result, several topics are being introduced. So, if you can grasp the concepts, science can be the most simple of all subjects to learn and master. 

You will find it easy to comprehend and perform well on tests if you refer to NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions supplied by Vedantu. 

Vedantu gives NCERT Solutions, which are a great resource for students who are studying for school tests and exams. A comprehensive set of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science, prepared by Vedantu, provides solutions to all of the chapters' exercise problems.

4. What kind of important topics do the NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits include?

The NCERT solutions for class 6th Science chapter 12 cover all the fundamentals of: 

  • An Electric cell

  • A bulb

  • An electric circuit

  • Electric switch

  • Electric Conductors and Insulators

It starts with a broad overview, then moves on to the operating principles of each topic. You will learn how to construct such circuits and switches.  

NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions makes certain that you have all of the knowledge you need on all of the aspects covered in the chapter.

5. What is the total number of questions in NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits?

Chapter 12 Electricity And Circuits of Class 6 Science has an aggregate of 10 questions.

Solutions are clear and easy to follow, making them accessible to all levels of expertise. Most of the solutions are supported by illustrations and diagrams. It helps the students to comprehend electricity and circuits in a truly methodical manner. You will be better prepared for any kind of relative exam if you go through the crucial introductory concepts.