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NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals


Class 8 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

This page contains the NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Unit 7 document. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). It includes questions that are objective, very short response type, short answer type, and long answer type. In addition, the answers to each question have been supplied. Unit 7 of the NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Grade 8 Science(Biology) Chapter No. 7 - Conservation of Plants and Animals

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Wild buffalo is an endangered species because

(a) Its population is diminishing

(b) It has become extinct

(c) It is found exclusively in a particular area

(d) Its poaching is strictly prohibited

Ans: Wild buffalo’s population is diminishing that’s why these are an endangered species hence the correct option is (a).

2. Which one of the following changes may occur due to desertification?

(a) Decrease in atmospheric temperature.

(b) Increase in water holding capacity of soil.

(c) Increased chances of floods.

(d) Conversion of fertile land into a desert.

Ans: When a fertile land converts into a desert, it is known as desertification which is cutting of trees on mass level hence the correct option is (d).

3. Which one of the following statements is true about a Biosphere Reserve?

(a) It is a protected area where only endemic species live.

(b) It is meant only for the conservation of plants and animals.

(c) It is meant to conserve both, the biodiversity and the culture of that area.

(d) There are no other protected areas within its limits.

Ans: A biosphere reserve help to conserve the cultural as well as the biodiversity around it, hence the correct option is (c).

4. The place meant for conservation of biodiversity in their natural habitat are

(i) Zoological garden

(ii) Botanical garden

(iii) Wildlife sanctuary

(iv) National park

(a) i & ii;

(b) ii & iii;

(c) iii & iv;

(d) i & iv
Ans: National parks and wildlife sanctuaries are the in-situ type of conservation systems of biodiversity. In this, species are kept in their natural habitat; hence the correct option is (c).

5. Which one of the following statements is true about endemic species?

(a) They are found exclusively in a specific habitat.

(b) Endemic species can never become endangered.

(c) They are found only in zoos and botanical gardens.

(d) They are not affected by the destruction of their habitat.
Ans: Plants and animals which are found in a specific area are known as endemic species, hence the correct option is (a).


6. Which of the following feature is correct for a wildlife sanctuary?

(a) It is an artificially created protected area for animals.

(b) It is a protected area for threatened and endangered wild animals.

(c) It is meant for conservation of only plant species.

(d) Capturing and poaching of animals is strictly prohibited here.

Ans: Wildlife sanctuaries are the in-situ type of conservation systems of biodiversity which are artificial areas to protect animals and other species, hence the correct option is (a).

7. Which statement is incorrect about endangered species?

(a) Their number has decreased drastically.

(b) They might become extinct in the near future.

(c) They pose a danger to other animals.

(d) Their natural habitat needs to be protected.

Ans: Endangered species are the species which are about to extinct or very less in number. It’s not necessarily true that they pose a danger other animals, hence the correct option is (c).

8. What do black buck, elephant, python and golden cat together represent in a forest?

(a) Fauna

(b) Flora

(c) Ecosystem

(d) Species
Ans: The animals residing in a particular area are known as fauna, hence the correct option is (a).

9. The Red Data Book keeps a record of all the

(i) Endemic species.

(ii) Extinct species.

(iii) Endangered plants.

(iv) Endangered animals.

(a) i & ii;

(b) ii & iii;

(c) iii & iv;

(d) i & iv

Ans: The Red data book keeps a record of all the endangered species (both animal or plant) hence the correct option is C.

10. Migratory birds fly to far away areas during a particular time of a year. Which of the following conditions present in their habitat during that time are responsible for this behaviour?

(i) Unavailability of food.

(ii) Extreme weather conditions.

(iii) Over-crowding.

(iv) Lack of nesting areas.

(a) ii & iii;

(b) i & ii;

(c) i & iv

(d) ii & iv.

Ans: Moving of animals and birds from one place to another is known as migration. Birds migrate due to natural extreme weather condition and also for nesting their eggs, from one place to other place, hence the correct option is (d).

11. In our country, large patches of forests are being cleared for cultivation of crops. The environmental impact of such a practice will lead to

(a) Soil erosion

(b) Soil conservation

(c) Soil pollution

(d) Soil fertility

Ans: Clearance of large patches of forests for cultivation of crops results in soil erosion which then causes flood and other major problems, hence the correct option is (a).


12. Why is it important to conserve forests?

Ans: Conservation of forest is necessary in multiple ways. These are: 

(i) Forest help in reducing level of carbon dioxide.

(ii) They are lungs of the earth as they produce oxygen.

(iii) They are home to floras and faunas. To protect them, conservation of forests are necessary.

13. Mention any one action that you have undertaken to conserve trees.

Ans: We can conserve tress by actively taking part in afforestation programmes and also spreading awareness to save trees.

14. State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.

(i) There can be a wildlife sanctuary within a biosphere reserve.

