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NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals


Class 7 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter - 2 Nutrition in Animals solved by expert Science teachers on as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All Chapter - 2 Nutrition in Animals exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Given below from (i) to (iv) are some food items.

i) Boiled and mashed potato,

ii)Glucose solution, 

iii)A slice of bread, and 

iv)Mustard oil

Which of the above will give blue-black color when tested with iodine?

a) (i) and (ii)

b) (i) and (iii)

c) (ii) and (iii)

d) (iii) and (iv)

Ans: The correct option is b. 

The food item containing starch will only give a blue-black color with iodine. As we know Potato and Bread are rich sources of starch so they will definitely give blue-black color upon testing with iodine.

2. Which of the following pairs of teeth differ in structure but are similar in function?

a) Canines and incisors.

b) Molars and premolars.

c) Incisors and molars.

d) Premolars and canines.

Ans: The correct option is b. 

Molars are the largest teeth. They are 12 in number and next to molars are premolars which are 8 in number. But the function of both types of teeth is the same, which is crushing and grinding the food.

3. Read carefully the terms given below. Which of the following set is the correct combination of organs that do not carry out any digestive functions?

a) Oesophagus, Large Intestine, Rectum

b) Buccal cavity, Oesophagus, Rectum

c) Buccal cavity, Oesophagus, Large Intestine

d) Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum

Ans: The correct option is a. 

Oesophagus or food pipe helps in transporting the food from the buccal cavity to the stomach, it does not have any role in food digestion. The Large intestine absorbs only water from undigested food and finally that undigested food is temporarily stored in the rectum. So clearly oesophagus, large intestine, and rectum are not carrying out any digestive functions.

4. The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal because of

a) Force provided by the muscular tongue.

b) The flow of water taken with the food.

c) Gravitational pull.

d) The contraction of muscles in the wall of the food pipe.

Ans: The correct option is d. 

When food goes into the food pipe or Oesophagus, the muscles in its walls start alternate contraction and relaxation hence producing a wave-like movement called peristalsis. These movements are necessary for moving the food downwards in the alimentary canal.

5. The acid present in the stomach

a) Kills the harmful bacteria that may enter along with the food.

b) Protects the stomach lining from harmful substances.

c) Digests starch into simpler sugars.

d) Makes the medium alkaline.

Ans: The correct option is a. 

The acid, i.e., Hydrochloric acid or HCl destroys the harmful bacteria entering with the food inside the Stomach.

6. The finger-like outgrowths of Amoeba helps to ingest food. However, the finger-like outgrowths of human intestine helps to

a) Digest the fatty food substances.

b) Make the food soluble.

c) Absorb the digested food.

d) Absorb the undigested food.

Ans: The correct option is c.

Villi are finger-like outgrowths inside the human intestine. Their important role is to increase surface area for the rapid or fast absorption of digested food.

7. Read the following statements with reference to the villi of the small intestine.

i) They have very thin walls.

ii) They have a network of thin and small blood vessels close to the surface.

iii) They have small pores through which food can easily pass.

iv) They are finger-like projections.

 Identify those statements which enable the villi to absorb digested food.

a) (i), (ii) and (iv)

b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

c) (iii) and (iv)

d) (i) and (iv)

Ans: The correct option is a. 

Villi are finger-like outgrowths inside the human intestine. Their important role is to increase surface area for the rapid or fast absorption of digested food. The walls of villi are very thin, their main function is to transport digested nutrients by diffusion. Villi are directly connected with the network of blood vessels or capillaries. Hence, the circulating blood transports these nutrients from one organ to another.

8. The false feet of Amoeba are used for

a) Movement only.

b) Capture of food only.

c) Capture of food and movement.

d) Exchange of gases only.

Ans: The correct option is c. 

The false feet of Amoeba also known as pseudopodia are fingerlike projections that help to catch food and also in movement.

9. The enzymes present in the saliva convert

a) Fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

b) Starch into simple sugars.

c) Proteins into amino acids.

d) Complex sugars into simple sugars.

Ans: The correct option is b. 

Amylase enzyme is present in the saliva secreted by salivary glands inside the buccal cavity which helps to break the starch into simple sugars.

