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NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Solutions, Science Solutions Chapter 16 Garbage in, Garbage out


Solutions for NCERT, Class 6 Science, Chapter 16, Garbage in, Garbage out are Now Available for a Free Download at Vedantu

Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in, Garbage out solved by expert Science teachers on Vedantu as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All Chapter 16 Garbage in, Garbage out exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

You can also Download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

The subject of Science for Class 6 is very important because it forms the foundational understanding of Science for the students. and Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out is the same. It teaches the students about garbage, which has become a huge topic in the modern-day and time. Therefore, Chapter 16 of the NCERT which is garbage in, garbage out, builds the foundation of waste management for the students.

Therefore, it is important for the students to solve the questions from Chapter 16 of Class 6, because it gives the students an idea regarding their understanding of the topic. For which they must solve the questions given in the NCERT Exemplar for Class 6, Chapter 16 Garbage in, garbage out.

But even more than solving the questions is to know that the answers students have got are the correct ones, otherwise solving the questions gets all in vain. And hence, Vedantu provides the complete solutions for the NCERT Exemplar Class 6, Science subject, Chapter 16, that is to say, garbage in, Garbage out.

Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science(Biology) Chapter 16: Garbage in, Garbage out

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The method of preparing compost with the help of earthworms is called

(a) Composting

(b) Vermicomposting

(c) Manuring

(d) Decomposing

Ans: The correct answer is option (b) vermicomposting. Earthworms are known as farmers’ friends because they improve the quality of the soil. As a result, a process known as vermicomposting was developed to make compost with the help of earthworms. This manure is nutrient-dense.

2. If you dump kitchen waste in a pit, it may, after sometime

(a) Convert into compost. 

(b) Convert into vermicompost. 

(c) Remain as such.

(d) Remain forever in its dried form.

Ans: The correct answer is option (a) convert into compost. Kitchen waste is biodegradable waste.

3. Which of the following activities does not reflect responsible behaviour with regard to waste disposal?

(a) Goods carried in paper bags or cloth bags.

(b) Waste collected in polythene bags for disposal.

(c) Waste separated into those that degrade and those that do not.

(d) Making handicrafts with used up notebooks.

Ans: The correct answer is option (b) waste collected in polythene bags for disposal is unhealthy, and polythene is non-biodegradable and causes pollution.

4. Paheli gave the following ill effects of the practice of burning dried leaves and other plant parts

(i) Burning degrades the soil.

(ii) Burning produces harmful gases/fumes.

(iii) Precious raw material to obtain manure at low cost is lost.

(iv) Lot of heat is generated unnecessarily.

The correct reasons of why we should not burn leaves are

(a) i, ii and iv only

(b) i, ii, iii, and iv 

(c) ii and iii only

(d) ii, iii, and iv only

Ans: The correct answer is option (b) i, ii, iii, and iv.

5. A garbage collector separates items mentioned below in the garbage into red, green and blue containers for their transfer to landfill, composting pit, and recycling unit respectively. Items:

(i) Plastic bags

(ii) Newspaper and journals

(iii) Screw and nuts

(iv) Vegetable peels

(v) Metal chips

(vi) Eggshells

Which items were transferred to which bin?





(i) and (iv)

(ii) and (iii)

(v) and (vi)


(i) and (iii)

(ii) and (v)

(iv) and (vi)


(i), (iii) and (v)

(iv) and (vi)

(ii) only


(i) and (v)

(ii) and (iv)

(iii) only

Ans: The correct answer is option


(i), (iii) and (v)

(iv) and (vi)

(ii) only

Metal chips, screws, and nuts are disposed of in red bins. Biodegradable waste, such as eggshells and vegetable peels, is collected in green bins. The newspapers and journals will be collected in blue bins.

6. The steps required for conversion of kitchen garbage into manure are given below in a jumbled form.

(i) Put garbage in a pit

(ii) Cover the bottom of the pit with sand

(iii) Cover the pit loosely with a gunny bag or grass

(iv) Add worms

Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the above steps?