(ii) Plants of a particular area are collectively termed as fauna.

(iii) Deforestation leads to an increase in the water holding capacity of the soil.

(iv) Bison is an endemic fauna of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.

Ans- (i) The given statement is true.

(ii) The given statement is false. Plants of any particular habitat are collectively called as flora.

(iii) The given statement is false. Deforestation leads to decrease in water holding capacity which results in soil erosion and floods.

(iv) The given statement is true.

15. Can a forest regenerate naturally in a short period of time?

Ans: If we want to regenerate forest naturally, we will have to leave deforested land undisturbed for some time.

16. Name the first Reserve Forest of India.

Ans: Satpura National Forest is the first Reserve Forest of India.


17. Why are wildlife sanctuaries important for conservation of plants and animals?

Ans: Wildlife sanctuaries are home to many flora and fauna. If we want to conserve them, conserving wildlife sanctuaries is important which would also help to save animals from patching.

18. Why are endemic organisms in greater danger of becoming extinct?

Ans: Endemic organisms are found only in a particular geographical area. They do not have the ability of surviving in any other habitat. A change in their environment may lead to their death so they are always at a high risk of becoming extinct.

19. How are even small animals important in an ecosystem?

Ans: An ecosystem is made up from multiple flora and fauna which helps to form up a food chain in the ecosystem which is an important part of the ecosystem.

20. A new species X is introduced in a forest. How is it likely to affect the local species of that area?

Ans: Any new species may cause multiple problems to the ecosystem they’re kept in such as-

They may prey on species which are already present there which would result in their shortfall.

21. Does soil erosion affect the fertility of soil? How?

Ans: Soil erosion removes the top layer of soil and exposes the rocky layer of the soil which is less fertile in nature.

22. What is the unique feature of the biodiversity found in Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

Ans: The Panchamarhi Biosphere Reserve is similar to the lower Western Ghats and upper Himalayan Range in nature which makes it unique in nature.

23. Mention the aim of Forest (Conservation) Act.

Ans: The Forest Conservation Act was made up to improve the living conditions and standards of people near the forest and to conserve natural resources of the forest.

24. What is biodiversity?

Ans: Species and all the organisms co-existing with their relationship and interrelationship in the nature collectively is called as biodiversity.


25. Is deforestation associated with global warming? Explain.

Ans: Trees take in carbon dioxide from air to prepare food through the process of photosynthesis. This helps in decreasing the quantity of carbon dioxide from environment which is one the major gases resulting in an increase in global warming.

Deforestation will decrease the number of trees leading to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide which is responsible for global warming.

26. How does deforestation lead to frequent floods and droughts?

Ans: Trees help to make water vapours which are responsible for rainfall. Cutting trees would results in decreasing the amount of rainfall leading to an reduction in the level of groundwater so the ponds and lakes would also start drying up which would ultimately, lead to drought.

Deforestation would also result in decreasing the water holding capacity of soil. Roots of trees would dry up once they’re cut and so movement of water from trees into the soil would also slow down. Water from rainfall would accumulate on the surface which will then result in flood.

27. Why should we save paper?

Ans: Papers are made up using natural resources. Trees are one of the most important resources in the paper making industry and so to make papers, cutting down these trees becomes unavoidable therefore reducing the utilization of paper would directly impact the number of trees being cut leading to saving natural resources as well.


When a species goes extinct, it loses its whole genetic legacy. To adapt to environmental changes or changes in genetic legacy, species develop into new species. Over 99 percent of all species that previously existed on Earth, totaling over five billion, are thought to be extinct. According to estimates, there are between 10 and 14 million extant species, of which more than 1.2 million have been researched, and more than 86 percent are still to be identified. This might occur naturally due to climate change or as a result of human activity like overhunting or habitat damage.


Deforestation is removing trees from forests (or other places) on a big scale to facilitate human operations. It's a major environmental problem since it may lead to a loss of biodiversity, harm to natural ecosystems, water cycle disruptions, and soil erosion. Global warming and climate change are also impacted by deforestation.


Other environmental issues that people have dealt with include drought. You may also be aware that droughts are defined as water scarcity in a specific location. It may occur due to a lack of rainfall in that location.


Desertification is creating a desert by eroding vegetation due to severe weather. Desertification of terrains is also caused by human activity such as deforestation and inappropriate irrigation.

Global Warming

The phenomenon of steady increases in temperature near the earth's surface is global warming. The earth's climate pattern has been disrupted due to this alteration. The notion of global warming, on the other hand, is divisive, but scientists have produced evidence to support the fact that the earth's temperature is steadily rising. Various factors contribute to global warming, severe consequences for humans, plants, and animals. These factors might be natural or the result of human activity. It is critical to comprehend the harmful effects of global warming to address the challenges.


