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NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Reproduction in Plants


Class 7 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 12 Reproduction in Plants

Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Chapter - 12 Reproduction in Plants solved by expert Science teachers on as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All Chapter - 12 Reproduction in Plants exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Science(Biology) Chapter 12 - Reproduction in Plants

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following parts of a plant take part in sexual reproduction?

(i) Flower

(ii) Seed

(iii) Fruit

(iv) Branch

Choose the correct answer from below.

(a) (i) and (ii) 

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) (iii) and (iv) 

(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Ans: (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

2. Lila observed that a pond with clear water was covered up with a green algae within a week. By which method of reproduction did the algae spread so rapidly?

(a) Budding

(b) Sexual reproduction

(c) Fragmentation

(d) Pollination

Ans: (c) Fragmentation

3. Seeds of drumstick and maple are carried to long distances by wind because they possess

(a) winged seeds

(b) large and hairy seeds

(c) long and ridged fruits

(d) spiny seeds

Ans: (a) winged seeds

4. The ‘eye’ of the potato plant is what

(a) the root is to any plant.

(b) the bud is to a flower.

(c) the bud is to Bryophyllum leaf.

(d) the anther is to stamen.

Ans: (c) the bud is to Bryophyllum leaf.

5. The ovaries of different flowers may contain

(a) only one ovule

(b) many ovules

(c) one to many ovules

(d) only two ovules

Ans: (c) one to many ovules.

6. Which of the following statements is/are true for sexual reproduction in plants?

(i) Plants are obtained from seeds.

(ii) Two plants are always essential.

(iii) Fertilisation can occur only after pollination.

(iv) Only insects are agents of pollination.

Choose from the options given below.

(a) (i) and (iii) 

(b) (i) only

(c) (ii) and (iii) 

(d) (i) and (iv)

Ans: (a) (i) and (iii) 

7. Pollination refers to the

(a) transfer of pollen from anther to ovary.

(b) transfer of male gametes from anther to stigma.

(c) transfer of pollen from anther to stigma.

(d) transfer of pollen from anther to ovule.

Ans: (c) transfer of pollen from anther to stigma.

Very Short Answer Questions

8. Fungus, moss, and fern reproduce by a common method of asexual reproduction. Name the method.

Ans: The name of the method is spore formation. 

9. Pick the odd one out from the following on the basis of mode of reproduction and give reason for it.

Sugarcane, Potato, Rice, Rose

Ans: Rice can be reproduced by the process of Sexual Reproduction while Sugarcane, Potato, Rose can be produced by Vegetative Propagation.


10. Boojho had the following parts of a rose plant – a leaf, roots, a branch, a flower, a bud, and pollen grains. Which of them can be used to grow a new rose plant?

Ans: One must utilize the branch to develop a new rose plant. Rose plants multiply by stem cutting, a kind of 'vegetative propagation.'

11. Which type of pollination does Figure 12.1 indicate?

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Ans: The type of pollination is Self-Pollination. Self-pollination is defined as the Pollen transfer from a flower's anther to the stigma of the very same flower.

12. One morning as Paheli strolled in her garden she noticed many small plants which were not there a week ago. She wondered where they had come from as nobody had planted them there. Explain the reason for the growth of these plants.

Ans: The small plants may become larger as a result of seed dispersion. The seed from the tree could fall to the ground and grow into smaller plants.

Short Answer Questions

13. In the diagram given in Figure 12.2 label the parts marked (a), (b), and (c).

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14. When you keep food items like bread and fruits outside for a long time especially during the rainy season, you will observe a cottony growth on them.

(a) What is this growth called?

Ans: The fungus forms mould, which is a type of growth. 

(b) How does the growth take place?

Ans: Fungi grow because spores in the air cause them to grow.

15. Group the seeds given in Figure12.3 (i) to (iii) according to their means of dispersion.

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(a) Seed dispersed by wind

Ans: Seeds of figures (i) and (ii) are scattered by wind.

(b) Seed dispersed by water

Ans: No seeds are distributed by wind.

(c) Seed dispersed by animal

Ans: The seed of figure (iii) is disseminated by wind.

16. Coconut is a large and heavy fruit. How is it adapted for dispersal by water?

Ans: Coconut has a fibrous covering on the outside. As a result, it may float on water. This implies it can float for a long time in water bodies to different sites.

Long Answer Questions

17. In the figure of a flower given in Figure 12.4, label the parts whose functions are given below and give their names.

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(a) The part which contains pollen grains.

Ans: Anther

(b) The part where the female gamete is formed.

Ans: Ovary

(c) The female reproductive part where pollen grains germinate.

Ans: Stigma

(d) The colourful part of the flower which attracts insects.

