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NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric


Solution for Class 6 Science - NCERT

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Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science(Chemistry) Chapter 3 - Fiber to Fabric

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Paheli wants to present her friend with a gift made of plant fiber. Which out of the following will she select?

(a) Jute bag

(b) Woollen shawl

(c) Silk saree

(d) Nylon scarf

Ans: The correct answer is option (a).

Jute is the plant fiber that is obtained from jute plant Corchorus capsularis. It is long, soft & shiny in nature. The other fibers such as woolen & silk are obtained from sheep & silk-worm. Nylon is the man-made fiber.

2. Which statement out of the following is incorrect?

(a) Use of Charkha was popularised by Mahatma Gandhi as a part of the Independence Movement.

(b) In India, jute is mainly grown in Kerala and Punjab.

(c) To make fabric, the fibres are first converted into yarns.

(d) Sufi saint Kabir was a weaver.

Ans: The correct answer is option (b).

In India jute is mainly grown in West Bengal, Bihar, and Assam, not in Kerala and Punjab.

3. Which of the following materials did people use in ancient times for making clothes?

(i) Leaves of trees

(ii) Newspaper

(iii) Metal foils

(iv) Animal skins and furs

(a) (i) and (ii)      

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)   

(d) (i) and (iv)

Ans: The correct answer is option (d).

People use leaves of trees, animal skins & furr to cover their bodies.

4. Which of the following is not a natural fibre?

(a) Cotton

(b) Jute

(c) Nylon

(d) Flax

Ans: The correct answer is option (c).

Nylon is the man-made fiber. It is a type of plastic that is derived from crude oil.

5. Which set of substances is not used for making fibres?

(a) Silk, chemicals

(b) Yak hair, camel hair

(c) Husk, bones

(d) Flax, wool

Ans: The correct answer is option (c).

Husk & bones are not used for making fibers.

6. Boojho went to a cloth shop. There he found a fabric which was smooth to touch, had vibrant colour and shine. The fabric could be

(a) Cotton

(b) Wool

(c) Silk

(d) Jute

Ans: The correct answer is option (c).

Silk is the animal fiber that is obtained from silkworm Bombyx mori. It is soft, shiny & vibrant in colour.

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7. Which part of the jute plant is used for getting jute fibre?

(a) Flower

(b) Stem

(c) Fruit

(d) Leaf

Ans: The correct answer is option (b).

Jute is the plant fiber that is obtained from the stem of jute plant Corchorus capsularis.

8. Yarn is woven to get fabric using

(a) charkha

(b) spinning machines

(c) looms

(d) knitting needles

Ans: The correct answer is option (c).

Looms are used to weave the yarn.

9. Beera is a farmer. His field has black soil and the climate is warm. Which fibre yielding plant should he grow in his field?

(a) Jute

(b) Cotton

(c) Coconut

(d) Wool

Ans: The correct answer is option (b).

Both the situations are in the favour of cultivation of cotton plants.

10. The correct sequence to get cloth is:

(a) fibre → fabric → yarn

(b) fibre → yarn → fabric

(c) fabric → yarn → fibre

(d) yarn → fibre → fabric

Ans: The correct answer is option (b).

Fibre is converted into fabric through the three processes such as spinning, weaving & knitting.

Spinning: It is the process which involves the conversion of fiber into yarn.

Weaving: It is the process which involves the arrangement of two sets of yarn into fabric.

Knitting: It is the process which involves the manipulation of yarn to create a textile for using many types of garment.

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11. Boojho wants to make yarn from fibre at home. Which of the following will he use to carry out the task?

(a) Powerloom

(b) Handloom

(c) Charkha

(d) Knitting needles

Ans: The correct answer is option (c)

Spinning is the process which involves the conversion of fiber into yarn.

Charkha is the hand operated device used for spinning.

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Very Short Answer Questions

12. Yarn, fabric and fibres are related to each other. Show the relationship by filling the blanks in the following sentence.

Fabric of cotton saree is made by weaving cotton …………. which in turn is made by spinning thin cotton …………..

Ans: Fabric of cotton saree is made by weaving cotton into yarn which in turn is made by spinning thin cotton fibers.

Spinning: It is the process which involves the conversion of fiber into yarn.

Weaving: It is the process which involves the arrangement of two sets of yarn into fabric.