An organism's species serves as a classification system and taxonomic rank in biology. In biological categorization, a genus lies below species. Currently, there are 8.7 million species on the planet, but this is only a tiny percentage of everything that has ever existed.


Recycling, in general, is described as the conversion of trash and non-useful materials into new and valuable ones for human use. Recycling is a fantastic and cost-effective method of protecting the environment and preserving energy. Recycling waste items is becoming vital since it aids in the treatment of trash and discarded products and their conversion into usable or new products. Recycling also aids in the control of pollution in the air, land, and water. In today's world, paper is the most extensively used substance. Even with technological advancements, the need for papers and books continues to rise at an unpredictable rate. Paper and its derivatives are produced more than  400 million metric tons per year across the world.

Importance of the Biosphere Reserve 

  • Biosphere reserves protect species, ecosystems, genetic diversity, and landscapes while minimizing the impact on people.

  • Biosphere reserves protect species, ecosystems, genetic diversity, and landscapes while minimizing the impact on people.

  • The biosphere reserves help to rehabilitate ecosystems and habitats that have been harmed.

  • These places provide a wealth of knowledge about repairing, protecting, and growing the environment. The studies show how to reproduce landscapes that have been altered by human activity.

  • Landowners, governmental institutions, farmers, scientists, industry, and conservation groups in these locations may collaborate to find comprehensive land management solutions.

They aid in the preservation of healthy ecosystems by limiting soil erosion, safeguarding water springs, and preserving decomposers to keep soil quality high.


Migration is defined as the movement of giant organisms from one location to another. Migration occurs for a variety of causes. The term migration is most commonly used to describe population migrations away from or back to their origins regularly and periodically. There are numerous forms of migration. Some may last a lifetime and include a single individual's movement. In the case of the Pacific salmon, this is the case. On the other hand, a person may regularly migrate several, to pursue several like many migratory birds and other animals. Animals frequently travel in groups over well-traveled routes or travel in independent groups for breeding purposes.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

1. What are the Benefits of Forests?

Forests help mitigate climate change by absorbing greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and functioning as a carbon sink.

They provide oxygen, food, safe drinking water, and medication.

They are essential players in the water cycle because they contribute water to the atmosphere through transpiration.

Forests operate as floodwater sinks, reducing the devastating impacts of flooding. As a result, deforestation increases the landmass' vulnerability to certain natural disasters.

Forest regions have a dense canopy of trees that provide mechanical support to the soil, which helps to prevent soil erosion.

They also provide raw materials for various commercially essential items such as paper, wood, and cloth.

2. What is a Conversation in the Forest?

Forest conservation is growing additional trees and conserving forested regions for future generations' sustainability. Forests are a valuable natural resource that benefits humanity in various ways. However, due to rising deforestation, it is now more important than ever to protect forests worldwide. Deforestation is the irreversible destruction or loss of forests for new agricultural, livestock, and other uses. Shifting cultivation is destroying forests to make room for more agricultural land. You can get all the conversation details in the forest from revision notes for free.

3. What is the Importance of Wildlife Centuries?

The Importance of Wildlife for Centuries are:  

  • The purpose of wildlife sanctuaries is to safeguard endangered species.

  • Because it is challenging to remove animals from their native habitat regularly, conserving them in their natural habitat is desirable.

  • In wildlife reserves, endangered animals are closely monitored. If they reproduce and multiply while protected, just a few specimens may be retained for breeding in conservation areas for them to survive.

  • In wildlife sanctuaries, biologist activities and studies are authorized to learn more about the creatures that live there.

  • A few sanctuaries take in wounded and abandoned animals, rehabilitate them, and then release them back into the wild.

  • Endangered animals are protected in wildlife sanctuaries from people and predators.

4. What do you Mean by Biosphere Reserve?

Protected places for conserving plants and animals are known as biosphere reserves. It also helps restore the tribals' traditional way of life in the area. They protect the region's biodiversity. In India, the government has created 18 Biosphere Reserves to safeguard vast tracts of the natural environment. These places have buffer zones that are available for commercial use. Flora and fauna, as well as the people who live in these areas, are all protected. The Man and Biosphere Reserve Program identifies Biosphere Reserves to promote sustainable development. In 1971, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched this initiative.

5. What are the Factors Affecting Migration?

The commencement of migration is influenced by a number of variables.

Climate, natural catastrophes, drought, shelter, food scarcity, and other external factors may force animals to move in search of better living circumstances. The migratory impulse in birds is tightly tied to the cycle of reproductive system growth in the spring. Several species of birds migrate over great distances, migrating north in the spring to nest in the warm climate and then returning to their breeding grounds. Bird migration is the natural seasonal movement of birds between breeding and wintering areas, usually south and north along a flyway. Migratory birds travel long distances in pursuit of the ideal environmental conditions and habitats for feeding, nesting, and rearing their young. The scarcity of food and nesting sites is the primary driver of migration.