Ans: Petals

18. Fill in the blanks with correct terms.

The male and female gametes fuse to form a _____(a)______ during the process of _____(b)______. This grows into an _____(c)______ which is enclosed within a seed. After fertilisation the ovules develop into _____(d)______ and the ovary develops into a _____(e)______ .

Ans: (a) zygote, 

(b) fertilisation, 


(d) seed, 

(e) fruit.

19. In the diagram of a bisexual flower given as Figure 12.5, draw the missing part and label the parts marked (a), (b), and (c). Also, label the missing part that you draw.

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                                         Fig. 12.5


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20. Write how the following seeds are dispersed.

(a) Seeds with wings.

Ans: Dispersed by the wind.

(b) Small and light seeds.

Ans: Dispersed by the wind.

(c) Seeds with spines/hooks.

Ans: Dispersed by animals.

About Vedantu

Vedantu’s NCERT Exemplar Science solutions for Class 7 offer many benefits to students who want to top their exams. They can learn and revise about the different topics of the subject right from their homes by going through the chapter-wise solutions and PDFs. Parents and Students can access these solutions from anywhere if they have an internet connection. They can further strengthen their learning experience and practice the activities presented by Vedantu at their own pace.

Besides, this 12th chapter is very important as a base for the science stream in the future, so we at Vedantu have modified perfect study materials to help students understand the concepts of Plant reproduction so they score good marks in their examination.

About the Chapter- Reproduction in Plants

The twelfth chapter “Reproduction in Plants” starts by explaining the process of reproduction. Subsequently, the modes of reproduction are explained; the asexual mode of reproduction is taken into consideration whereas vegetative and asexual reproduction is talked over. Also, the difference between the two modes of reproduction is shown here. To further describe the concept of vegetative propagation, the activity of rose and ginger is used. The diagram of the leaf of Bryophyllum is presented. The chapter also explains the process of budding, fragmentation, and spore formation. The after part deals with the process of sexual reproduction in plants. We understand this better by the diagrams of male and female reproductive parts presented in plants. The term pollination is explained, including self-pollination and cross-pollination. The process of fertilization, fruit and seed formation, and different modes of seed dispersal are described at the end of this chapter.

Through different activities included in the NCERT textbook,  students learn the step-by-step stages of plants and their ways of reproduction.

The solutions that we provide on Vedantu have been designed to uplift every student’s learning abilities. The NCERT Solutions are a part of many other solutions that we offer on our website that are thoughtfully developed to help students make the most out of it.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 Reproduction in Plants

1. What are the benefits of studying NCERT Chapter 12 Class 7 from Vedantu?

Vedantu offers a wide array of ways to make sure that students understand the subject and chapter wisely.  Vedantu helps by providing all NCERT solutions of all chapters carefully framed by skilled teachers. It also provides lectures on different topics of the chapter so that students can remember better through visuals and sounds. We at Vedantu make sure to use different techniques and gather information from all parts of the chapter so that a student can score their goal marks.

2. What are the advantages of referring to the NCERT book for Class 7 science?

There are solved examples after all the topics that solidify the idea of a chapter for the students. There are a number of practice exercises in NCERT books that helps the student re-evaluate himself. The books are simple and to follow. NCERT textbooks strictly adhere to the CBSE syllabus. Every NCERT book has a chapter summary in the end that helps during revision.  NCERT books are written in a very simple language which helps students of all intellectual levels understand the chapters more easily.

3. What are the different exercises one gets to learn from NCERT Class 7 book?

NCERT books follow the CBSE question pattern which includes a varied question. Sticking to NCERT books helps you in scoring good marks in future CBSE board examinations as the NCERT question patterns are the same as of is with boards. First of all, it has different activities that students can perform with the help of teachers or parents. The exercise panel consists of Fill in the Blanks, Matching, MCQs, short questions, long questions etc; that prepares a student for any upcoming exams, even future competitive exams too.

4. What is the importance of studying the chapter Reproduction in Plants?

Reproduction is one of the most important features of plants because that is how they produce their progeny and maintain their population. The plant helps to maintain its birth rate and sustain the ecosystem through its reproduction. Reproduction also helps to obtain new variations and adapt to the changing environment with the most desirable characters. The lesson helps you to understand how Flowers of plants have reproductive parts and it helps in the process of reproducing, and you too study the importance of different asexual propagations.

5. What activities are there in NCERT Class 7 Chapter 12 Reproduction in Plants?

The activities included in the NCERT book for Class 7 Chapter 12 shows vegetative propagation through the methods of stem cutting, Sprouting in potatoes and ginger. Sprouting in Bryophyllum leaf plants as well. We can see the formation of budding through yeast cake and yeast powder. All these exercises help the students to understand the process of asexual reproduction in a better way. Also, these activities in NCERT will help you correspond your knowledge of the chapter with the real world.