(a) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

(b) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(c) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

(d) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)

Ans: None of the given options are correct. The correct answer would be (ii), (i), (iv), (iii).

Very Short Answer Questions

7. Read the items mentioned in Columns I and II and fill in the related process in the Column III

Column I

Column II

Column II

a) Organic waste


(i) ---------

b) Garbage

Dig pit and fill with garbage

(ii) ---------

c) Old newspaper

Paper bags

(iii) ---------


Ans: The related process in column III is given below:

Column I

Column II

Column II

a) Organic waste


(i) Vermicomposting

b) Garbage

Dig pit and fill with garbage

(ii) Landfill

c) Old newspaper

Paper bags

(iii) Recycling

8. Correct the definitions of certain terms given below by changing only one word.

(i) Compost: Substances converted into manure for use in industries.

Ans: Compost: The substances converted into manure for use in agricultural fields.

(ii) Landfill: Garbage buried under water in an area.

Ans: Landfill: Garbage buried under the soil in an area.

(iii) Recycling: Reuse of unused material in the same or another form.

Ans: Recycling: The reuse of used material in the same or another form.

9. Provide the suitable term that expresses the meaning of each of the following statements. 

(a) Greeting cards made from newspapers. 

Ans: Greeting cards made from newspapers is known as recycling.

(b) Contents of the waste bins.

Ans: The contents of the waste bins are known as Garbage. 

(c) Worms convert certain kinds of waste into manure. 

Ans: Worms converting certain types of waste into manure is known as vermicomposting. 

(d) An area where a lot of garbage is collected, spread out and covered with soil. 

Ans: An area where a lot of garbage is collected, covered with soil and spread out is known as landfill. 

10. To what use can you put the following kinds of garbage and how? 

(i) Rotting smelly garbage 

Ans: Rotting smelly garbage is biodegradable. Thus, it can be converted into compost, which could be used as manure in potted plants or home gardens. 

(ii) Dry leaves collected in a garbage 

Ans: Dry leaves collected in the garbage can also be used as compost or vermicompost. 

(iii) Old newspapers 

Ans: The old newspapers can be used for making paper bags, covering books, converted into pulp for use in handicrafts and also for making recycled paper.

11. Paheli was writing a letter to her friend. She crumpled and threw the first draft of her letter on the floor as it had become untidy. Similarly she crumpled and threw 6 more papers on the ground. In the end, she picked them up and put them in a polythene bag and threw them on the road outside her house. Do you think Paheli’s actions were responsible? What would you have done if you were in her place? 

Ans: No, Paheli's actions were hardly those of a responsible citizen. She threw out a lot of papers and then threw them in a polythene bag on the road, causing pollution. If I had been in her house, I would have practiced on rough paper or kept the destroyed paper for later use, such as decorating.

12. Read the poem written below and then answer the questions from the information gathered from the book or elsewhere.

seo images

(i) Name the two kinds of waste that need to be separated from each other in two different waste bins.

Ans: Biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste are the two types of waste. With the help of microbes, biodegradable waste is easily converted into simpler forms and used as manure. Non-biodegradable trash, on the other hand, cannot be transformed into simpler forms but can be recycled. Hence, they must be kept separate.

(ii) Name two items of waste each that need to be sent to a (a) landfill, (b) for composting.

Ans: (a) Waste like metals, plastic items, glasses, etc., are sent to landfills.

(b) Wastes like vegetable peels, fruits, plant wastes, dried leaves are for composting.

13. Beera, a farmer, would clear his field every day, and burn dry leaves fallen on the ground. After sometime he found that those living in huts near his field were suffering from cough and breathing problems.

(i) Can you explain why?

Ans: Burning of leaves releases harmful and toxic gases and creates a lot of fumes that cause diseases in humans and animals. That is why the people living nearby suffer from cough and breathing problems.

(ii) Also suggest an environment-friendly way to dispose of the dry leaves.

Ans: He can compost the dry leaves and use them as manure at his potted plants instead of burning them.