Knitting: It is the process which involves the manipulation of yarn to create a textile for using many types of garment.

13. Some terms related to fabrics are jumbled up and given below. Write them in their correct form.

(a) onttoc

Ans: Cotton

It is the natural, soft fiber that grows with the seeds of the cotton plant. After the cotton fiber is gathered from the plant, it can be spun into cotton thread. The cotton thread can then be made into cloth.

(b) sinnping

Ans: Spinning

It is the process which involves the conversion of fiber into yarn

(c) vingwea

Ans: Weaving

It is the process which involves the arrangement of two sets of yarn into fabric.

(d) bisref

Ans: Fibers

Fiber is long and thin, like hair.

14. State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, correct them.

(a) Silk is a plant fibre.

Ans: This statement is false.

Silk is the animal fiber that is obtained from silkworm Bombyx mori. It is soft, shiny & vibrant in colour.

(b) Jute is obtained from the leaves of a plant.

Ans: This statement is false.

Jute is the plant fiber that is obtained from the stem of jute plant Corchorus capsularis.

(c) Weaving is a process of arranging two sets of yarn together.

Ans: This statement is true.

(d) Cotton yarn on burning gives an odour similar to that of a burning paper.

Ans: This statement is true.

This is because both are plant products.

15. The following is an answer given by Boojho to a question asked by his teacher— “Cotton, wool, silk and jute are classified as natural fibres whereas nylon and polyester are classified as synthetic fibres.” Can you tell what question the teacher has asked?

Ans: The question that was asked by the teacher was-: 

To classify the following fibers into natural & synthetic ones-: Cotton, wool, silk jute, nylon, and polyester.

16. Once, Paheli visited a tailor shop and brought home some cuttings of fabric to study their properties. She took two pieces and found that one of the pieces was shrinking when it was burnt with a candle. However the other did not shrink on burning. Can you help her to find out which of the two a cotton fabric was and which silk fabric?

Ans: The silk fiber is made up of proteins, so that silk fiber shrunk while cotton fiber did not.

17. One way of making fabric from yarn is weaving, what is the other?

Ans: The other method to prepare the fabric from yarn is Knitting (the process which involves the manipulation of yarn to create a textile for using many types of garment).

Short Answer Questions

18. Boojho with perfect eyesight was finding it difficult to pass a thread through a needle. What can be the possible reason for this?

Ans: This is because there is a problem with the thread not with eyesight. Thread can be either too thick or split into two.

19. In ancient times stitching was not known. People used to simply drape the fabrics around different parts of their body. Even today a number of unstitched fabrics are used by both men and women. Can you give four such examples of clothes?

Ans: The examples include Dhoti, Saree, Turban & Lungi.

20. Match the articles given in Column I with the articles of Column II

Column I

Column II



Cotton balls




Gunny bags



Column I

Column II



Cotton balls




Gunny bags



Sweater is mainly prepared from wool.

Ginning is the process in which the cotton fibres are separated from the cotton seeds.

Dhoti is made up of cotton.

Gunny bags are made up of jute. They are used for storage purposes.

21. Fill in the blanks to complete the life story of cotton fibre.

My parents' cotton plants were grown in (i) _______soil and (ii) _____climate. The plants

bore fruits called (iii)______. I, the cotton fibre was separated from seeds in the cotton

bolls by the process of (iv) ______. Other cotton fibres and I were made into yarn by the

process of (v)______. The yarn was (vi) _______to give beautiful colours and then (vii)

_______ to get cotton fabric.

Ans: My parents' cotton plants were grown in (i) Black soil and (ii) warm climate. The plants

bore fruits called (iii) Cotton. I, the cotton fibre was separated from seeds in the cotton bolls

by the process of (iv) Ginning. Other cotton fibres and I were made into yarn by the process

of (v) Spinning. The yarn was (vi) Dyed to give beautiful colours and then (vii) woven to get

cotton fabric.

