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NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants


Class 7 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants

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Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Science(Biology) Chapter 1 - Nutrition in Plants

Multiple-Choice Questions 

1. Organisms that prepare food for themselves using simple naturally available raw materials are referred to as 

a) Heterotrophs 

b) Autotrophs 

c) Parasites 

d) Saprophytes 

Ans: The correct option is B. Organisms that prepare food for themselves using simple naturally available raw materials are referred to as Autotrophs, for example, green plants. 

2. In the absence of which of the following will photosynthesis not occur in leaves? 

a) Guard cells 

b) Chlorophyll 

c) Vacuole 

d) Space between cells 

Ans: The correct option is B. The green color pigment present in the leaves of plants is known as Chlorophyll. Its main function is to absorb energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy by the process called photosynthesis.

3. Which of the following statements is/are correct? 

i) All green plants can prepare their own food.

ii) Most animals are autotrophs.

iii) Carbon dioxide is not required for photosynthesis.

iv) Oxygen is liberated during photosynthesis.

Choose the correct answer from the options below: 

a) (i) and (iv) 

b) (ii) only 

c) (ii) and (iii) 

d) (i) and (ii) 

Ans: The correct option is A. All green plants prepare their own food by the process called photosynthesis during which carbon dioxide is consumed or used and oxygen is liberated or released.

4. Pitcher plant traps insects because it 

a) Is a heterotroph. 

b) Grows in soils that lack nitrogen. 

c) Does not have chlorophyll. 

d) Has a digestive system like human beings. 

Ans: The correct option is B. Pitcher plants are insectivorous plants,i.e., they trap or eat insects because they grow in soils that are nitrogen-deficient.

5. The term that is used for the mode of nutrition in yeast, mushroom, and bread-mold is 

a) Autotrophic 

b) Insectivorous 

c) Saprophytic 

d) Parasitic 

Ans: The correct option is C. Saprophytic is a type of nutrition in which organisms eat dead and decaying matter and such organisms are called saprophytes, for example, Yeast, mushroom, and bread mold.  

6. When we observe the lower surface of a leaf through a magnifying lens we see numerous small openings. Which of the following is the term given to such openings? 

a) Stomata 

b) Lamina 

c) Midrib 

d) Veins 

Ans: The correct option is A. Stomata are the tiny openings on the lower surface of the leaves and it helps the plant to respire or exchange the gases and also helps to remove excess water through the process called transpiration.  

7. Two organisms are good friends and live together. One provides shelter, water, and nutrients while the other prepares and provides food. Such an association of organisms is termed as 

a) Saprophyte 

b) Parasite 

c) Autotroph 

d) Symbiosis 

Ans: The correct option is D. When two organisms (such as fungus and algae) live together or as friends and help each other to survive, then this association is termed symbiosis. 

8. Which of the following raw materials is available in the air for photosynthesis? 

a) Oxygen 

b) Carbon dioxide 

c) Nitrogen 

d) Hydrogen  

Ans: The correct option is B. Carbon dioxide, water, minerals, and sunlight are the main raw materials used in photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is taken from the air, water, and minerals from the roots and sunlight from the sun. 

Very Short Answer Questions 

9. Potato and ginger are both underground parts that store food. Where is the food prepared in these plants? 

Ans: Leaves are also called “Kitchen of the plant” so food is prepared in the leaves in most of the plants even if the food storing parts are underground as in the case of potato and ginger. 

10. Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll, and a few other raw materials. Add the missing raw materials to the list given below: 

Water, minerals, (a)________, (b)________. 

Ans: (a) Sunlight (b) Carbon dioxide. 

Short Answer Questions 

11. A goat eats away all the leaves of a small plant (balsam). However, in a few days, new leaves could be seen sprouting in the plant again. How did the plant survive without leaves? 

Ans: Plants produce an extra amount of food than required during Photosynthesis and they store that extra prepared food in their storing organs in the form of Starch. So in the absence of leaves when they can not perform Photosynthesis they consume that stored food.