Long Answer Questions

14. Put a tick (√) against the garbage items given in Table 16.1 which could be converted into manure. Put a cross (×) against the others.

Garbage Items

Make manure or not






Dry flowers




Broken pieces of glass


Nails and screws


Plastic Bangles


Leftover food


Steel broken vessel


Dead Animals

Ans: The garbage items that could be converted into manure are marked with a Yes.

Garbage Items

Make manure or not








Dry flowers






Broken pieces of glass



Nails and screws



Plastic Bangles



Leftover food



Steel broken vessel



Dead Animals


15. The pie charts A and B shown in Fig. 16.1 are based on the waste segregation method adopted by two families X and Y respectively.

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seo images


seo images


Ans: Family X is more environmentally aware and conscious of the effects of improper garbage disposal. As a result, it separates non-biodegradable garbage such as polythene bags from biodegradable waste such as kitchen waste.           

16. Given below are steps in vermicomposting and each step has been given an alphabet. Rearrange the steps in the correct sequence and write the alphabets on the chart provided. One step is done for you.

F Dig a pit in a suitable place in your garden.

C Spread sand on the floor of the pit.

E Add vegetable peels and fruits waste in the pit.

A Sprinkle water to keep it moist.

D Place red worms in the pit.

B Cover with a gunny bag or grass.

Step 1 – F

2 –

3 –

4 –

5 –

6 – 

Ans: The correct steps of vermicomposting are as follows:

1 – F Dig a pit in a suitable place in your garden. 

2 – C Spread sand on the floor of the pit. 

3 – E Add vegetable peels and fruit waste to the pit. 

4 – A Sprinkle water to keep it moist

5 – D Place red worms in the pit.

6 – B Cover with a gunny bag or grass.        

17. Write 3 sentences on what comes to your mind when you have a chance to see the following.

(a) A rag picker.

Ans: i. On seeing a rag picker, I feel that he is poor and does not get enough food; it was doing such work.

ii. He does his job very obediently. He separates biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into two different sacs.

iii. He is exposing himself to various diseases by working in such areas.

(b) A cow eating a polythene bag.

Ans: i. Cow is exposed to unsafe things.

ii. It's possible that it'll choke on the plastic bag.

iii. The polythene bag might also get stuck in its gut leading to the cow's death.

(c) Foul odour emanating from garbage at the entrance of your house.

Ans: i. Waste is being produced in a large amount. 

ii. We expect others to clear waste when we are also involved in it. 

iii. Mosquitoes, flies are born because of this garbage, which causes various diseases. The air is also contaminated, resulting in illnesses.

18. Beautiful hand crafted articles like boxes and toys are made of paper pulp in our country. Can you explain how paper pulp which is made from paper can be used to make hard boxes and other articles?

Ans: Paper pulp can be used to make hard boxes and other items in the following ways:

(a) To begin, we can create a stencil by unfolding a small cardboard box and tracing it onto a piece of cardboard the same size as a mould. Cut the shape now.

(b) Place the stencil between mould and the deckle.

(c) To remove the pulp, raise the mould, stencil, and deckle in one continuous action.

(d) Take the box off the stencil and set it aside to dry.

(e) Now, fold the box and tape it to assemble it.

(f) The box is ready.

19. Recently, a ban on plastic bags has been imposed in many places? Is the ban justified? Give reasons in three sentences.

Ans:  Plastic ban is justified as-

i. Non-biodegradable waste is plastic.

ii. People throw plastic into rivers and seas, causing marine and aquatic creatures to die.

iii. The improper disposal of plastic has choked drainage systems.

20. Why should we not burn plastic items?

Ans: When plastic is burnt, a variety of hazardous gases are released. These gases pollute the environment and cause major health problems in humans. The gases that are released pollute the air, and the ashes that are left pollute the soil.

21. What happens when-

(a) Cooking medium is made to flow down the drain.

Ans: If we put a cooking medium down the drain, it will clog the soil pores and drain pipes.