10. Cud is the name given to the food of ruminants which is

a) Swallowed and undigested.

b) Swallowed and partially digested.

c) Properly chewed and partially digested.

d) Properly chewed and completely digested.

Ans: The correct option is b. 

The swallowed and partially digested food of the ruminants is called Cud.

11. Choose the correct order of terms that describes the process of nutrition in ruminants.

a) Swallowing → partial digestion → chewing of cud → complete digestion

b) Chewing of cud → swallowing → partial digestion → complete digestion

c) Chewing of cud → swallowing → mixing with digestive juices → digestion

d) Swallowing → chewing and mixing → partial digestion → complete digestion

Ans: The correct option is a. 

The process of nutrition in ruminants is Swallowing → partial digestion → chewing of cud → complete digestion.

12. Cellulose-rich food substances are good source of roughage in human beings because

a) Human beings do not have cellulose-digesting enzymes.

b) Cellulose gets absorbed in the human blood and converts into fibres.

c) The cellulose-digesting bacteria convert cellulose into fibres.

d) Cellulose breaks down into smaller components which are egested as roughage.

Ans: The correct option is a.

Human beings do not have cellulose-digesting enzymes.

Very Short Answer Question

13. Name the parts of the alimentary canal where

i) Water gets absorbed from undigested food.

Ans: Large intestine.

ii) Digested food gets absorbed.

Ans: Small Intestine 

iii)Taste of the food is perceived.

Ans: Tongue 

iv)Bile juice is produced.

Ans: Liver 

14. Mark the following statements as True or False. If false, write the correct statements.

a) Tongue is attached to the roof of the mouth cavity at the back.

Ans: False.

The correct statement is, Tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth cavity at the back. 

b) The large intestine is longer and wider than the small intestine of the human alimentary canal.

Ans:  False. 

The correct statement is, the large intestine is shorter and wider than the small intestine of the human alimentary canal.

c) Mucus protects the stomach lining from damage.

Ans: True.

d) All heterotrophs have a similar basic process of nutrition.

Ans: True.

15. Choose the odd one out from each group and give reasons.

i) liver, salivary gland, starch, gall bladder

Ans: Liver, salivary gland and gallbladder are glands. So, starch is an odd one.

ii) stomach, liver, pancreas, salivary gland

Ans: Liver, pancreas, and salivary glands are digestive glands. So, the stomach is an odd one.

iii) tongue, absorption, taste, swallow

Ans: Tongue, taste, and swallow are parts of the mouth. So, absorption is an odd one.

iv) oesophagus, small intestine, large intestine, rectum

Ans: Oesophagus, large intestine, and rectum do not release juices. So, the small intestine is an odd one.

16. You were blindfolded and asked to identify the drinks provided in two different glasses. You could identify drink A as lime juice and B as bitter gourd juice. How could you do it in spite of being blindfolded?

Ans: The tongue has different types of taste buds which help to identify the various types of tastes such as spicy, salty, sweet or bitter, etc.

17. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

a) The alimentary canal stretches from_____to_____.

Ans: mouth, anus.

b) Teeth are rooted in separate_____ in between the____.

Ans: sockets, gums.

c) Digestion of food starts___in and gets completed in__.

Ans: buccal cavity, small intestine.

d) ______is the largest gland in the human body.

Ans: Liver.

18. The following statements describe the five steps in animal nutrition. Read each statement and give one word for each statement. Write the terms that describe each process.

a) Transportation of absorbed food to different parts of the body and their utilization.

Ans: Assimilation.

b) Transport of digested and soluble food from the intestine to blood vessels.

Ans:  Digestion.

c) Breaking of complex food substances into simpler and soluble substances.

Ans:  Egestion.

d) Removal of undigested and unabsorbed solid residues of food from the body.

Ans:  Ingestion.

e) Taking food into the body.

Ans:  Absorption.