12. Unscramble the following to form terms related to modes of nutrition. 






13. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. But farmers who cultivate pulse crops like green gram, Bengal gram, black gram, etc. do not apply nitrogenous fertilizers during cultivation. Why? 

Ans: These crops are called Leguminous crops. Leguminous crops have nitrogen-fixing bacteria, for example, Rhizobium present in their roots. These nitrogen-fixing bacteria fix the atmospheric nitrogen to be used by the plant.

14. Wheat dough, if left in the open, after a few days, starts to emit a foul smell and becomes unfit for use. Give a reason. 

Ans: When the wheat dough is left uncovered for a few days, the carbohydrates present in the wheat dough cause yeast or fungi to grow or reproduce on them. They break the carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and alcohol by the process called fermentation giving out a foul smell.

15. Sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, water, and minerals are raw materials essential for photosynthesis. Do you know where they are available? 

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate raw materials. 

(a) Available in the plant : _______________. 

Ans:  Chlorophyll

(b) Available in the soil : _______________,________. 

Ans: Water, minerals. 

(c) Available in the air: _______________. 

Ans: Carbon dioxide

(d) Available during day : _______________. 

Ans: Sunlight

16. Observe the diagram given as Figure 1.1 and label the following terms given in the box stomatal opening, guard cell 

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Ans: The answer is

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Long Answer Questions 

17. Match the organisms given in Column I with their mode of nutrition given in Column II.       

Column I                                                             

Column II 

a) Mango tree        

i) Insectivorous plant 

b) Mushroom

ii) Heterotrophy 

c) Pitcher plant  

iii) Autotroph 

d) Cuscuta   

iv) Saprophyte  

e) Elephant    

v) parasitic 


Column I                                                             

Column II 

a) Mango tree        

i) Autotroph 

b) Mushroom

ii) Saprophyte 

c) Pitcher plant  

iii) Insectivorous plant 

d) cuscuta   

iv) parasitic 

e) Elephant    

v) Heterotrophy 

18. Wild animals like tiger, wolf, lion and leopard do not eat plants. Does this mean that they can survive without plants? Can you provide a suitable explanation? 

Ans: Yes, it is true that wild animals like tigers, wolves, lions, and leopards do not eat plants but they eat plant-eating animals like goats, zebras, deer, etc. If there are no plant-eating or herbivorous animals in that case flesh-eating or carnivorous animals will also not survive. So indirectly wild animals depend on plants.

19. Fill in the blanks of the paragraph given below with the words provided in the box. 

Chlorophyll, energy, food, carbon dioxide, water, photosynthesis 

Note: A word can be used more than once. 

Leaves have a green pigment called ______(a)______ which captures ______(b)____ from sunlight. This ____(c)____ is used in the process of _____(d)____ and along with other raw materials like _____(e)____ and _____(f)____ synthesize ______(g)______ . 

Ans: (a) Chlorophyll (b) Energy (c) Energy (d) Photosynthesis (e) Carbon dioxide (f) Water (g) Food. 

20. Spot as many organisms as possible in the puzzle given as Figure 1.2 by encircling them as shown. Write the names on a sheet of paper and categorize them into autotrophs and heterotrophs. Classify the heterotrophs into herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and saprophytes. 


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The total number of organisms is 22 in this puzzle. Some of them are shown in the figure: 

Autotrophs: Mango, Rose, Carrot, Tulsi, Banyan, Bhindi, yam, Ginger. Heterotrophs: Ant, Elephant, Tiger, Yeast, Fox, Mushroom, Mice, Crow, Owl, Cow, Fish, Rabbit, Bee. 

Classification of the heterotrophs,

Herbivores: Rabbit, Bee, Elephant, Cow. 

Carnivores: Fox, Tiger. 

Omnivores: Mice, Ant, Crow, Owl, Fish. 

Saprophytes: Yeast, Mushroom. 

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21. Can you give me a name? Solve each of the following riddles by writing the name of the organism and its mode of nutrition. One riddle is solved to help you. 