(b) Insecticides, motor oil, and paints are poured down the drain.

Ans: If we pour insecticides, motor oil, or paint down the drain, we will kill the microbes that clean the wastewater.

(c) Tea leaves, cotton swabs and old soft toys are thrown into the drain.

Ans: If we pour tea leaves, cotton swabs, and old soft toys down the drains, they will clog the pipelines, stopping water flowing through drains and into public water sources.

22. Answer the following questions in one or two words or sentences:

(a) Why should we prefer to use paper bags rather than polythene bags?

Ans: Paper bags should be preferred over polythene bags since the paper is biodegradable and reusable. In contrast, polythene bags are non-biodegradable and damaging to animals, humans, plants, and the environment.

(b) Who, out of the following, should properly dispose of the garbage – father, mother, elder brother, younger sister?

Ans: Garbage should be properly disposed of by all family members. Every human on the planet has a duty to do so.

(c) Which one out of beetles, roundworm and earthworm are used for vermicomposting and why?

Ans: Earthworms are the animals used in vermicomposting. They compost waste from plants and animals, as well as their goods.

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Also, if you are in search of the revision notes for the Class 6 Science you can find them here: CBSE Class 6 Science Revision Notes - Free Download (

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Solutions, Science Solutions Chapter 16 Garbage in, Garbage out

1. How can I make sure that I have understood Class 6, Chapter 16 of the NCERT book, Garbage in, garbage out properly?

For making sure that you have understood the Science Chapter 16 of the Class 6 NCERT book, which is, Garbage in, garbage out, all you have to do is to solve the questions given in the Exemplar book. But before solving those questions you should first do a quick revision of the chapter. After solving all the questions given in the NCERT Exemplar for Class 6, Science subject Chapter 16, which is garbage in, garbage out, check your answers with that of solutions, which Vedantu provides.

2. How many questions are there in the NCERT Exemplar for Class 6, Science, Chapter 16?

There are many important questions given in the NCERT Exemplar Class 6, Chapter 16, Garbage in, garbage out, which are as under:

  • Question numbers 1 to 6 are multiple-choice based questions.

  • 7,8, and 9 are very short answer type questions.

  • Questions 10,11, 12, and 13 are short answer type questions.

  • Question number 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 are the long answer type questions.

  • And the last question, which is question number 22, consists of 4 questions, which are to be answered in one or two words or a sentence.

3. Is it compulsory to solve all the questions of the NCERT exemplar for Class 6, Science, Chapter 16?

Well, we cannot say that it is compulsory to solve all the questions of the NCERT Exemplar for Chapter 16, Garbage in, garbage out of the Class 6 Science subject. But it is important to solve all the questions because practising more and more questions of the chapter will improve your understanding regarding the chapter and all the topics included in it. Hence the more questions you solve the better you get at Chapter 16, Garbage in, Garbage out. So, solving all the questions of the NCERT Exemplar is the only logical thing to do.

4. Where can I find the solutions for the Exemplar of Class 6, Science, Chapter 16, garbage in, Garbage out?

if you are looking for the solutions for Chapter 16 of Class 6, NCERT book Exemplar which is Garbage in, garbage out, then you have already arrived at the right place. Yes, at Vedantu we have complete solutions for all the 22 questions of the Exemplar for Chapter 16, Garbage in, garbage out of Class 6, Science subject. The solution is available for a free download to all the students in a pdf file format so that the students don’t have to face any problems at all.

5. Why should I trust the solutions provided by the Vedantu for the Exemplar of Class 6, Science Chapter 16?

The Class 6 students need to have the solutions for Chapter 16, Garbage in, Garbage out, perfect in all the manner possible, and for that the problems have to be solved by the expert teacher. And this is why students can always trust the solutions provided by the Vedantu because Vedantu has a team of expert teachers who have years of experience in teaching Science subjects to young learners. These expert teachers have solved all the problems of the exemplar for Class 6, Science Chapter 16 and have made it available to the students completely free of cost.