Short Answer Questions

19. Match the animals in Column I with their mode of feeding listed in Column II

Column I

Column II


Mode of feeding

a) Housefly  

i) Biting and chewing

b) Cockroach         

ii) Suckling

c) Mosquito        

iii) Sponging

d) Infants        

iv) Sucking


Column I        

Column II


Mode of feeding

a) Housefly  

i) Sponging

b) Cockroach         

ii) Biting and chewing

c) Mosquito        

iii) Sucking

d) Infants        

iv) Suckling


20. Boojho took some grains of boiled rice in test tube „A‟ and Paheli took boiled and chewed rice in test tube „B‟. Both of them poured 1 – 2 drops of iodine solution into the test tube and observed the colour change. What colour change would they have observed? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans:  The boiled rice contains starch which is in test tube A. When 1-2 drops of iodine are added to it, the solution becomes blue-black in color. This indicates the presence of starch in test tube A. On the other hand in the case of chewed rice in test tube B, the starch of rice is converted into sugar on digestion. Thus, the color of iodine will not change.

21. „A‟ got her gall bladder removed surgically as she was diagnosed with stones in her gallbladder. After the surgery, she faced problems in the digestion of certain food items when consumed in bulk. Can you tell which kind of food items would they be and why?

Ans: The liver produces Bile juice that is collected and stored in the gallbladder. The main function of bile juice is to break fat into simpler units. After which it can be easily absorbed. If the gallbladder is removed from the human body then it will be difficult to digest fat.

22. Match the organs in Column I with the words listed in Column II.

Column I

Column II

a) Rectum          

i) Mucous    

b) Gallbladder            

ii) Villi           

c) Stomach          

iii) Taste buds

d) Tongue   

iv) Faeces

e) Small intestine      

v) Bile juice


Column I

Column II

a) Rectum          

i) Faeces  

b) Gallbladder            

ii) Bile juice  

c) Stomach          

iii) Mucous

d) Tongue   

iv) Taste buds

e) Small intestine      

v) Villi


23. Ruminants such as cows and buffaloes swallow their food hurriedly and then sit restfully and chew their food. Can you explain why?

Ans: Cows and buffaloes are also known as ruminants, chew the food hurriedly and swallow it quickly. The swallowed food is brought back from the stomach to the mouth and then chewed again. This is done to complete the digestion of taken food.

24. Boojho and Paheli were eating their food hurriedly so that they could go out and play during recess. Suddenly, Boojho started coughing violently. Think of the reasons why he was coughing and discuss them with your friends.

Ans: The flap-like structure called the epiglottis closes the passage of the windpipe when we swallow the food that is present in our digestive tract. Sometimes when anyone is eating fast, talking, laughing, or doing a similar activity while eating, the epiglottis remains open. Thus, the food may enter the windpipe and coughing helps to clear it.

Long Answer Questions

25. Fill in the blanks using the words listed below.

Water, front, intestinal, salts, pseudopodia, back, vacuole

a) The digestion of all food components is completed by the ____________ juice.

Ans: intestinal juice, secreted inside the small intestine.  

b) Large intestine absorbs ___________ and some __________ from the undigested food.

Ans: water, salts.

c) Tongue is attached at the _____________ to the floor of the mouth cavity and is free at the _____________.

Ans: back, front.

d) Amoeba pushes out _____________ around the food and traps it in a food _____________.

Ans:  pseudopodia ( false feet) ,vacuole.

26. Label the below given Figure 2.1 as directed below in (i) to (iv) and give the name of each type of teeth.

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i) The cutting and biting teeth as ‘A’

ii) The piercing and tearing teeth as ‘B’

iii) The grinding and chewing teeth as ‘C’

iv) The grinding teeth present only in adult as ‘D’

Ans: i) Incisors (A): The cutting and biting teeth.

ii) Canines (B): The piercing and tearing teeth.

iii) Premolars (c): The grinding and chewing teeth.

iv) Molars (D): The grinding teeth present only in adults.

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27. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows it.

Bile juice is stored in a sac called, gall bladder, located near its organ of secretion, liver. The gall bladder releases the bile juice into the small intestine whenever food reaches there. Though bile juice is devoid of any digestive enzymes, it is required for the digestion of fats. The fats cannot be digested easily because they are insoluble in water and are present as large globules. Bile juice breaks down big fat droplets into smaller droplets. These are then easily digested by the enzymes released from the pancreas.

a) Which organ secretes the bile juice?

Ans: Liver secretes Bile juice.

b) Why is digestion of fats difficult as compared to that of other nutrients?