(a) I am tall but I cannot move. I am green and can prepare my own food. tree, autotroph. 

(b) I live in water; people keep me in an aquarium and feed me.___ , ____. 

Ans:  Fish, heterotroph

(c) I am small and I can fly. I disturb your sleep, bite you and suck your blood which is my food._____ , ____. 

Ans: Mosquito, parasite

(d) I am white and soft. I grow well in the rainy season. Children pluck me from the ground and admire me. I absorb nutrients from decomposed dead parts of plants and animals in the soil. _____, _______ . 

Ans: Mushroom, saprophyte

Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants - Overview

In the chapter ‘Nutrition in Plants’, students will learn about plants and how they process their food. As we know, plants are capable of making their food whereas humans and other animals cannot. Nutrients for plants are nothing but carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins which are the major essential components of nutrients or food. Plants need the presence of water, minerals, and carbon dioxide for producing nutrients. This process of using food by plants to obtain energy is called Nutrition. This chapter is important to understand the processes that occur in plants that give the major component i.e. oxygen which is crucial for the survival of all living beings.

Students may download the NCERT book which has all the required notes, solved questions, and explanations. This has been made by our subject experts who have expertise in this and have years of experience. All the points have been made so that they can be easy for students to understand, in simple language and according to the importance of the topics. Students can download the free PDF format for this and study from there. This will come in very handy as a reference which can help students with revision and save a huge amount of time. Students may log in to the Vedantu app or website and download the PDF format and start learning. Additionally, students can talk to the Vedantu tutors who are there to help students if there is any doubt or other subject-related discussion needed by the student. This is also free of cost making learning easier.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants

1. What are the types of Nutrition?

There are mainly two modes of Nutrition in Plants namely autotrophic and heterotrophic. We know that plants are also called autotrophs because they make their food. This is done by the pants by the process of photosynthesis. This is called the autotrophic mode of Nutrition and this occurs in all green plants. In heterotrophic Nutrition, organisms take food from other organisms as they cannot create their food. For example, animals and non-green plants (fungi) do not make their own food and are thus called heterotrophs. They are instead the consumers when the plants are producers.

2. What is the site of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis occurs mainly by the absorption of sunlight or solar energy by chlorophyll present on the leaves of the plants. This process carries out the conversion of light energy to chemical energy, splitting the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen separately. This conversion or reduction of carbon dioxide forms carbohydrates (glucose). The process of photosynthesis thus occurs in the leaves of plants due to the presence of chlorophyll which captures the energy of sunlight that is used by the plants to produce food.

3. How do parasites get their food?

The parasites have their mode of Nutrition; they depend on other plants or other organisms for their survival and Nutrition. They undergo many physiological and external changes to adapt to this mode of Nutrition. The parasites depend on ‘hosts’ whose nutrients are taken by the parasite. In parasitic plants, the plant climbs on the host plant and takes their food. In this relationship, the parasite doesn’t benefit the host in any way. Examples of parasitic plants are Cuscuta and Cassytha. In animals, the parasites are either inside the body of the host (endoparasite) or outside (ectoparasite). They are hookworms, tapeworms, and leeches. They can cause disruptions in the host’s body and hinder the proper functioning of the host leading to diseases. 

4. In what way nutrients are replenished in the soil?

Plants take the raw materials from soil and sunlight to synthesize their food. They continuously take nutrients from the soil as a result the number of nutrients in the soil decreases. But it is always restored by the various natural processes that occur in nature. Nutrients can be replenished by adding fertilizers and manures that aren’t harmful to the plants or soil. The carbon cycle also leads all the nutrients back to the soil for plants to reuse to make food. There are leguminous plants like peas, pulses, etc. which also help in the replenishment of soil. In addition, the bacterium Rhizobium takes atmospheric nitrogen and converts them into a soluble form making nutrients available for plants. This type of relationship that occurs between plants and bacteria is called symbiosis. 

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