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22. Match the terms given in Column I with the statements given in Column II

Column I

Column II


A single yarn used to make a fabric


Combing of cotton fibres to remove seeds


Yarns are made from these thin strands


These are spun from fibres and then used to make fabrics


Process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric


Process of making yarn from fibers


Column I

Column II


Process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric


A single yarn used to make a fabric


Process of making yarn from fibers


Combing of cotton fibers to remove seeds


Yarns are made from these thin strands


These are spun from fibers and then used to make fabrics

23. Fill in the names of useful items made from jute fibres in Fig. 3.1. One such example is given.

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List of items made up of jute fibers are-:

1. Rope                             5. Mattress

2. Jewellery                      6. Carpet

3. Gunny bags                  7. Home Decor

4. Handbags                    8. Jute dolls

Long Answer Questions

24. A cotton shirt, before it reaches you, completes a long journey. Elaborate this journey starting from cotton bolls.

Ans: The procedure of making cotton shirt is -:

Picking → Ginning → Spinning → Weaving → Sewing

1. Picking: During this process cotton balls are picked up from the plants in the field by hand.

2. Ginning: It is the process in which the cotton fibers are separated from the cotton seeds.

3. Spinning: It is the process that involves the conversion of fiber into yarn.

4. Weaving: It is defined as the process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric.

5. Sewing: During this cotton fiber are stitched into shirts.

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25. Describe the two main processes of making fabric from yarn.

Ans: The two main processes of making fabric from yarn are-:

1. Weaving: In this process the two sets of yarns are woven at a right angle to make fabric. The weaving of fabric is done on looms. The looms can be either hand operated or power operated.

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2. Knitting: In this process the fabrics are made by interlocking loops of single yarn with knitting needles or machines. Socks and many other clothing items are made of knitted fabrics.

Overview of  Class 6 Science - NCERT

Fiber to Fabric is the third chapter of Science as part of the syllabus of Class 6. The chapter revolves around how the fibers evolve to be fabrics and the whole procedure behind it. Students are taught about the entire procedure as well as different ways that are available to do the same. The NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric is a great way to understand this chapter in-depth and prepare for any tests or exams in the near future with ease. 

Students of class 6 can find the NCERT Exemplar for any of the Science chapters very easy to understand and helpful as well. Their studying can truly become interesting if the students can put in some effort to prepare using such study material. There are many types of questions that come in these which reflect the very pattern that can appear in the main exams. Students are encouraged to prepare with these to know how much they actually know and how long of a way they still have to go in terms of their performance. 

Studying has really become simpler in terms of technological advances. The students of any class, including class 6, can now get access to the study material from anywhere by just downloading it from Vedantu and ensuring that they have the right chapters and subjects. Students can access this material anywhere and anytime.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

1. Is the NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric helpful to the students? 

NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric is actually a great asset for the students of class 6. They can not only find all the necessary questions in it but also the solutions, with the help of Vedantu. Students can also gather a good understanding which will help them thoroughly at the time of their tests and exams. These have some of the questions framed in a fun way that makes it very easy to retain all the information. 

2. Is it a good idea to use the Class 6 Science NCERT Exemplar for Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric as a practice?

When we talk about passing the Science exams in class 6, it becomes very important that the students are well versed in their studies. Now as one of the most important chapters, Fibre to Fabric has to be given enough attention if a student wants to pass the questions related to it. So, it is actually a good idea to go for chapter-wise learning for the subject that can enable one to have an understanding of each chapter one by one.  

3. Does the Class 6 Science NCERT Exemplar for Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric contain any objective questions? 

Students can find a variety of questions in a class 6 Exemplar for the third chapter - Fibre to Fabric. It is full of questions from only this particular chapter that can help the students of this class greatly in understanding and reviewing the chapter. Both types of questions can be found. One will come across objective questions as well in these. They can be in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, Fill In The Blanks, and many more.  

4. How can the students of class 6 thoroughly prepare for the various Science chapters?

When it comes to a subject like Science, the students are required to do their best in order to pass their exams. And by best, we mean they must study harder and smarter using a variety of sources. The best way yet is the one where they take up each chapter one by one and ensure they learn it all by heart. In a way of helping them do just that, there are NCERT Exemplars available for class 6 which can help and prepare the students for each and every chapter. 

5. Which platform is the best for downloading study material online?

Vedantu offers a very quick service in terms of letting the students download all the online material they need for the sake of their studies. The platform is one that has a large number of PDFs that one can find as per their syllabus. These are all well-equipped with solutions as well. The students of class 6 can take notes and learn from and try to write just like that to get the scores they require to excel in the subject.