Ans:  Because fats are insoluble in water.

c) How does bile juice help in the digestion of fat?

Ans: By breaking down large fat droplets into small droplets.

d) Where is the digestion of fat completed?

Ans: The digestion of fat is completed in the small intestine.

e) Does bile juice digest fat completely?

Ans: No, bile juice does not digest fat completely.

28. Label the following parts in given figure 2.2 and name them:

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a) The largest gland in our body.

Ans:  Liver.

b) The organ where protein digestion starts.

Ans: Stomach.

c) The organ that releases digestive juice into the small intestine.

Ans:  Pancreas.

d) The organ where bile juice gets stored.

Ans: Gall bladder.

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29. Open your mouth, look into a mirror and try to count the different types of teeth in your mouth. Compare them with Figure 2.3 on page 13 of your NCERT textbook. Record your observations in the table below: Type of teeth Number of teeth In my mouth In the figure Incisors Canines Premolar Molar Fig 2.2

a) Did you observe any difference in the number of teeth? If yes, could you identify which type of teeth showed the difference?

Ans: There are 28 teeth and 4 molars in each jaw of the children. On the other hand, there are 32 teeth and 6 molars in each jaw in adults. 

b) Compare the number and type of teeth in an adult (say your parents or cousins who have reached the age of 25– 30 or more). Note your observation.  

Type of teeth

Number of teeth

In my mouth

In the figure






Type of teeth

Number of teeth

In my mouth

In the figure













30. Solve the crossword given as Figure 2.3.

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1. Cream-colored digestive gland.

3. Undigested excretory solid residues.

4. Organ that mixes saliva with the food.

5. Point of defecation.

7. Stored in the gall bladder.

10. Finger-like outgrowth in the small intestine.

13. Kind of taste buds.

14. Kills bacteria in the stomach.


2. Feeds with the help of pseudopodia

6. The total number of molars in one jaw of an adult

8. Largest gland

9. Watery secretion in the mouth

11. A ruminant

12. Form of food chewed by ruminants

Ans: The answer is

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Chapter 2 Animal Nutrition: NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7

Every subject in Class 7 has new concepts. Consequently, a thorough understanding of the fundamentals is required. Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Class 7 is intended to bridge the conceptual and clarity gap. It is planned in such a way that they suit the needs of the question while also sparking the student's interest in learning more about the subject matter.

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Vedantu has made certain that all of the Exemplar Science Solutions for Class 7 are available to students for download. This can assist students in resolving any questions they have about the chapter. 

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Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Class 7 are designed to save students valuable time, and it is in this attempt that they have left no stone unturned in providing every potential question. Not only has the back question been answered, but also the practical-based inquiries have all been addressed as well.

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The 7th grade is an important developmental stage. Students who want to earn high grades in Class 7 must thoroughly study all the chapters and understand the fundamental ideas. They should devote equal amounts of time to each topic and take notes whenever possible to aid in the revision process.

You should complete the practice papers to determine your degree of preparedness for the exam. Make significant revisions and you will be well-prepared to answer all of the exam questions.

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Yes, students can access the NCERT Solutions for both English and Hindi mediums on Vedantu's website. 

The answers to all of the questions, as well as the explanations, are supplied in Hindi to make them easier to grasp. 

Despite the fact that Hindi is a language that is used on a daily basis, many students stumble when writing or reading in it. In order for students to understand the topics, the solutions make use of simplified language. 

The solutions ensure to include the key terms so that it doesn’t get overlooked when writing your responses.

4. What are the sub-topics covered in Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals?

Animals need food for many reasons and Class 7 science includes it all.

The sub-topics covered in Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals include:

  • Various Food Consumption Methods

  • Human Digestion 

  • The Digestive System of Gross Eating Animals

  • In the case of Amoeba, the system of feeding and digestion

Students can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 for any quick references they may require in order to comprehend these and other difficult concepts.

5. Why is it necessary to refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science?

Students want strong scores and straightforward chapter explanations. So it's critical that Class 7 students can read simple content.

Check out NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science to better comprehend what you're learning in Class 7.

NCERT questions are often asked in the annual exams at school. So, if you've done them thoroughly, you can easily answer the questions on the test.

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